But We're Not So Different

You Must Be Perfect

I had time to think, and the thinking part was over. Now I had to do something. It wasn't easy to accept it, but I did, and all I could do was hope that it was the right way to go.

I watched you as you sat in class and you had the same, bored stare. Your eyes were dead, and you looked so, so tired. I just wanted to go over and hug you, to make all your broken pieces stick back together again. But from the look in your eyes, I could tell that sticking your pieces back together wouldn't work, because most of you was missing.

You just needed someone to fill them back in.

I was too careful to approach you during school so I waited until the day was over, when you would go sit at the park and swing gently on the swings, back and forth until it was dark enough to see the constellations.

I knew so much about you and you didn't even know it.

I came up next to you and sat on the swing quietly. You didn't move at all, you stayed still, with your eyes up at the sky as you daydreamed once again. That's when I saw it.

Your eyes do twinkle when you see something you love.

I knew you felt your best when you were by yourself, when no one was there to critisize or hurt you. That's why you came to the park, to be alone and to just stare at the stars that, to me, was no match for the way your eyes looked when you were at peace with yourself. 

I felt a smile come across my face and that's when I decided to speak.

"I know that you feel like you're a failure...but you're not. Not at all. I think you're amazing and strong. I look up to you because of how hard you try at what you do. I wish I could work as hard as you did."

You only glanced over at me and shrugged. I sighed and I needed to let you know that it wasn't okay to be like this. I told you of how my mother had passed away and how I moved away from my family on my own and lived by myself for a while. I explained how we weren't so different, how I knew the pain that you felt. I knew how it felt to wish that everything was perfect. I looked at you and began to speak from my heart.

"You need to stop being angry. You need to accept that nothing on earth and beyond could ever be perfect."

You were silent for a while. You lifted your head and looked me dead in the eyes, sending chills down my spine and goosebumps across my skin.

"You're wrong." 

Your voice was soft yet raspy, and calming yet rough. I couldn't help but let out a breath.

"How am I wrong?"

".....You're perfect."

I was left in shock, with my mouth slightly open and my eyes wide. I felt my cheeks turn pink upon hearing it from your lips. Your lips.

"...Then...Then why don't you like me? If you think I'm perfect, then aren't we a perfect match? Why can't we just be happy together?"

This was the first time I saw you smile. It was more of a smirk, and it was so tiny to the point where it was barely visible, but saw it.

"Because if you're with me, you won't be perfect anymore."

I looked at you with a confused expression but you had your straight face back on. You said that if you were with me, it'd ruin me. You said you didn't want to spoil me with all of your imperfections. But I was already ruined. I already wanted all of you, I already wanted to love you and I just wanted to be with you. I told you that if we were together, we'd be better than perfect. There was nothing that could change how I felt about you.

That was the first time I ever felt lips so soft.

You think I'm perfect.

But we're not so different.

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 4: Jessi perfect for tiff and vice verca...
Chapter 4: Opposites attract My J.
Chapter 1: I really like your writing style author keke
Fighting :)
Chapter 4: This is such an amazing story!!! I really l0ved it :-D
Chapter 4: This is nice.
Chapter 4: This was simply amazing. *A* MY FEELS ARE GOING ALL OVER THE PLACE. I love your writing style and while I was reading this, I could really tell that It came from your heart. Thank you so much for posting it. <3
Jhelaine #7
I really enjoyed the story author-nim! It's now one of my favorites