












“What to do today,” Luhan hums to himself as he steps out of the shower.


It’s already past noon and he had only just finished his shower. It didn’t really matter since he didn’t have a job or anything to do early in the morning. He had worried about Sehun though, wondering if he had food and water. But his fairy was still sleeping when he stepped into the shower.


“Oh! I should get Sehun some new clothes.” Luhan nods to himself and claps his hands together quickly. “That’s what we’ll do today.”


When Luhan walks out of the bathroom, dressed with hair and light make up done, he finds Sehun struggling with the bag of his food. Luhan watches silently for a few seconds, quietly laughing to himself when Sehun kicks the bag and bits of fairy dust shimmy from his wings. Sehun tries lifting the bag and only ends up lifting it about a centimeter off the counter. He tries to tip it over which fails as well and thats when Luhan decides to intervene.


“Here,” he says with a laugh, opening the bag and dumping out the fruits and nuts into Sehun’s bowl. Sehun gives him a gentle smile before picking up a piece of fruit and biting down on it. Luhan bites his lip and puts away the dishes he did before his shower.


Sehun takes his time eating, about half an hour to be exact. Luhan busies himself by vacuuming and wiping down the counters. Every time he peeks over at his fairy, he has another piece of food in his hand or mouth. It’s not that he minded really. He wants Sehun to be properly fed but it seemed like he was dragging out eating a little too much.


“Hey, Sehun?” The fairy looks over at him and stands up, brushing the crumbs off of his body. Luhan walks over to him, leaning down a bit to be at eye level. “Do you maybe want some new clothes?”


Even though fairy clothing was outrageously expensive for what it was, Luhan did feel a bit bad that all Sehun had was some basics and sunglasses. Thankfully it was warm out so he didn’t have to worry about his little fairy freezing to death at night. Of course Sehun wouldn’t get a whole wardrobe, maybe a couple outfits depending on how expensive they were. Once Luhan got a job and some income, he’d be able to purchase Sehun a lot more clothes.


Sehun’s face lights up and his head nods quickly. Luhan laughs and grabs his wallet from the table, shoving it in his back pocket. “Alright lets get going.” He walks to the door, sliding his shoes on and humming quietly to himself as he waits for Sehun to follow. Only Sehun doesn’t follow. He still stands on the counter, arms crossed and eyes staring at Luhan. He blinks and slips his shoes off, stepping back onto the hardwood and walking over to Sehun. “What’s the matter?”


As usual, Sehun doesn’t respond to him. He only looks at him with a pout on his lips and he wiggles his wings a bit. Luhan blinks because he really doesn’t know what his fairy wants. Sehun’s still too shy to talk and Luhan didn’t want to force it out of him if he wasn’t ready to, as frustrating as it was.


“Sehun, you have to tell me what’s wrong,” Luhan sighs out, kneeling down a bit to be eye level with him. “I can’t read your mind, you know.”


Instead of speaking, Sehun decides to show Luhan exactly what he wants. He uncrosses his arms and walks to the edge of the counter. His arms reach out, grabbing onto Luhan’s hair as he steps onto his shoulder. Luhan tries his best to stay still, it proving hard since Sehun’s hands are making his hair tickle against his forehead. Sehun settles himself down on Luhan’s shoulder, hands now gripping at his shirt. Luhan only laughs as he stands up straight as carefully as he can.


“Good now?”


Sehun nods and swings his legs against Luhan’s collarbone.
























The fairy shop is a lot larger than Luhan imagined it to be. He guesses it was probably because not only did they have clothes, but they also had accessories and other doll like things. Luhan can spot fake cars and large beds along with full playgrounds against the back wall. If there wasn’t a big sign indicating that it was for fairies, any person would probably think it was a doll shop.


Luhan feels his wallet empty at the price tags he sees hanging around. A hundred for a suit, fifty for a set of pajamas, and five hundred for a mini computer. He tries not to look mortified when he hears Sehun gasp happily on his shoulder.


“Now Sehun, I don’t really have that much money so let’s try to only get a few things today, okay? We can always come back.” Luhan pushes his bangs out of his face as he laughs nervously, watching as Sehun’s eyes scan around the store. “We can get a few outfits and maybe something else.”


