
Graduation Song

“You guys look like .” Was the first thing Baekhyun said when Minseok and Junmyeon enter their living room, clearly tired and stressed because of Kyuhyun’s sudden announcement. Minseok was the one who suffers the most though. The two girls groans at the short-haired girl as they plops themselves on the couch, sitting on Baekhyun’s right and left side much to her dismay. “Ew, gross,” Baekhyun says when she smells one of her friends –or maybe both of her friends, sweaty odor. “you guys reek.” She adds while pinching her nose to block out their horrible smell. The two ignores her, obviously. Too drained to even move or at least move their feet to take a shower because Baekhyun will mostly appreciate that rather than this. Minseok and Junmyeon just sat there, watching Baekhyun’s favorite K-Drama with blank faces while Baekhyun was busy trying –or rather whining, for the two to take a shower. Junmyeon was the first to give in to Baekhyun’s whining. Sighing heavily and muttering an “I’m going. Sheesh.” To Baekhyun before standing up and heads to their shared bathroom. Minseok still sat there, eyes blankly staring at the TV unmoving. Baekhyun cringes. It’s like her in seventh grade all over again. "Unnie?" Baekhyun softly calls. Minseok doesn’t respond though. "Unnieee, answer mee." She didn’t. Baekhyun huffs. Her face turns into a scowl as she folds her arms on her chest and slump down in her seat. "What's with you guys sheesh." The girl mutters.

Junmyeon comes out a few minutes later. She seems less like a zombie like before but that doesn’t change the fact she doesn’t like you-know-what. "Unnie," Junmyeon pats Minseok's shoulder. "You should take a shower. Everything's going to be fine, okay?" Baekhyun looks at Junmyeon questioningly as Junmyeon says that but Minseok stands up, muttering an "I doubt that." before making her way to the bathroom. Junmyeon sits down beside Baekhyun and that's when Baekhyun decides to bombers the other girl with questions. "What's wrong with unnie? Is she sick or something? Did she throw up at school? OH MY GOD IS SHE PREGNANT?!" Baekhyun doesn’t stop talking until Junmyeon put a cushion on top of her face, shutting her voice immediately as Junmyeon let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know why I’m even friends with you." Junmyeon lets go of and Baekhyun is already scooting closer to where Junmyeon sits. "So, is she?" Baekhyun asks.
"Is what?"
Junmyeon smacks her head, earning a painful yelp from Baekhyun. "No, you !" Junmyeon sighs. "So? Then what?? You know, when i looked at her just now, she's like, me in seventh grade all over again y'know?" Baekhyun shudders. "The horror."
Junmyeon hums. "Well, it is like the seventh grade all over again. Except this time, it’s me and unnie who got picked."
"Yeah. Just, listen first okay?"
And Junmyeon starts telling the girl about what happened earlier at school, where Kyuhyun suddenly announced that the two of them are going to perform with other two people and blah blah blah. Baekhyun blinks. "Oh." was the only thing she could say. "Oh my god, unnie must've died inside after that."
"Well, you can see by yourself that she did."
"Yeah." Baekhyun nods. "Wait, Jun. Is unnie still in the bathroom??"
The two of them froze. "Oh, no."


Monday finally comes and Luhan's little sister, Ai, was already banging on Sehun's and Luhan's room. "Gege! Sehun!"
Luhan groans from the upper bunk of their bed, pulling his blanket over his head to block out Ai's annoying high pitched voiced.
"Gegeee! Sehuuun!" Ai's voice is getting louder and at this rate maybe the door would fall over if she keeps banging it like that. "Shut up, Ai!" Sehun grunts and put his pillow over his face. At least call me oppa you stupid brat. "Mamaaa!! They're not waking up!!"
After a few minutes, The two boys eventually goes down to grab some breakfast. "Finally. I thought you boys will never wake up." Mrs. Oh says as she puts their breakfast down. Ai is happily eating her cereal, spilling milk here and there and some of it even went in Sehun's older sister's plate. Hayoung looks at her in disgust. "I'm not that hungry anymore." She says, pushing away her breakfast and goes to her room. "What's up with her?" Luhan asks sleepily at no one honestly. Sehun just shrugs and sits down. 
"Eat up boys!"

