Face Off


The boys were done packing. They walked outside and saw those 'divas' were fanning themselves hard.

"Hey, you're Xiumin, right? Give us some of your snowflakes!" Seohyun exaggerated.

"Alright." Xiumin created a nice snowflake coat and wrap it around Seohyun.

He was proud of himself. But, everything changes, when in seconds, the coat melt. And yeah, making Seohyun drenched in cold water.

"Y, you a----hole." She glared at Xiumin while stuttering in cold.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol cannot help but giggled hilariously. They had tried their best on not showing themselves laughing. But it was too hilarious.

"So funny huh?" Taeyeon glared.

But then, Chanyeol and Baekhyun was slapping each other. Both were groaning in pain. Cursing each other.

"STOP! STOP!" Baekhyun cried.

"Please, I'm begging!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

Taeyeona and Tiffany smirked sarcastically. Tiffany moved her eyes to the others.

"Want some?" she asked.

"No thanks." Suho muttered, biting his lips, forcing no laughter to escape.

"So, how's are we moving? I have no wings." Kris bickered, seeing that infront of them are empty. No carriage, cars, van, even bikes.

"A wing, literally." Luhan scoffed.

"My teleportatic powers are still weak. I can only teleport myself to the academy." Kai said.

"Well, you guys are blind aren't you?" Tiffany smirked.

In a blink of an eye, they were in a bullet train. They were standing on the train, a luxurious train, with dishes and drinks served for them.

"Welcome aboard guys! Its TaeTiSeo Express!" Taeyeon applaused.

"WOW." That escapes from their mouth.

"Hey, Kai. Look at that!" exclaimed Sehun, pointing at a room with a set of video games.

"COOL!" Kai high-fived Sehun, grabbing Sehun's hands, dragging him to the room.

"Hey, Yeol. Look. Drums." Lay snickered.

"This call for some melody!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"I'm sleepy." Kris yawned,

"Me too." Tao joined, and both of them went to the beds, letting themselves taking a rest.

"Don't feel too good about this, kids. You don't know what is waiting you at the academy." Seohyun smirked.

"I know." Suho said.

"I don't feel anything good." Luhan blurted.

"Don't worry, hyung. Its a long journey." Baekhyun shouldered Luhan.

Kris woke up from his sleep, and what he saw is a room, and a chandelier above him. And he was lying comfortable, squishy bed. He turned his head to the side, and the is Tao, sleeping soundly.

Where am I?

Kris heard footsteps running outside, only to see Kai appearing from it,

"Hyung, wake up! The Strong Ones want to meet us!" Kai called.

"Hey, Kai." he struggled to wake up.

"Hmm?" Kai peeked from the door.

"Where are we?"

"AT  THE ACADEMY OF COURSE!" Kai exclaimed.

Academy? We are so doomed.

The boys were standing in line.













Everyone was trembling. Although Tao was still exhausted and sleepy, his legs were obviously trembling. Suho was terribly sweating. He knew that he failed leading the group. He pampered them too much. Baekhyun just want this thing to end right away. Sehun and Kai was peeking each other. Chanyeol and Kris were wondering where the girl is.

Then, the 5 councils of Stronger Ones appeared, on their respective podium, and sat on their respective throne.

The Fire Prince.

A cheeky but strict person. He loves joking around, but when you went beyond the limits, you will burn down to ashes.

The Ice Lady.

She looks innocent, but she's different. Do you watch 'Frozen'? Yeah. A bit like that. Try to make her angry, you'll be living in ice, or you'll be the ice.

The Flower Girl.

Her love for flowers are undeniable. But do you know that one flower can turn you into a statue? You don't know right? Thats what she does.

The Knight.

He's a bit like Kyungsoo. But his powers will crush your bones off.


He was one of the witches, but he follow his heart to be on a good side. What he do? He'll control you, just like a servant.

Those are the Stronger Ones, One and only Stronger ones.

"So, you know why are you here?" The Fire Prince arrogantly smirked.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, we are great, but how about you?"

"I don't know why he trust the 12 of you when we can choose the best armor."

"Enough. I'll start."

Kyungsoo, who is still in his petite wolf figure gulped. Chen can feel the electricity was pricking his skin because of fear. Xiumin wished that Tao can pause the time and rewind right now. Lay was trying to control his emotions, not showing his fear too much.

" I am dissapointed that you guys failed your mission."

"Failed? We didn't failed! We just, losing contact with her, while protecting her!" Xiumin defended.

"Quite hard to argue with someone like you."

The Ice Lady was freezing Xiumin off, but however the Ice Lady forgotten something. Xiumin possessed ice too. Xiumin succeed on breaking the ice.

"Oops. You're an Ice too." she smirked.

"Who's a Fire?" The Fire Prince excitedly asked.

Chanyeol, sneakily raises his hands up.

"You don't look like a Fire though. You look weak." he scoffed.

"Lets get serious, will we?"


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Oh my god!! Poor Chen!! Please update soon!! You're the best^^
Chapter 22: "You showered by glow of the moonlight~~" Hahaha! Sorry, but anytime I found thw word 'moonlight' that line will be out of my lips. XD
Whoa, now Kyungsoo is turned to wolf by the witches. How's the girl? Is she okay? I'm a bit in dazed here. Keke, sorry. Hwaiting admin!
Chapter 19: So sad when Chen and Kyungsoo were talked! They wouldn't die, right? Are you Kyungsoo biased? Because the one who protect the girl is Kyungsoo..
Chapter 19: From the funny ones to the sad...
Well done admin-nie! You did great!
My emotions were a bit disturbed but not enough to make me cry. Anyway, it's a good try!^^ Hwaiting admin-nie!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG...
This is soooooo funny admin-ah!
Wahhh, I won't bring those guys to window-shopping if they turn into girls...hahaha..
Chapter 15: Hahaha! So Chanyeol and Baekhyun transform into a girl? Awesome! And all of them will transform, or just some?
Chapter 14: Sweet moment at the end! Is Taeyang die already?
Chapter 13: This is gonna be very fun! I can't wait what's next, after Taeyang was released? Update soon, please!
Chapter 13: Oooookey, Taeyang is released. Now what? Aiguu..if I can kiss one of them and absorbed their power a bit...*slaps my face*
Hehehe, please ignore my erted mind just now...^^
Anyway, I'll be waiting for you to continue your story..
Hwaiting admin!!
DalzRamli #10
At which part that you didn't understand? I can explain in to you ^^ Sorry for my english :)