Luhan has no idea if Sehun has taken in any words that he’s said. He only hits on Luhan’s shoulder and tugs on his shirt, pointing towards a wall of shirts. Luhan can tell that Sehun is going to give him some trouble but he can’t help but smile at how eager he is. Sehun hits his hands against his shoulder the whole time he walks over to the wall. Luhan laughs and shakes his head, whispering to Sehun to calm down and that he’s going.


Sehun takes his time picking out shirts. He pulls three off then puts back two, then picks four off and then puts them all back. He doesn’t even bother to look at the price tags either, but Luhan catches them and he cringes. Sehun holds up a black and white striped tee shirt, holding it against his chest before holding it out to Luhan.


“I think it’ll look good,” he says with a nod, body leaning against the wall. “Listen, Sehun, let’s really not go crazy..” Luhan shuts up and forces out a smile when Sehun stomps his foot against the ledge, pout back on his lips. He decides to let his little fairy pick out whatever he wanted.


While Sehun busied himself picking out clothes, Luhan decided to take a look around at the other things. Maybe he can get Sehun a little something extra as a surprise. Even though his wallet would be crying from all the purchases, he wanted to make Sehun happy. He could always bug Baekhyun for money anyways.


If he thought there was an obnoxious amount of clothing, there was an even worse amount of toys and accessories. Everything from diamond necklaces and earrings to perfumes and fake Mercedes cars. Luhan was glad he stepped away alone to look at the more expensive things because who knows what Sehun would have done.


He decides to pick up a small leather bag. It’s a good size for Sehun, at least he thinks so. It fits well in his palm and it’s hard to pick up but he thinks Sehun will like it. When Luhan looks at the price tag he chokes on his spit. “Three hundred dollars?!” He shakes his head and gently sets the bag back in its place. “Lets see if there’s a cheaper one..” And there is. It’s not the exact same and it’s a bit bigger but it’s almost half the price. He decides that other gifts can come after he has a job.


Even though he doesn’t plan on buying anything else, besides the clothing Sehun picks out, he takes a look around the other sections. He makes mental notes of all the things that Sehun would probably like. He takes pictures of the big, modern, bed that looked comfier than his own bed. Luhan gasps and claps his hands when he sees a ball pit in the toy section. It was definitely something that Sehun would love. He snaps a few pictures and types in the brand and name of the ball pit before shoving his phone back in his pocket.


“Excuse me?” Luhan blinks and looks up at the woman peeking out from an aisle. “Is that your fairy out there? He’s been calling your name..”


Luhan bows and jogs out from the aisle, sighing because he should have told Sehun where he was going. He just didn’t want him to follow and request the most expensive things. He grips the plastic bag with Sehun’s new bag tightly in his hand as he searches around to find his fairy. Luhan finds him on a lower ledge near the shoes. His brows are furrowed and he has an arm full of clothing and shoes. Luhan sighs and walks over to him, kneeling down to his level.


Sehun’s eyes light up when he sees his owner. He grips the items tightly in his arms and buries his face against them. Luhan laughs softly, lips curling into a smile. “Hey, it’s okay. Sorry I didn’t tell you where I went. I just wanted to surprise you with this,” Luhan says as he holds up the new goody. Sehun looks up and smiles, wings fluttering faster and covering the ledge with fairy dust.


Luhan carries Sehun in his hand as he makes his way over to the check out. Sehun watches carefully as every piece of his clothing is scanned and put in bigger plastic bags. He snatches a blue button up and a pair of ripped jeans from the woman, holding them against himself. She lets Sehun hide behind a sale stand on the counter and allows him to change into the new clothing. Luhan grabs the designer bag out and sets it by where Sehun is changing after he finishes paying for the things.


“He’s really cute. Did you just get him?” The woman smiles as she hands Luhan the receipt.


“Yeah, couple days ago.”


“I can tell. He’s still shy. My fairy was shy for a good month before she came around.” Luhan scrunches his nose up, hoping that it doesn’t take Sehun that long. He really would like to talk with him and maybe they could even play together. “It’s alright,” she says with a smile, “he seems attached to you already. Looked really worried when he couldn’t find you.”


Luhan feels his cheeks heat up at the comment. He laughs softly and nods, biting at his lip. He blinks and smiles when he sees the bag being pulled by a tiny hand. A few seconds later Sehun comes walking out in his new outfit. Luhan laughs loudly, hand quickly coming up to cover his mouth. Of course, he wasn’t laughing because it looked bad, no, it’s just that Sehun not only had his new outfit on but he also had his sunglasses and his bag. He looked like a small model and Luhan was laughing because it was just too cute.