Luhan and Sehun takes a shower after that. Respectively, of course. As you can see, Luhan and her sister lives with the Ohs. Their parents had passed away when Ai was just a little baby. The two siblings lived at an orphanage until Luhan was in middle school and fortunately, the Ohs was having a vacation trip to China and they saw Ai playing with Luhan at the local playground. Mr. and Mrs. Oh were fond of Ai. She was a little bundle of joy at that time even though she only had her brother. While Luhan was Sehun's favorite. Even though he never admits it, Mrs. Oh could see that Sehun had a thing with the older boy. A few days later, Luhan and Ai was already a part of the Oh family. 
"Hey Sehun,"
The two of them are walking side by side, heading towards their school as the morning breeze hits their bare faces. "Hm?"
"Do you like someone?"
Sehun stops walking, blinking as he tries to soak in Luhan's sudden question. Luhan stops walking as well, looking back at Sehun questioningly. "Sehun?"
"Could you repeat that hyung?"
"Uh, Sehun?"
"No, not that! The other one."
"Do you like someone?"
Sehun says with a blank face. Eyes looking at Luhan as the older boy blinks. "What?"
"I said no hyung. I'm sorry, i just can’t."
"Sehun what are you--"
"I know it must be hard for you to get out of your closet but no hyung, i cant. I'm straight oka--"
"Wait wait wait, Sehun. What on earth are you saying??!"
Sehun blinks. "You were confessing that you're gay and have a crush on me, right?"
Sehun blinks again. Twice. Thrice. "Oh."
Luhan gives the younger boy a pointed look. “Yeah, Oh.” He sighs as he starts walking again, Sehun right beside him as he talks. "I met this girl a few days ago,"
"Yeah. I didn’t even notice that she's in the same class with me."
"Oblivious prick."
"Shut up, brat. Let me finish."
"So, i was saying, when i tried to talk to her, she was like all shy and embarrassed. She didn’t even dare to look at me in the eye for like five seconds!"
"Maybe it’s because you scared her less."
Luhan ignores Sehun and just keep talking. "She had long brown hair and her cheeks looked so soft and squishy! I can’t see her eyes though. Her bangs were in the way and she keeps hiding herself with it. What a shame."
"Did you ask her name?"
Luhan nods. "Yeah! Her name was Minseok if I’m not mistaken."
Sehun watches his hyung's face as he talks on and on about this 'Minseok'. He seems happy, Sehun thinks. Whoever this Minseok girl is, Sehun is grateful for her making his hyung this happy. Sehun hopes she wouldn’t hurt her as well. "So, when are you going to make a move on her?"
"Oh, i will. Soon baby bro, soon."


Junmyeon couldn’t concentrate at all when school started. She keeps thinking about Minseok and their performance for the graduation event and also the two other people that are going to sing with the two of them. I hope it isn’t a boy, Junmyeon thinks. Junmyeon can get a little... Nervous around male students you see. Despite her confidence on being the school's student president, she still couldn’t over come her fears which relates with males. Her father was more than enough.
The final bell eventually rings and Junmyeon is already walking towards the music room. Minseok was already there when she goes in, pushing some random notes on the piano. "Jun-ah!" Minseok immediately beams as she sees the younger. Junmyeon smiles. Unnie's probably feels super nervous right now, Junmyeon thinks. She sits down beside Minseok, fingers trailing over the piano keys. "Hey unnie, wanna play with me?"
Minseok tilts her head, looking at Junmyeon that is smiling at her. Minseok nods. "Sure!"

"Yah! Sehun where do you think you're going huh??"
Sehun turns around. "Uhh, home? Where else?"
"Music room. Kyuhyun hyung asked us a few days ago remember?"
Sehun groans. He didn’t know why he had volunteered on singing for the graduation event. Oh yeah, he didn’t. Kyuhyun threated him to do it.

"Sing or I’ll tell the Principal that you were the one who broke his car."
" you, hyung."

