
Designer Noona

Today was the day. After 6 months of preparations, CrystalRosekorea was finally ready for its Grand Opening. The location was perfect. The designs were perfect. The layout of the store was perfect. Everything was absolutely how she wanted. With the exterior walls made completely out of glass, the insides were easily viewable. The inside was neat and minimal. Scattered clothing racks contained t-shirts, blouses, dresses, and pants. There were display cases filled with watches, rings, bracelets, and other accessories. And the wall on the right was made to showcase all the shoes that were placed in their own individual cubicles. In the very back were three fitting rooms surrounded by mirrors. The white walls and wooden floors created the perfect setting to compliment her minimalistic designs. 

Nicole, her assistant and only employee, began to usher in the invited guests. Crystal mingled with as many people as she could. Introduced herself, thanked them for coming, and asked if they were enjoying themselves.There were already many interested customers, asking for different sizes and the line for the fitting rooms was growing. This day could not be going any better.

Crystal was then approached by a peculiar man. 
"Hello, my name is Hong Seung Sung. I enjoy your store and designs very much. I was wondering if you would be interested in another job."
Her interest was piqued. "Hello, Mr. Hong. It's lovely to meet you and thank you for your compliments. May I ask what kind of job? I don't have too much time on my hands with the store, designing, and private clients."
"I would like you to become a fashion consultant for my company, Cube Entertainment. It would be flexible hours to fit your schedule. If you're interested, call me anytime and we can talk about the terms in more details." And then he handed her his business card.

The Grand Opening ended perfectly and sales were more than Crystal had expected. After all the guests and Nicole had left, she retreated to her office on the second floor. Remembering the business card in her pocket, she pulled it out and searched up 'Cube Entertainmet' and 'Hong Seung Sung.' Crystal was quickly amused with the idea of designing for kpop groups. She called the very next day to schedule a meeting.

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