“Like it?” he asks with a smile. Sehun nods his head quickly and walks over to Luhan. He wraps his arms around Luhan’s wrist, pressing against his skin in a tight hug.


Luhan takes it as a ‘thank you,’ and smiles brightly.





























Instead of going home, Luhan decides to stop by the cafe. Mostly because his stomach is grumbling and he needs something to eat since he missed breakfast. But he also wants to see Baekhyun and maybe bug him for a job. He lets Sehun come along since it would be pointless to go all the way home and then come back to the cafe.


A couple girls squeal and point at Luhan when he stands in line. He knows they’re not really pointing at him but Sehun instead. Sehun presses against Luhan’s neck as they start coming closer. Luhan smiles at them and kindly asks them to back away because Sehun is uncomfortable. Thankfully they leave and Sehun returns to his spot in the middle of Luhan’s shoulder.


“Hey! You brought Sehun with you today,” Baekhyun says as Luhan steps up to the register.


“Yeah, we went out shopping, if you can’t tell.” Luhan tilts his head to Sehun and wiggles the bag hanging on his own arm. “My wallet hates me.”


Baekhyun rolls his eyes and taps his finger against the register screen. “I told you fairies were expensive. I’m going on break after I do your order, tell me about it? Uh,” Baekhyun laughs quietly and tilts his head, looking at Sehun who is looking around with wide eyes. “anything for him?”


Luhan bites his lip and narrows his eyes at the menu. He’s not exactly sure what Sehun likes, other than dried fruits and nuts, but he’d feel bad getting food for himself and nothing for him. “Uh, I guess a parfait? And the smallest chocolate bubble tea you have.”


“Got it. It’s gonna be fifteen today with his stuff.”


With no cash left, Luhan pulls out his card and hands it to Baekhyun, cringing as he swipes it. “I’ll bring your stuff out to you, okay?”


Luhan picks a table by the window so Sehun can lay in the sun like he enjoys. The fairy does just that, laying on his back and letting his arms fold behind his head as he soaks in the sun. Luhan smiles and pulls the shopping bag on his lap to search through all the clothing that Sehun had picked out for himself.


Most of it was formal clothing. Lots of button ups and trousers. There were a few pairs of regular loose looking shirts and some cloth shorts every now and then. Luhan blushes when he sees a pair of pink pajamas at the bottom of the bag along with some bunny slippers. For being so young, Sehun sure has a sense of style.


Baekhyun comes over a few minutes later, arms full of food and drinks. Luhan laughs and helps him set the things down on the table.


“So,” Baekhyun says as he slides into the chair across from Luhan. “How is he today?”


Luhan sighs and looks over at Sehun who looks like he’s fallen asleep. “He’s getting better. Still shy and hasn’t talked to me but at least he isn’t afraid of me anymore.” Luhan picks up his sandwich and takes a bite, smiling at how warm and flavorful it is.


“Yeah he looked pretty cute up on your shoulder like that. Can he not fly?”


“He can.. I think maybe he just didn’t want to,” Luhan laughs, biting at the straw of his drink and letting some liquid come up slowly. “When we were shopping I went off to look for a bag for him and he got really freaked out. Apparently he was calling my name and looked really scared and worried.”


Baekhyun’s eyes widen and he scoops up some of his ice cream, letting his mouth melt it some before pulling the spoon away. “Really? For being so stubborn I wouldn’t think he’d freak out like that.”


Both of them stop talking when Sehun sits up. He pulls his sunglasses off and rubs at his eyes. Luhan sips at his drink slowly and watches his fairy walk over to him. He smiles and takes the lid off of the parfait. “Here, this one’s for you. It’s blueberry.” Luhan slides over the small shot glass sized cup only barely full of bubble tea. “And chocolate tea for you.”


Luhan waits waits a few seconds for Sehun to start eating but he doesn’t move and only stares at the tall parfait cup.


“Maybe he can’t..reach it?”


“No, I think he just doesn’t know how to eat it.”


Sehun nods at Luhan’s words and his brows furrow. Luhan laughs, pushing the plastic spoon out of its wrapper. He scoops up a small bit of yogurt, making sure to get some of the blueberry as well as granola, and holds it up to Sehun. The fairy stares at it for a while before looking back up at Luhan.


“You wouldn’t happen to have any fairy spoons, would you?” Luhan laughs nervously and bites at his lip.


