An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away, Is It?


You were bored to death. Everyone was busy doing their own fun activities which does not attract your interests at all. You took a tour around the castle and something finally caught your attention. It was in a small empty space training room where Tao is in it. He was doing jumping, flying, hopping as he was today’s generation ninja. Despite of his small eyes, you can see his eyes is full with determination.

“Wooo~!!” You applaused.

“Hey,” he exclaimed, as he is surprised seeing you here.

“Wah, you look so cool,” you praised.

“I am cool, but with this,” he swung his nunchuk,

“I looked cooler,” he continued.

You chuckled. Then, you pull him into your arms and took a grip of his neck tight.

“Wh, wh, what are you going to do?” he stuttered.

“Teach me.” You said.

Then, he escaped and accidentally pushed you until you fell down.

“Ouch!” you exclaimed.

You looked at him in anger.

“You don’t need martial arts to protect yourself. You are already strong with your power.” He explained.

“Eyy, then, if I want to save people, I should expose my power to public, is that what are you trying to say?” you questioned him.

“N, n, no. B, b, but,”

“You lose. Teach me!” you forced him.

“Its.. too hard! How do you expect to learn everything in a blink of an eye?” he tried to stop you from forcing him.

“Well, at least teach me the basics. At least I can do something!” You said.

He sighed.

“Ask for Suho’s hyung permission. I gave up.”

You grinned.

“There’s no need for his permission! I bet he will let me.” You confirmed. You grabbed a long wooden stick and hands it out to him.

“I’m ready!”

Hours passed and you were exhausted.

“I’ve learnt a lot, thanks to you!”

“I,I, I’m glad. That you are a fast learner.” He gasped.

You laughed as he was gasping for air.

“Thank you, again, Tao oppa.” You thanked him while patting his back.

“There you are! Eh, what are you doing here with Tao?” asked Chanyeol who came by.

“Learning something good,” you grinned.

“Pfft. Whatever. Come down.  We’ve found something big!” Chanyeol yelped in excitement.

“Haha, okay. Let’s go, Tao!”

You grabbed Tao’s wrist and dragged him downstairs.

You saw the boys was laughing hysterically but smiling cheerfully.

“What so funny?” you asked.

“Look! She’s here!” Sehun exclaimed.

“Quick! Look, look,look!” said Chen excitedly while pulling you to the center of the couch.

There was a photo album on the table. You scratched your head. The cover of the photo album touched your heart. There were your parents, charming and beautiful, while carrying you, who was crying.

“Me. That’s me, right?” you asked.

“Of course, who else then!” Xiumin laughed.

“You looked so chubby, even though you are just a baby!” Lay exclaimed.

You flip through those pages. The three of you looked so happy. There was a picture of you and your dad sleeping on the bed soundly. There was also a picture where you had your first snack. Then, a tear flow without your consciousness. You was surprised and clumsily wiped it.

“It was a pity that you could not see them in this way. They would be proud of you.” Kris smiled.

“We are sorry that we could not protect them.” Suho apologized.

“You looked cute as well as pretty in this picture,” said Kai while handing out a piece of picture of yours posing in the car.

“ Where did you find this album?” you asked, while wiping your tears.

“In the library, while I was doing some research.” Said Lay.

“Thank you. Thank you very much. I can’t thank you enough.” You thanked them.

“You’re welcome, although it wasn’t me who found the picture,” Baekhyun grinned

Early in the morning, you woke up. You was very energetic and you could not fall asleep anymore. As you get out of the room, you can hear some snores from the boys. You hummed and walked down the stairs and went out of the castle to take some fresh air. You saw some flowers were blooming outside and the fragrance are so nice. A few moments after that, you saw a little girl, carrying a basket heading towards you.

“Hello.” You greeted.

“What are you doing here?” you asked.

“Good morning, pretty sister. I’m selling apples for the school’s charity. Would you like to buy some?”

You put your hands into the pocket and you found a few coins.

“I have only this, how much that I can buy?” you smiled.

“Wow, it’s enough for you to buy everything!” the little girl exclaimed.

“Everything? How can you sell it so cheap?” you caress the little girl’s head.

“It’s not wrong selling something cheap but it’s wrong to sell something in a higher price. Well,an apple a day keeps a doctor away.” She explained.

“There you are.” She gave you the basket and took the coins. She took a gaze at you and you felt something weird. Then the girl ran away.

You went inside the castle and saw both Baekhyun and Chanyeol walking down the stairs while yawning hardly.

“Good morning!” you greeted them.

“Morning, hmm. What’s that?” Chanyeol asked.

“Apples!” you exclaimed.

“ Sounds good.” He ran to the apples and took some and threw it to Baekhyun.

You can hear the sound of him, munching the apple hungrily.

“You piranhas, I am going to make juices out of it!” you exasperated.

“Sweet!” Baekhyun exclaimed.

You let out a sighed and took some apples and slice it down.  Suddenly, something caught your attention. In the basket, there was worms beneath the apples. You screamed. You saw a note,

Good morning, you beauty.

Your goosebumps stood up. You took a look on Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Worried if something might poisoning them.

“Ch, Ch, Chanyeollie-oppa..” you stuttered,

“What happen—“ and he fainted. Followed by Baekhyun.

Your eyes widen. You hurried to them. Shaking their bodies hard but they still didn’t move. You shouted, screamed and yell, but they stay frozen, as if they were dead.

“What so noisy,” complaint Lay who was walking down the stairs, rubbing his eyes.

“L, Lay oppa, H, he, help.” You cried while looking at him.

“.” He mouthed.


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Oh my god!! Poor Chen!! Please update soon!! You're the best^^
Chapter 22: "You showered by glow of the moonlight~~" Hahaha! Sorry, but anytime I found thw word 'moonlight' that line will be out of my lips. XD
Whoa, now Kyungsoo is turned to wolf by the witches. How's the girl? Is she okay? I'm a bit in dazed here. Keke, sorry. Hwaiting admin!
Chapter 19: So sad when Chen and Kyungsoo were talked! They wouldn't die, right? Are you Kyungsoo biased? Because the one who protect the girl is Kyungsoo..
Chapter 19: From the funny ones to the sad...
Well done admin-nie! You did great!
My emotions were a bit disturbed but not enough to make me cry. Anyway, it's a good try!^^ Hwaiting admin-nie!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG...
This is soooooo funny admin-ah!
Wahhh, I won't bring those guys to window-shopping if they turn into girls...hahaha..
Chapter 15: Hahaha! So Chanyeol and Baekhyun transform into a girl? Awesome! And all of them will transform, or just some?
Chapter 14: Sweet moment at the end! Is Taeyang die already?
Chapter 13: This is gonna be very fun! I can't wait what's next, after Taeyang was released? Update soon, please!
Chapter 13: Oooookey, Taeyang is released. Now what? Aiguu..if I can kiss one of them and absorbed their power a bit...*slaps my face*
Hehehe, please ignore my erted mind just now...^^
Anyway, I'll be waiting for you to continue your story..
Hwaiting admin!!
DalzRamli #10
At which part that you didn't understand? I can explain in to you ^^ Sorry for my english :)