Lack of Empathy

Lack of Empathy


The rain poured, crashing everything down below. Trees swayed side to side as the wind blew ferociously. Lightnings flashed and within a few seconds, thunders were heard. It didn't seemed the weather wanted to stop.


In the front rows of many chairs sat a lone man, hands twiddling as he looked down on the ground. A funeral was held right in front of his eyes, but even when it finished it didn't force the man to move from his spot. Instead, he merely listened to the drone of the pastor's voice as he recited God's prayers near the end.


The man sitting thought it was all his fault. All his fault for being foolish. All his fault for being a complete bastard in a relationship.


All his fault that he was the one to blame for his lover's death.




He sat in silence, while the rain continued to pour with no end. His styled hair stuck to his face after the funeral finished and the rain started to fall. His clean, black suit drenched to the very bone. Not that it did matter, at the moment, not giving a as he wallowed in his self-guilt.


When there was something more important than being an arrogant fashionita. He could recall the memories vividly.


Jaejoong what the hell?” His lover screamed.


The man named so turned around in annoyance. He doesn't want to her his lover's complaints, yet again. He already knew what he was going to say: 'Have some manners', 'Try and be more humble', and most of all, 'Can't we spend a little more time together?'. Like they were really spending any time together. Why can't the bastard get it through his thick head?


Again? You have to go to Paris again?” He asked.


Jaejoong let out a sigh he held in, “Yes, Yunho. I have a meeting with one of the fashion designers there. Its really important for me to go, since I could take my part in the fashion show over there.”


His lover sighed frustratedly, and sat back down on the sofa. “I know...but, don't you see? We barely spent any time together!”


Look, Yunho. I'll promise you that I'll come back home. No more than two weeks.” Jaejoong rubbed the bridge of his nose in irritation. He looked at Yunho with a blank face, afraid that he might accidentally reveal his emotions. His lover didn't buy it however.


Two weeks? TWO WEEKS? Are you kidding me Jaejoong!” Yunho roared this time. He stood abruptly to face Jaejoong properly. “Do you know how long I've been putting this off!”


Jaejoong was stunned by Yunho's reaction. But didn't make any effort to move from where he was positioned. He should've realized that he was expecting this sooner or later. His face remained emotionless, as Yunho's own grew redder and redder in anger and enragement.


Five, no-six months. SIX. MONTHS. Of not seeing each other. I've been very, very, patient about this. This...this whole, relationship thing.” He sighed angrily again, meandering around the room to keep himself calm. “And how you must always, always, always, insist on spending time later and that you have a busy schedule to maintain.”


He froze at what he just said. Then, he turned around slowly with the most horrified look Jaejoong had seen.


Are you seeing someone?”


Of course. Jaejoong assumed Yunho might ask this question. He was getting tired of this – tired of listening to his lover's braggings and demands. He might as well break it off by lying.


Yes.” Jaejoong monotonously answered.


Yunho's face contoured into sadness at hearing his answer. Then, seconds later – pure, unadultered, anger, clenching his fists that turned his knuckles pale white.


You...” He growled, taking a couple steps back as to control his anger.


Gae saeki ya (motherf**ker) !” He screamed, and punched Jaejoong right in his face.


After that, Jaejoong didn't really remember what happened next. Most of it was vague – details weren't kept in a clear memory, since he was knocked unconscious from that one-kill hit. Once he woke up though, he never bothered calling him again because he knew that was the moment they broke off. No need for a direct telling, just a punch in the face and its done.


The next day though, he felt the world came crashing down on him.


News reported of a car crash near the studio he was living. He supposed it was insignificant, but when the anchor identified the person to be his now ex-lover, he stopped in place. More details were told as the supposed driver consumed alcohol content at 0.13%, way over the legal limit and enough for a person to have their license suspended for a year. He saw the white blanket covering the blood-seeping body, evidently understanding that Yunho's dead. All because of Jaejoong's lack of consciousness and empathy for him.


The rain still continued to pour, while Jaejoong refused to move from his seat. Maybe he deserved this. Maybe after all this time, fate decided to take away something that was most dear to Jaejoong, even if he often considered it not to be. Maybe he should change for the better, after much grievance and guilt wrecks his body. He hadn't yet told Yunho's family the reason why he died. The exact reason why. He hated the thought of someone loathing him and he hated being too much of a coward to face heavy consequences for his actions. But nonetheless, he had to tell them sooner or later.


Before the feeling grew worse.


He stood up, and walked over to the grave. There, it said 'Jung Yunho, a loving brother and family member whom will be missed by all' and the listed date of birth and death. Only twenty-five years old and already, he suffered nature's worst fate.




Jaejoong went down on his knees, and sat patiently for a few minutes. The heavy rain poured harder, and the winds blew stronger, knocking off a couple chairs from their places. He heard the metals of the chairs clank against one another. There wasn't much time before the storm got worse, and for the first time, he prayed.


He prayed in sadness, in heart, in soul, and in everything else he could think of. He prayed that his love (how ironic) was finally free from his grasp. Free from the restraints and tired faithfulness Yunho kept holding on until his unforeseen death.


As Jaejoong clutched his hands and eyes tight, he didn't realize a chair flew right at him.


He died instantly.  


A/N: I'm sorry for the horrible ending. T_T

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meowmeow98 #1
Chapter 1: Lol. That chair was so scary~ but anyways, this story was amazing ^,^ keep up the good stories, Authornim!
foodiemin #2
Chapter 1: whut..ok..dat chair thing scared me!!
anyways!!wow..good story,authorssi!!
linjiyjys #3
To die by chair...gahhaha!... to be yoo in this story my Joongie!...shouldn't have done my Yunnie that way and yood both be living...oh well...great one shot!
LauzieeLoo #4
I was on the verge of tears for almost the entire thing... until the chair bit. I have no sympathy lmfao XD<br />
THIS WAS AWESOME OMG <3 well done!
awww why? why do I always read so many tragic nowadays well that was a good one-shot ^^
aww, that was sad ):