Chapter 1

Living with 38 BOYS?

Your POV

i woke up hearing my stupid alram clock beeping. I check what time it is and it was 7:30. And so i got up and got ready wearing my school uniform with my hair tied up in a messy bun.

When i finished, i went down the stairs and made a quick breakfast. i left early and got on my bike and left for Seoul High.

I bet you all wondering "where's your parents?". To be exact i dont have any parents... My mom died giving brith to me... And my father abandond me when i was born.

When i arrived at school, i saw girls yelling "OMO ! there SOO freakin' HOTTT!" "AHHHHHHHH !!" i even some having a nose bleed... ( ̄。 ̄) . Of course i just ignored them and quietly went to my home room class.

I wasnt't a nerd nor' was i popular or what people call "queenkas" ? I was just a regular student.

When i arrived to my class, Mr.Kim was already sitting on his desk. I sat down in the third row near the window. Just then , the bell rang and i see about 38 guys? or more? less? i dont know.... Anyways there was a lot of guys... but then i lowerd my head and read my book. To be honest, i really didnt care anyways.

Mr.Kim stood up and said "These are our new tranfer students, please introduce yourselfs please"

I looked up and widened my eyes. They were PERFECT, and i mean really perfect. Compare to me.... I'm ... Uglier..... щ(ಥДಥщ)

Anyways, the first one said "Ah , yea... im Kris" and then he bowed and all of them introduce themselves.

After there introduction, Mr.Kim placed them to there seats.

Of course i wasn't paying any attention, until Mr.Kim called my name......





To Be Continue


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Chapter 3: I m damn curious >.< plz update soon :)
You should give the oc a nickname so no one can complain about ~~~~.
lilmisssherwin16 #3
Chapter 3: Oh may gawd ! Girl, me person thingy in this fic no one can take xuimin, xuimin is a hawt piece of man for the world to embrace and I've embraced him so there is no taking him! Joking aside author nim it's fabulous and perfect and awwww I wanna read more so pls update soon p.s. no pressure ;)
BangtansFam #4
Chapter 3: D- D- Don't focus on EXO too much.... Although I like them a lot too
Can BTS be the next to be with ~~~~?
Chapter 3: love it so far but author-nim plaese update soon I'm so curious as to what happens next :):):):)
GaLuXi_Xstal #6
The plot, I like it ○^○
Chapter 3: I like the plot. But you should try naming your OC because ~~~~ is kinda annoying, like Song Jinhye or Song Nami or Song Hyeri or anything suitable for your taste. Since I don't know what to call the OC whenever I comment here about her. So yeah, sorry if my comment is a bother ;;u;;

That is because I am not used reading a fic without knowing the OC name ;;-;;
diyanaNM #8
Chapter 3: Keep updaate, cant wait for the next chapter !! <3
marshmellowlove #9
Chapter 3: Thank u soooooo mmmuuuccchhh
seralina #10
Chapter 2: I like it..update soon..