Designer Noona


A quick story I've mused up from day dreams.

A famous designer starting over in Korea.
A company looking for a new stylist consultant. 

Continue reading if you're curious of her upcoming adventures in a new place..


Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated :D
I'll try my best to update it a few time each week, but I might be a bit busy with finals until mid-June.
This is my third fanfic, but my first one written here.

Hope you enjoy it!


Crystal found her knack for fashion in high school and finally got her big breakthrough during her first year of college. By the time she graduated, she was being invited to countless fashion shows and recieving invitations left and right to be an exclusive designer for many celebrities. But she kept her client list short, making connections with the right people. Soon enough, she had opened three stores, CrystalRose, in the blink of an eye. San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York would each become her homes for four months at a time. But she quickly became tired of taking care of the business side of things - wanting to get back to what she loved most. She never even had the time to date with her busy schedules. So, on a whim, she decided to hand over the US stores to her business partner, Soori, and move to Korea to casually open the first CrystalRose store in Asia. Soori couldn't say no because expansion into the South Korean market was exactly what she had in mind.

With no client base or connections in Korea, Crystal has to basically start all over.
Will she be as successful as she was in the US?
Can she finally learn to balance work and love? 


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