Baekhyun rolls his eyes and stands up. “No but we do have little sample spoons that will probably work.”


He comes back a few seconds later with a considerably smaller spoon. Sehun nods quickly and holds his arms out. Luhan laughs and hands him the spoon, letting him do his own thing why he continues his conversation with Baekhyun.


“Is there any way I could get a job here? I’ve only had Sehun for a few days and he’s already draining my wallet like crazy.”


Baekhyun hums softly as he finishes his ice cream, nodding his head slowly. “I think I could get you a job. Maybe you and Sehun could work together. Get him to bring in some extra customers. Girls are ers for fairies, you know.”


Luhan scrunches his nose up and shakes his head quickly. “He’s not a display, Baekhyun. Besides, I’m sure he’d much rather be at home relaxing or doing whatever else fairies do.”


“Well I’ll talk to my boss. You’ll have to do an application and interview and all that. You don’t get it automatically because I’m your best friend ever.”




Both Baekhyun and Luhan’s eyes widen at the small voice. It’s small but definitely not high pitched or girly. It’s a little deep, maybe even deeper than Luhan’s own voice. Baekhyun and him exchange confused looks before Luhan figures out that the voice is coming from Sehun. Luhan looks over at his fairy and notices that he’s pushing the cup that had bubble tea in it towards him.




Sehun nods and smiles up at Luhan. “Please.”

























Sehun doesn’t talk much on the walk home. He thanks Luhan for buying him his clothes and the new bag. He also apologizes for being so shy. Luhan only shakes his head and smiles because he’s glad that Sehun’s confident enough to speak to him. He’s definitely doing something right.


Luhan gets a small container to put all of Sehun’s things in while his fairy plays around with his ball. He takes his time organizing the clothes accordingly. Shirts in one pile, pants in another, shorts in one, and pajamas in the corner. Who knows if Sehun would even care that Luhan’s spent ten minutes organizing his clothing but Luhan’s certainly happy with the outcome.


After all the cleaning is done and the apartment looks spotless, save for Sehun’s balls that he’s pushing around, Luhan sighs happily and settles down on his bed. It hasn’t been a particularly long day and it’s only five but Luhan feels like he’s been out and about since dawn. Perhaps it’s the stress of spending so much money.


“Hey, Sehun, wanna watch a movie again?”


Luhan leans back against the wall, letting his legs stretch out and his toes wiggle. He hums quietly, noticing that the jingling of the toy balls have stopped. The TV gets and as the picture comes up, Sehun is walking towards him on the bed, wobbling every few steps.


“Let’s see what’s on,” Luhan says as Sehun settles on top of a pillow next to him.


They pick a romantic comedy about a bunch of couples on valentines day. It isn’t exactly Luhan’s favorite genre but Sehun told him he wanted to watch it so he clicked on the channel. Sehun is quiet most of the movie. He laughs every now and then but concentrates on the tv. Luhan smiles and watches the way his feet curl and wiggle against the pillow. He ends up on his stomach halfway through the movie. His wings are making small bits of fairy dust collect on his back and legs and he occasionally turns on his side and lets them all fall on the pillow.


After the movie ends, Sehun sits up and looks at Luhan. “Luhan.”




Sehun slides off the pillow and fixes his clothes before looking back up at his owner. “Is there somewhere I can take a bath?”


Luhan bites at his lip and rubs his forehead, sighing because he was supposed to buy Sehun a little bathtub while he was out today but had forgotten due to the painful number taken out of his card. He thinks about asking Sehun if he could wait until tomorrow but he figures two days without a bath is long enough and it’s not Sehun’s fault.


“Yeah. I can fill the sink up for you? We can get you a tub tomorrow.. I just..kinda forgot today.”


Sehun nods and waddles off the bed then flies down to the container full of his clothing. Luhan watches as he slides off the bed, smiling when Sehun pulls out the pink pajamas he had picked out today.


The sink is in the bathroom and the plug is pushed down. Luhan decides that the sink in the bathroom is probably cleaner considering he only used it to wash his hands, brush his teeth, and rinse soapy wash clothes off in. He dumps a bit of body wash in the water, watching as it bubbles up. He makes sure not to have too many bubbles since Sehun wouldn’t be able to wash them all off properly if there was.


“Sehun, in the bathroom.”