The two boys walk to the music room. The sound of the piano playing could be heard from afar by Luhan and Sehun. The beautiful melody of the piano suddenly makes Sehun heart thumps. It makes him imagine that an angel had fallen from above and the music is telling him the said angel's story. Sehun wonders who is the one playing this beautiful piece. "Whoa." Luhan says, also amazed by the music. Yeah, whoa indeed. When the two boys walks into the room, the piano becomes clearer and Sehun could finally see who's the one playing the beautiful song. 
"I give up," Minseok says as she slumps in her seat. "you're just too fast, Jun-ah." Junmyeon laughs and pats the elder's shoulder. "Hey, don’t say that. There's still Baekhyun y'know."
"Ugh right. Baekhyun. I swear there's something wrong with those little fingers of hers." Minseok pouts. "You'll get a hang of it eventually, unnie."
The two boys just stood there, watching as the chatted. Luhan was too busy staring at Minseok while Sehun was admiring at the other girl. "O-oh. Uhm, Jun-ah..." Minseok suddenly flushes, ducking her head low as she points at the direction of the door. Junmyeon looks at the older girl questioningly. Minseok never gets nervous if it’s her, Baekhyun or Kyuhyun. She's only like this when there's someone el-- Oh. 
The two boys awkwardly say. "Uhm, were you here the whole time?"
"We just got here."
"Oh. Good."
Junmyeon says coldly, turning her attention back to Minseok immediately. Oh . Boys. "J-Jun-ah..." Minseok whispers, her cheeks were already flush in pink as she fidgets in her seat. "Yeah?"
"Umm, L-luhan."
"The b-boy from the other day..." Junmyeon turns around, checking out the two boys who are wandering around the room.
"You mean the lanky weird looking one?"
Minseok shakes her head. "N-no, the other one..."
The two girls watches the boys chatted, when suddenly Luhan looks at Minseok's direction, throwing her a wide smile before turning back his attention to Sehun. Minseok blushes madly, almost looking away immediately and bangs her head on the piano keys, making a sound that far from pleasant. Junmyeon smirks. An idea suddenly pops in her head.

Sehun watches as Luhan's eyes goes to the girls, throwing one of them a smile before going back to Sehun with his cheeks slightly flushes. "So," Sehun looks back at the two girls. "I assumed the brunette's your little crush then hyung?" Luhan's face immediately flushes, eyes wandering around through the room as he mumbles a "Shut up." Sehun smirks. "I'll take that a yes." he chuckles. "But i must say, don’t you think she's kind of... I don’t know uhh not your type?"
"What do you know about my type of girl?"
"Well, you always prefer big s rather than her size--"
"--and i thought you said you prefer bright rather than shy?"
Luhan huffs. "I change my mind. Minseok's my ideal type now." Luhan says and squints his eyes at the younger. "And don’t you dare touch her. She's mine."
"Wow, hyung. Sure."
"Eum, excuse me."
The two boys immediately turns around. There stand Junmyeon, who looks at them with a blank face. "You two were chosen by Mr. Cho as well am i right?"
The two boys nod. "Yeah, why?" Luhan asks. She's kind of cute up at close. I wonder what class is she in, Sehun thinks. "Nothing. Just um, Oh Sehun right?" now the girl turns her attention to Sehun. The said boy blinks. "Uhh yes?"
"Come with me please," Junmyeon says as she pulls the taller's hand.

"Wha-- wait! Where are we going??"
"We're going to find Mr. Cho. Now shut up." Junmyeon coldly says as she slams the music room door, leaving Minseok and Luhan alone in the room. The two student blinks at the door, they could still hear Junmyeon's and Sehun's voice through the corridor. When their voices finally tones down, the two finally turns their attention to each other. Luhan smiles at Minseok.
"Hey," Luhan says. Minseok is already blushing, her bangs covering her brown orbs and replies the boy hesitantly. "H-hey..." she softly stutters. Luhan walks closer towards the girl, sitting beside her where Junmyeon previously sat. "I didn’t know you sing. Did Kyuhyun hyung threat you in this too?" Luhan laughs to himself. Minseok scoots away slightly from the boy, her fingers playing at the hem of her sweater and her head hangs low. "N-no one does actually..."
Luhan hums, playing the piano keys randomly. "Nervous?"
Minseok nods. "Everyone is. When hyung first said i was picked to sing, i hardly sleep for a few days. Just imagine it made me sick to be honest." Minseok nods her head. She's like that too or maybe even worst. "And Sehun was picked too. Sehun is the other guy that your friend just dragged. He's not the singing type of person and he reeeaally doesn’t like crowds. You know, he had refused to this but you know Mr. Cho, always gets what he wants. You want to know what did he say to Sehun?" Minseok was listening to every word Luhan had said. And when he turns to Minseok to ask a question, Minseok couldnt help but feeling curious. The girl nods and Luhan was far than pleased because she's been listening all this time. People usually ignored Luhan half the way but Minseok didnt. "He said he'll tell the Principal that he's the one who broke his car!" Luhan laughs. Minseok though didnt laugh but Luhan could see the tug of her lips so he was happy that Minseok found this amusing. "Oh, but dont tell anyone that. He didnt mean to do it. It was the funniest accident i've ever saw, i swear. Wanna hear it?"

