
Lost in a Galaxy

Star's POV

"Look at me, look at me." Kris kept repeating. He just kept saying the same thing and I didn't mind. Suddenly, he became blurry and his voice began to drown out. What is happening? Where is he going? Or... am I going...

Kris's POV

We arrived at the hospital and Star was once again taken to a room to be taken care of. Everything seemed the same except this time, I didn't try to enter her room because I knew that there was no use in that. So I just sat, again, in the waiting room. There was this terrible emotion that speedily crept over me. I felt like I had a house on top of me, preventing me from breathing correctly. So I just sat there, again, being weighed down. My heart throbbed and made it impossible for me to sleep, so sleeping was off the list of things I could do while waiting. So I just sat, again, alone. My mind couldn't stop going to that moment when I saw Star laying in a pool of blood, crying and starting to leave me. So I just sat, again, afraid, "It was my fault, wasn't it?" I knew it was already, so telling myself that was nothing new. So I just sat there, again, already knowing.

A nurse came up to me, the same nurse from before, and said; "The girl wants you again" I didn't look at her, I hung my head, I felt like a murderer going to meet the family of the victim. I couldn't go, I wouldn't go. So I just sat there, again, feeling guilty and unwanted. The nurse tugged on my shirt saying that I would make the girl sad if I refused to go, "Please! She only wants you!" The nurse continued to try, uselessly, to get me to go.

"Please, let me be. I can't see her, I won't!" I pleaded with her, but I felt like a murderer who has just pleaded guilty. 

The nurse said, "I don't know what happened between you two, but right now you are being pretty selfish!" That's the last thing she said to me before walking away. Selfish? Selfish?! ... Yes, I am pretty selfish, I was selfish to stay with Star without paying "rent" (basically, he means without paying a price and giving back) Not only did I stay in her shelter, I ate the food that she bought, I drank the drinks that she bought, I used the electricity that she paid for, I slept on the bed that she bought, I drank out of the cup that she paid for! I even broke the cup that she paid to get! And the list just goes on and on! I used her! What have I done? What have I done?! I shoved my hands into my pockets in frustration and brushed over a paper in my right pocket. My right hand grasped the paper tightly and took it out once I realized what it was. The paper was the picture of me and my signature. I had taken my pencil from before out of my pocket at Star's apartment so I hurried over to a reception desk and asked for a pen. Once I had it, I began to write quickly, I already knew what I wanted to write.


Star's POV

I had asked the nurse to get Kris, since they had just finished up cleaning my back. After a long wait, the nurse came back without Kris, "I am sorry miss, but he just won't come." She bowed slightly and I just shook my head in response, attempting to tell her that it was alright even though I was frustrated. She bowed again and left. I let out a heartfelt sigh... Why won't he come? Is he mad at me? I got up and out of the bed. My head pounded from yesterday's fall. Just to imagine if I hadn't tucked my head and hit it once more. Ow... My head hurts more just thinking about it. I walked slowly down the hall and luckily spotted my doctor. 

"Excuse me!" I said loudly, waving my hand high above my head to get his attention. He successfully saw me and walked over.

"Yes? What is it? Did you get hurt again?" He asked, concern written all over his face.

"No, I just wondered if you could give me a pain reliever before I go home." He nodded and motioned for me to follow him. I followed him to a small-ish room that was slightly cooled and he handed me a pain reliever and a bottle of water, "Thank you." I bowed and walked out the door as I took the reliever. Man did I have instant relief! I didn't feel 100% but I at least felt 80%! And let me just tell you; it's a huge leap to go from feeling 30% to feeling 80%! This pill really works well! I felt joyful and fast walked down the hall, since you aren't allowed to run, towards the waiting room. I was about to search through the people in the chairs, when somebody tapped me. I turned to see the nurse from before. She handed me something, it was a letter, "What is this for?" I asked, full of curiosity.

"That Kris guy gave it to me and said to have it delivered to you." She smiled warmly.

"Oh! Alright, thanks!" I smiled back as she left. I then turned my attention to the letter in my hand. What could Kris want to tell me through letter that he can't just tell me himself? Feeling more than just curious, I unfolded the card stock letter and a picture fell out. I bent my knees, to make it easier for me to get it without hurting my back, and grabbed it. The picture was of Kris, it was the one that I got signed by him. But there was something different about it; there was more writing.

It read:

Star, I was going to make this more personal, but everything that I wanted to write wouldn't fit on here. So, I just wrote it all on a piece of paper. 

What? Ok.. I looked back at the paper and what I read next made my heart drop.



Leave me your thoughts in the comments please! I love any compliments (as does anyone else) and I also love the feed back. I always have a lot of room to improve! ^-^


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ChoHee2552 #1
Our poor little dear was crying.....!!!!! Nooo. when r u gonna update I have to see what happens... ugh the stress -_-
Chapter 17: Finally u updated..!!!!
Lolzzz that revenge....XD
Update soon
Chapter 16: Yahhhh.....why u hurt kris?? u star's dad..!! Asfdkshsbsj..lolzz
Update soon..?.!!!
Chapter 15: Hahaha.....what will happen??? So curious..!!
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 14: Haha nice plan..!!!
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 13: *crying* :'(
Update soon....
Bruh :/ why you gotta do us like This
Chapter 12: So sad,,,,.:'(
Update soon....!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Oh no..!!!! :(
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 10: Ehhh...lolz kris.!
Update soon