Chapter 17

So Many Guys, Who To Choose?
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The entire passed in a breeze. After their lunch, all of them went for some shopping. Some of the students said that they didn't bring some things, so the teachers brought them out to a shopping mall. It was a free and easy sort of thing, so everyone was given 3 hours to shop on their own. Afterwards, they would have to gather back at the same place.

As usual, Exo and the three girls went together. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Chen made up the head of the group, followed by Luhan, Xiumin and Kris. The next row comprised of Lay, Tao and Suho, followed by Kyungsoo and Kai, and then Eunbyul and Seohyun. Sehun and Sunmi made up the tail of the group. They were all busy talking amongst themselves. After about one hour of walking, everyone decided to split up. Some of them wanted to look at hats, some of them wanted to look at clothes, and some of them wanted to chill at a coffee house. Sehun and Sunmi decided to take this opportunity to walk around. They noticed a bridge to the next shopping mall, so without anyone seeing them, they briskly walked towards the link and into the next shopping mall. They freely held hands.

Your POV

My heart skipped a beat as Sehun held my hand. I could feel a sudden warmth spread across my chest as butterflies started appearing in my tummy. It's funny how he can make me feel like this even though we have been together for close to three months. My cold hands were warmed up by his hands. They were big as compared to my small little hands, and they seemed to fit just perfectly. I looked at our hands and found myself smiling at it like a fool.

Suddenly, I felt a little pat on my head. "What are you thinking about? Hmm?" I looked up, only to find Sehun's face inches away from mine. My eyes unknowingly travelled from his eyes to his nose, and lastly to his lips. I gulped as he gave a little smirk. I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a peck on the lips. I could tell he was a little surprised by my actions, because I usually wasn't one to publicly display my affection. I turned away, embarrassed. I could totally feel my cheeks reddening as I muttered, "You..."

I felt a squeeze on my hand and I turned back, only to be kissed by Sehun. This time, it wasn't a short one. Our lips moved in sync and we finally broke free after tens of seconds. I stared at him through my eyelashes and I swear I saw a tinge of red appear on his cheeks. He gave me a genuine smile and whispered, "Why are you so cute?" He then pinched my nose. I scrunched up my nose because I was embarrassed. "Don't do that. It makes me want to kiss you again." He warned playfully. I blushed and looked away. We then continued our little date at the shopping mall.

"Don't you think it's cute that we wore matching shoes today?" I stared down at our feet, watching them move together. "Yea... It's funny how no one has actually noticed them." Sehun winked. "Exactly. Seems

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angelwishes123 #1
Chapter 19: I know this comment may be too offensive but let meh just say......Seohyun is a bish....MIAN author-nim
I shouldn't say words like that sorry,sorry,sorry *bows 90 degrees*
cherrylotus #2
Chapter 6: Chapter 5: aigoo author nim, please dont troll me lol, im so curious, geumgumhae....... who does she like aigoo love it jjang... hwaiiting
UPDATE UPDATE AGAIN!! I know u did double but still!!! You IDIOT SEHUN!!! Are u shutting your girl out now?! What is wrong with you?!?!?! AHSHSNDKSHS!!!!! Chanyeol kissed her!! What's next?! Soo many feels! And I'm sorry for your loss darling. Hwating authornim! ^-^
Chapter 8: aaaah~ excited for the next update! this is like, close to my love life! So many love triangles and emotions and feels and arrgh! Love is so complicated!! Anyway, I love this! I still don't know who I like more for Sunmi, Chanyeol or Sehun... they both like her. Sehun is a darling, warm and kind... but Chanyeol is playful, cute, and fun. Ottoke?! Update soon ♥♥
Chapter 1: Awwe! Chanyeol is adorable! <3
Chapter 7: Seohyun...please don't...
xxcottoncandy #7
Even the foreword is fun to read^
lisa_ngyn #8
Chapter 5: :OO thanks for mentioning me ^^ i hope your mum comes around! btw i really like this story and the way you write :) keep up the good work and update soon yeh?
LKYbcKP #9
Chapter 4: Aww they're all being so cute >< good work!
can't wait for what's up next =3