Minseok smiles. A small smile but it was more than enough for Luhan. The girl nods and Luhan starts his story.



Junmyeon drags Sehun through the hallways. "Hey, wait-- can you stop for just a minute for goodness sakes--" Sehun's rambles suddenly cuts off when Junmyeon suddenly made a stop. Sehun chest hits the girl's back and Sehun immediately backs away from her. Junmyeon turns around and looks up at Sehun. Her face is blank as ever. "God, you talk so much for a guy." Junmyeon says rather mockingly. Don't get the wrong idea. Junmyeon is always like this with the males students. Its just... She cant stand boys and her friendly and sweet self would only make her seem weak infront of the boys side. She doesnt want that. Father was more than enough.Though sometimes, some of the boys were easily pissed off by her attitude but they never complain. She's the president afterall. "What did you say just now?" Sehun says. His face twitches in annoyance as his face slowly turns into a scowl. "You talk too much for a guy."
"Are you saying that i talk like a girl?"
"Pretty much yes."
On second thought, she isn’t that cute as i thought she is.
"Better watch your mouth, brat. That's not how you talk to your sunbae."
Junmyeon raises a brow. "Sunbae? If I’m not mistaken, you're one year younger than me, Oh Sehun. You better watch your attitude, brat."
"Wait, how the hell did you know my name?? Are you my stalker or something?"
"I know everything inside the school. Perks of being school's president."
"President-- Oh, so you're the so called Cold President huh?"
"Maybe. I didn’t know people were making rumors of me."
"And i thought you said you know everything."
"Oh shut up."
"I thought you were taller to be honest."
Junmyeon glares up at the boy. "Oh shut up. Mama's boy should probably fix that lisp you have."
Now it’s Sehun's turn to glare. The two students glares at each other and you can almost feel the burning hatred from afar. "I just met you today and i already hate you."
"Right back at you kiddo."
Sehun sighs. Running his hand through his blonde hair before leaning his back to the metal lockers. "So, i thought you were going to find Mr. Cho?"
"Oh, yeah that. I lied. I just need an excuse to drag you out of the room."
"You mean, you wanted to be alone with me?"
"What? Ew no. I was doing a favor for unnie and your little friend back over there. Luhan was it?"

"You know, you sounded like a creep knowing all our names like that."
"Well no one asked your opinion. No one cares anyways."
"You lil ."
"Language, brat. Language."


Kyuhyun comes in, along with Junmyeon and Sehun. Luhan had stopped talking and Minseok feels a bit disappointed because of that. The five of them ended up sitting on the floor, making a circle on the floor. Junmyeon sits next to Minseok's right side while Luhan sits in her left. Next to Junmyeon, is Sehun with a scowl plastered on his face. “So, i guess you'd already know each other judging how close you look," Kyuhyun says while glancing at the two couples. Minseok and Luhan blushes and looks away immediately. While the other two, glares at each other and scoots further away from each other. Kyuhyun chuckles. "Here how it goes. The four of you are going to sing 3-5 songs at the event. The first song would be you four singing together. The rest of the songs cannot be the four of you. Either it be a duet or trio. Got it?" The four of them nods. "Good. And also, you can pick your own songs to sing. Other people will perform at the event as well so you can have a break later on. I'll have to check up the other performers progress so i can't be always here to watch you guys so, if there's any questions, you should probably ask me now." 
The four of them just sat there, only staring at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun was ready to leave until Sehun raises his hand. "Yes, Sehun?"
"Can i not participate in this?"
"We have a deal, young man."
"Ok. If that's what you want. I'll just be on my way to the Principal-"
"Shut up. Fine i'm still in." Sehun huffs childishly as he folds his arms on his chest.