Luhan smiles and makes sure that Sehun is all situated before leaving the bathroom. He didn’t want to bother his fairy or make him feel uncomfortable by being with him while he bathed. Sehun was capable of washing himself and he definitely didn’t need Luhan in there. Of course he left the door cracked just incase anything happened and Sehun needed help.


His stomach starts to rumble a few minutes after setting Sehun’s bath up. Luhan groans and shuffles over to the fridge, opening it and leaning down to peer inside. As usual, there’s almost nothing. He settles for some ramen since he’s definitely not going to order anything out and spend even more money. And Chanyeol has class until nine so his delicious cooking was out of the question. Besides, ramen was always good.


By the time he finishes cooking and sits back on his bed, Sehun comes walking out of the bathroom. He has the washcloth Luhan left balled up in his arms and his body is now covered in cute pink colors that match his wings. Luhan almost chokes on his ramen because Sehun gets cuter and cuter every time he sees him.


“All done?” Sehun smiles and holds the washcloth to Luhan as he hovers over the pillow he was sitting on. “Ah, do you think you could put it back in the bathroom? Just leave it on the mat and it’ll be fine.”


Sehun does as he’s told and Luhan takes the time to slurp up a good amount of his noodles. The broth burns his neck every now and then thanks to how fast he’s slurping the noodles up but he quickly wipes them away with the back of his hand. When Sehun comes back, the only thing that’s left is a small curly noodle and about a spoonful of broth.


“Thank you for adopting me,” Sehun says quietly when he returns to his pillow, legs crossed over top each other.


Luhan blinks and shakes his head, laughing softly at the thank you. “You don’t have to say that. You would have gotten adopted anyways.”


Sehun shakes his head and his lips push down into a pout. “But what if they weren’t as nice to me as you? I’m thanking you because you’re nice and I..really like it here.” The fairy’s cheeks heat up a bit as he looks up at Luhan. “Sorry I was so stubborn. Just wanted to make sure you were going to treat me right.”


Luhan suddenly wishes that Sehun was bigger so he could wrap his arms around him and hug him. He honestly can’t blame his fairy for being nervous. Sehun probably heard horror stories from the fairies at the shops about bad owners. And unfortunately, there were more bad than good. Luhan was sure that he would have reacted the same if he was adopted by a complete stranger. Sehun had nothing to apologize for.


They talk for a few more hours and Luhan learns a lot about Sehun. He likes bubble tea and cookies. His favorite toys are ones with bells and any kind of nice noises. He’s scared of bugs and birds but is okay with cats and dogs. Sehun likes anything fuzzy that he can snuggle into, and he demonstrates by crawling on Luhan’s blanket and curling up in the large bunch that it’s been pushed into.


At eleven is when Sehun starts rubbing his eyes and nodding off. He wishes Luhan a good night and Luhan does the same to him. Luhan waits until the pink light in Sehun’s fairy house is dimmer before nuzzling into his own pillow and letting himself nod off into sleep.




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[faerie] shoulder rides, new clothes, and Sehun's voice is coming up ouo


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Hello author! Just asking when will you update this amazing story? I miss this. I miss Luhan and fairy Sehun! :) and of course, we miss you too! have a nice day author ^^
Chapter 3: For some unknown reasons, I've subsribed to this story before but had only read this now (gosh i should've read this earlier) It has been 2 years since you've updated this story but I won't stop wishing you to update this story until there's "discontinued" in the title bcs who doesn't want fairy sehun and yass more fluff pls
Chapter 3: more more more more more *weeeeeps*
Chapter 3: Oh god!! This is seriously awesomely cute!!!! I was keep squealing when Luhan been entranced by Sehun's overload cuteness!! ♥♥ I seriously loves it! It will be great and appreciated if u can update this amazing story ^^ tbh this is my first time found story about fairies!Sehun but I already fall in love with it XD im just wondering if u will update this or not hehe ^^
Author-nim, when will you update this? This is so cute :3 I need more fairy!sehun. Please, don't abandon this story. Update soon please. Fighting!!
Chapter 3: Thats so cute!!!!!!
frostyk #8
Chapter 3: Woah..... I think I am puking unicorns and.rainbow now... I can.imagine bratty lil cute faerie Sehun and omg... Thr clothes, his behaviours.and.everytging juz scream cute... He sure is a brat tho he is like only 11 inch tall, omg.. This plot is so refreshing.. Cant.wait for more!! Happy New Year!!