
Designer Noona

It's been a week since she met with Mr. Hong and now she's finally returning to the company's building. Crystal had arrived early to wander and familiarize herself with the building. She peeked into a practice room and curiously watched as the girl group danced. This is quite catchy, she whispered to herself. 

"Excuse me, are you lost?" a man suddenly asked from behind.

Crystal jumped from the surprise, almost letting out a scream. She turned and came face to face with the most handsome man she had ever seen. How could anyone even look like that.. Finally realizing the question he was asking, she replied, "no, I have a meeting in about 10 minutes and decided to take a look around."

"Ahhh, you're new here. Well, I'm Doojoon, leader of BEAST. It's nice to meet you." He bowed and then extended his hand out.

She shook his hand before introducing herself. However, Mr. Hong interrupted and quickly ushered them both to the meeting room.

In the room, about 30 people were gathered, and suddenly greeted their CEO. Without wasting any time, he began the meeting with introducing Crystal as their new 'Fashions Coordinator'. Meeting was adjourned and she realized that the first group she would be working with was BEAST. Everyone cleared the room except for the 6 members. They each introduced themselves one by one. As they talked, Crystal already had clear designs and ideas for each of them. She was entertained that she could so quickly find inspiration in these new muses of hers.

"Okay. I hope you guys take care of me and I'll make you guys the best designs. Uhm, I know that I recieved your portfolios and everything, but I'd rather take your measurments myself, if that's okay with you guys."

Hyun Seung coolly responded, "Noona, if you want us to take off our clothes or touch us, you just have to ask. There's no need to make an excuse up."

Crystal couldn't help but blush with annoyance. And as she felt her face turning red from the quickly rising anger, she curtly responded, "I'm most definitely younger than you, so don't call me noona. And trust me, you have nothing I'm interested in." The other members just laughed at Hyun Seung getting shot down, which was a response she wasn't exactly expecting. 

She quickly took their measurements and wrote them down in each of their portfolios. She couldn't help but notice Doojoon watch her closely as she measured his body. She took her leave and retreated to the store to take inventory and the call it a day.


Waaaah. Sorry the story is really slow. The story hasn't been completely formed in my mind yet. And I have no idea who the main character should end up with.  I know I don't want it to be with Ki Kwang, Hyun Seung, or Dong Woon because I have "little brother" type roles for them. Siiiighs. So comment with suggestions and your thoughts? (: Thanks for reading so far!

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