 Junmyeon rolls her eyes. Brat ."Well that’s it from me. I'll be seeing you guys later on." Kyuhyun stands up, a grin plastered on his face as he waves at the four. "Toodles." and with that, the 28 year old teacher exits the room.
"3-5 songs huh." Luhan says, sprawling out his legs and propping his arms behind. "So... Um, who with who? I mean, Kyuhyun said we have to sing a duet or trio as well." Junmyeon says. "I'm with Luhan hyung that’s for sure--"
"Minseok? Wanna sing with me?" Luhan asks Minseok, ignoring Sehun's "Yahh!!". Minseok blinks. Her cheeks turning pink as she flicks her bangs down. "I-i um.. I don’t k-know?"
"Minseok unnie's with me. She can be with you too though, we do need to perform 5 songs after all. So that means we already have four."
"Yah! You're forgetting about me!" Sehun complains or which in Junmyeon's ears, whining. Junmyeon looks at him blankly. "Oh, sorry. I didn’t notice your presence."
"Well no . You're doing it on purpose."
"Language, brat."
" you, prez."
"Back at you kid."
Minseok watches in amusement as the two fights. A small smile creeps to her face as she watches Junmyeon blank expression. Minseok had known Junmyeon too long to not know that she's actually enjoying this... "Conversation" between her and Sehun. Gotta tell Baek about this.
Minseok jumps slightly in her spot when Luhan's voice suddenly feels a little bit too close much to her comfort. Minseok blushes. "Y-yeah?"
"Let’s work hard for this, 'kay?" Luhan says as he gives the girl a wide smile. Minseok flushes harder. Though she couldn’t hold back the smile she's been trying to hide. A small smile was thrown to Luhan. "Yeah. Sure." Minseok whispers.


A/N : Wrote it on my phone omg i must've been carried away ewe

Uhm, i must apologize for the lack of Baekyeol and Seho in this fic. I swear i will add some more of them in the future.

Unbetaed, unedited. I hope you enjoyed this 3.5k of pile of heh.


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Laulaura #1
Chapter 4: I like this story
fem! Suho and Sehun is too much for me I can't even.............<3
lyra89 #3
Chapter 4: Oh my - what happened to my precious Suho?
Well, Sehun good luck with Suho. I'm sure you're going to get a punch XD
Aww Xiumin is so cute and so does Luhan kekeke~

Can't wait for your update. Gimme more Seho moments, please? XD
flottemo #4
Chapter 4: Luhan and Minseok be pairing tgt yaay and what happened with suho? Did sehun had just hit her with his basketball?
please update soon and make it more longer
flottemo #5
Chapter 3: I wanna see minseok and junmyeon dancing ma boy infront luhan and sehun, I bet luhan will nosebleed lol, luhaaan you're fallin in love really deep to minseokkie huh please update soon
Chapter 3: Luhan falls so deep for minseok. So cute ><
Cant wait to see xiuhan practice together.
Chapter 2: I love baekhyun character here. Bickering couple is my favorite too. And xiuhan mansee!!! And minseok will get a make over for their perform later? I'll wait your next update :)
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the next update :)
booilikeyou #9
Chapter 2: My xiuhan feels! What a great story, can't wait for the next chapter:D I'm so glad I've found another great SeHo author, yaaaay!!^^<3 Update soon, author-nim!
flottemo #10
Chapter 2: silly baek is silly. How could you thought your unnie was pregnant. And Sehun-Junmyeon too, they're so childish. Too old for fight. Just dating you two.
Luhan is a nice guy, he's really sweet to Minseok. I love shy Minseok, and I love this fic. I hope there'll be so many xiuhan seho fluffy fluffy moment xD
Update ASAP please~