
All Of You
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"Sehun? What happened to you?" Yoonhee asked with a surprised look on her face.

"I forgot to bring my umbrella," I answered as I gave her my bag, "I didn't expect that it'll rain this much."

Yoonhee creased her forehead. The face she would always do when she's confused, curious, angry, or anxious. I know her too well. Two years of marriage was enough for me to memorize everything about her.

"I'll heat up the chowder for you," she said as she put down my bag on the couch and made her way to the kitchen, "Do you want coffee?"

"Yeah," I answered. I watched Yoonhee occupy herself with the chowder in the kitchen. Very wife-like. I must admit, her cooking is one of the reasons why I always look forward to coming home from work. I took the towel hanging from the chair beside the kitchen's door amd dried my hair.

"Here," Yoonhee placed a bowl of chowder on the table, "Eat it while it's hot. I'll prepare your bath."

I smiled. Yoonhee quickly went inside the bathroom, adjacent to the kitchen. I took my seat to eat the chowder she made for me.

Yoonhee hasn't changed much since we got married. Well, her cooking got better. But she's still the awkward video game addict I married for the sake of my inheritance. I didn't love her back then, so did she to me. But right now, I guess our relationship is a one-sided love; I love her, but she doesn't feel the same way. Yoonhee is just doing these things because she believes that it's her duty. Enough said.

"By the way, Sehun, Aunt Mishin called a while ago, she'd come over tomorrow morning," Yoonhee said as she went back to the kitchen to prepare my coffee. My mom's coming over? Great. I bet she'd only ask us about why we still don't give her any grandchildren.

"So, you're not going to work tomorrow?" I asked. I looked at her and waited for an answer. I don't want her to go to work. Anymore. But she'd always insist that she's better off working.

"Um," she gulped, "No. I need to clean things around here. I already told Mr. Kim that I'll be absent for tomorrow."

Yoonhee works as a video game developer. And I want her to quit that work since 99% of their workspace is composed of men. I'm possessive like that.

"I thought you already resigned," I said in the most uninterested tone I could make.

Yoonhee looked at me with a guilty look on her face. I averted my eyes as I stood up and went inside the bathroom. I know she already knew that I'm angry at her for not doing her promise. Two months ago, we talked about it; she said she will resign as soon as her new game is released. Two weeks ago, her new horror-adventure game for Xbox was released. But no resignation happened.

As I took a shower, all I can see in my head was her guilty face. She was guilty. Guilty for disappointing me. No, she was not cheating on me. But she lied to me. She lied about her resignation. It's for her own good anyway. These past few weeks, she has been sick. Her health was declining mainly because she works harder than her body could do. I don't want her to be like that. Why can't Yoonhee understand that I'm only thinking of her own good?

I went out of the bathroom. I had my pants on, while the towel hung from my shoulders. Dang, I should've brought out my clothes from my room before taking a bath.

"Yoonhee?" I called out, but she was nowhere to be found. I quickly ran upstairs to our room, and she was there, holding my shirt.

"Ah, Sehun," she forced a smile, "I was about to go downstairs to bring this to you."

I was speechless. The look on her face was sad. Far from the cheery Jang Yoonhee I know. She was guilty, and I was guilty too. I was guilty for making her feel bad, for not explaining myself to her as to why I want her to quit the job she had dreamed of. I slowly walked to approach her.

"Sehun?" she asked, as she took a step back.

I took a step forward. She took a step back.

I don't know what I looked like to make her avoid me.

"Sehun? Are you okay?"


"Sehun, is there any problem?" Y

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AOY (08/06): Am thinking of doing a chaptered sequel. What do you guys think?


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Chapter 1: OMG, I practically died reading this beautiful oneshot. I LOVE IT!! Will there be a sequel? ;3
Chapter 1: omg this is so cutee! my feelss!!
Lovelypandabear #3
Chapter 1: Super cute! This should definitely have a sequel!!
Chapter 1: omoo~ so sweet :) I like it~
blackwonderer #5
Chapter 1: sweet!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww fjsjxjsskjcksks ♡ worthy. Haha. I liked this a lot
baekkie21 #7
Chapter 1: Pleasr continue or do a sequel!!!! 체 발!!! XD
Mai_Pucca #8
Chapter 1: Why did you write it "complete" its too far far far far far far away to being complete, please continue!! <3
Chapter 1: Wow!! Andjwjznnajxbaja soo sweet :) sequel?! :)