

Suho was drenched in sweat. He could not find any traces of you. He was exhausted. He fell onto his knees. He let himself lay down on the rough ground. Somehow, something distract him. Instead of you, he saw a black figure beyond the woods.

“Who’s that?” he, exhaustedly asked.

A growling sound came from it. It’s not a human. Definitely not.

“.” He cursed.

It was a wolf. A black but small wolf.  Suho was too exhausted to splash his water towards the little wolf. He trembled hard.

“Kris! Kris! Kris! Chen! Chen!” he mentioned those names as it was a mantra.

The wolf came out the woods and approaches Suho. The sound of the footsteps creeped Suho out. He almost wet his pant when the wolf was only an inch from his face. Suho closed his eyes.

If I’m going to die, please let me die peacefully.”  He silently prayed.

Surprisingly, the wolf laid itself on Suho’s lap, causing Suho left in confusion.

“Excuse me?” he spitted out.

He caresses the petite wolf and suddenly he saw a scar on its leg.

“You are hurt, aren’t you? Who did this?” Suho caringly asked.

The wolf woke up and wave its palm towards Suho. Suho’s eye widen.  The wolf stomped its palm onto the ground causing the tree next to him to fall right infront of his eyes. He , again was left in confusion. The wolf carves something on the bark of the tree.






Suho was in disbelief.

Lay was treating the big mouthed Baekhyun who was laying comfortably  on the comfy flipped chair.

“I wonder how I am sitting weakly on this chair, with a deep gash on my knee.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“Keep your mouth shut.” Lay warned.

“You know, hyung. Actually, I can beat  those witches down. But, you know. I was sleepy at that time. I couldn’t see very well. Surprisingly, I was attracted to those witches and got into myself a big trouble. Those witches are pretty aren’t they, hyung? Don’t try to lie to me that you weren’t aroused by those y witches.” Baekhyun grinned.

Lay sighed. He continues apply the cream onto Baekhyun’s knee.

“ Why don’t you respond to those witches? They tricked me really bad, you know. Hyung, is it possible that-- Are you gay?! ” Baekhyun covered his mouth, acting surprised.

Lay was in his limitations. He grunted.

“I am straight. Understand? And  I am not an idiot like you. Knowing that they are witches but getting seduced by them. Serve you right getting yourself into this, and this.” He angried while pressing the bruises on Baekhyun’s forehead.

“Ouchhh! It hurts, hyung!!” Baekhyun groaned in pain.

“Who asked you to babble a lot?” Lay smirked.

He went to the kitchen and got himself a glass of cold water. Then, Kris dashes in.

“Find anything?” Lay asked.

“Nope. But found some fruits instead.” Said Kris while throwing some apples towards Lay.

“I’m sick of fruits.” Baekhyun pouted.

“Be grateful, kiddo.” Said Kris while smacking Baekhyun’s head and lay himself on the mattress, getting in between Tao and Chanyeol.

“Where’s Suho hyung?” Baekhyun asked.

“In the woods, of course. Where else he could be.” Kris mumbled while giving a sharp glare towards Baekhyun.

“And Chen was back, getting mad, I guess, upstairs.” Murmured Chanyeol, who was yawning on the mattres, right next to Kris.

“Something must happen then.” Kris guessed.

“He must met the girl already, right? Right?” Chanyeol asked Kris.

“How should I know, I just got back here,” Kris snapped Chanyeol’s forehead.

“Stop hitting me!” Chanyeol groaned.

Then, the main front door was open, showing Suho and his little black wolf.

“Omo! You brought a wolf back!” screamed Baekhyun, while squatting on the chair despite that he was in pain.

“Don’t worry, he’s—“

“Hyung, please throw the wolf back in the woods, we are all in a weak state. If one of us was bitten by it, I swear—“ Baekhyun cut Suho off,  then the wolf dashed onto Baekhyun’s chest. Leaning itself, onto Baekhyun.

“The hell—“ he stuttered. He was completely frozen  when the wolf fell asleep on his lap.

“He’s too tired.” Suho said.

“Why you bring back this thing?” Baekhyun whispered, afraid to wake the wolf up.

“Tonight, you will know.” Suho smiled.

“Ugh, how long am I going to stay like this.” Baekhyun mumbled softly.

Chen walked downstairs and saw Suho, filling his stomach with stew. He pulled out a chair next to him and sat down. He buried himself onto the table.

“What happen just now?” Suho asked, while chewing his stew.

“I saw her.” He confessed, making Suho choked.

“You saw who?” he asked, while gulping himself down with a glass of water.

“That girl, of course.”

“Then, where is she?”

“I left her.”

“You!” Suho slapped Chen’s head.

“Ouch! I have to leave her! She was too scared of me! She was trembling so hard that even myself could believe that I am a monster!”

“You kiddo, did she call you a monster?”

“Of course she did! She was crying! How can I face her with this look of mine!” Chen stomped the table.

“Wo, wo, wo. Chill.” Suho rubbed Chen’s back, calming himself down.

“I swear if I met those damn es, I’ll tear their bodies to ashes. I’ll swear!” he grunted, gritting his teeth.

Then, Chen’s eye caught a glimpse of Baekhyun, fell asleep soundly on the chair, with a wolf on his lap.

“Whats that?” Chen asked.

“Your cooking mate.”

“My, what?” Chen raised his eyebrows.

“You’ll find out soon. Want some?” Suho grinned, while offering his stew.

“No, thanks.”

That night, the rest of them assembled on the attic. Waiting for something to happen.

“Tonight, is not the full moon, you know.” Kai mumbled.

“Of course, but if there’s a moonlight you can know the truth.”

They waited and waited. Finally, moonlight shines through the night,

“Here’s the moonlight, now what?” Baekhyun nagged, before the wolf transformed into someone familiar.

“Ky—Kyungsoo!” Baekhyun stammered.

“Hi!” Kyungsoo waved his hands with his heart shaped lips forming a smile.

HELLO THERE! Sorry for this short update! How is this story going? Please do comment and subscribe. It will much appreciated and I will be encouraged to! Thank you^^

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Oh my god!! Poor Chen!! Please update soon!! You're the best^^
Chapter 22: "You showered by glow of the moonlight~~" Hahaha! Sorry, but anytime I found thw word 'moonlight' that line will be out of my lips. XD
Whoa, now Kyungsoo is turned to wolf by the witches. How's the girl? Is she okay? I'm a bit in dazed here. Keke, sorry. Hwaiting admin!
Chapter 19: So sad when Chen and Kyungsoo were talked! They wouldn't die, right? Are you Kyungsoo biased? Because the one who protect the girl is Kyungsoo..
Chapter 19: From the funny ones to the sad...
Well done admin-nie! You did great!
My emotions were a bit disturbed but not enough to make me cry. Anyway, it's a good try!^^ Hwaiting admin-nie!
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG...
This is soooooo funny admin-ah!
Wahhh, I won't bring those guys to window-shopping if they turn into girls...hahaha..
Chapter 15: Hahaha! So Chanyeol and Baekhyun transform into a girl? Awesome! And all of them will transform, or just some?
Chapter 14: Sweet moment at the end! Is Taeyang die already?
Chapter 13: This is gonna be very fun! I can't wait what's next, after Taeyang was released? Update soon, please!
Chapter 13: Oooookey, Taeyang is released. Now what? Aiguu..if I can kiss one of them and absorbed their power a bit...*slaps my face*
Hehehe, please ignore my erted mind just now...^^
Anyway, I'll be waiting for you to continue your story..
Hwaiting admin!!
DalzRamli #10
At which part that you didn't understand? I can explain in to you ^^ Sorry for my english :)