Chapter 15

So Many Guys, Who To Choose?
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Today is the day we go for our school vacation. I am so excited. Despite being really tired, I couldn't seem to fall asleep last night. This is the problem with me. I get so excited that I can't sleep, and I immediately regret it the next day. Anyways, the unbearable hours of staying up all night was finally over and I got up at 7am in the morning to start preparing for my trip. I combed my hair with my fingers to get loosen the curls since I braided my hair last night before I went to sleep and put on a denim shirt with jeans. I also wore a cardigan because it was a little cold. I went into my brother's room and waited for him. 

"Yah, are you done?" I asked, starting to get a little hungry. We were told to get to school by 8.30am, and it was already 8am. I was hoping that I could grab some food for my hungry tummy on the way to school first, but it seems like someone's trying to make it impossible. "Yea yea. Just give me a moment." I rolled my eyes as I rubbed my growling tummy. Arghh. How can he, a guy, possibly take longer than a girl to get ready? He was standing in front of the mirror and styling his hair. "You look fine already." I said, rather annoyed. Yes. This is what food does to me. I'm easily irritable when I don't get my food. "Okay okay. Come on, let's go. Hey wait, we're matching today!" He gave me goofy smile. "Ohh yea! Twin instinct." I lightened up. Then my tummy growled, turning me into a grumpy person once again. Knowing that I was probably going to give him an earful, he pushed me out of his room. I gave him a glare when I almost fell, but he pretended like nothing happened and carried both of our duffel bags down the stairs. I quickly put on my sneakers, the ones I got with Sehun, and rushed my brother to put on his too. "Aishh. What's the hurry? It's only five minutes past 8 in the morning. And we only need to gather there by 8.30am." He scolded, still lazy to get out of the house. "I still want to grab something to eat first before we go to school." I told him and with that, I dragged him out of the house. I just couldn't take the hunger anymore. 

We bought some donuts at the nearby cafe and continued on our way to school. We declined ahjussi's offer to send us because we wanted to enjoy the morning breeze. It's pretty fun to just walk to school sometimes. After eating one donut, I was more willing to talk, and I was definitely much happier. Food makes me happy. "Who do you think you'll be rooming with?" I asked with a raised eyebrow? "Hmm... I don't know. Maybe Kyungsoo? Or Sehun? Oops. Wait. I forgot. He's out of bounds to me." He snickered. I slapped his arm playfully and replied. "He's probably going to room with Luhan. Or maybe Tao. They're best friends." "Yea... What about you?" "I'm hoping I'll be roommates with Eunbyul or Seohyun. I don't want anyone else. Can you believe how scary that will be?" "Don't worry. I'll protect you if anyone bullys you." He placed his arm over my shoulder, just to show me how protective he was over me. That's the thing about Kai. He teases me and he makes me mad, but I know that at the end of the day, I can always count on him. That's what I love about having an older brother, even though he's literally a few minutes older than me. Ohh well. I gave him a smile and thanked him. We then continued walking to school that way.

The teachers mentioned that there will be 16 peopl

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angelwishes123 #1
Chapter 19: I know this comment may be too offensive but let meh just say......Seohyun is a bish....MIAN author-nim
I shouldn't say words like that sorry,sorry,sorry *bows 90 degrees*
cherrylotus #2
Chapter 6: Chapter 5: aigoo author nim, please dont troll me lol, im so curious, geumgumhae....... who does she like aigoo love it jjang... hwaiiting
UPDATE UPDATE AGAIN!! I know u did double but still!!! You IDIOT SEHUN!!! Are u shutting your girl out now?! What is wrong with you?!?!?! AHSHSNDKSHS!!!!! Chanyeol kissed her!! What's next?! Soo many feels! And I'm sorry for your loss darling. Hwating authornim! ^-^
Chapter 8: aaaah~ excited for the next update! this is like, close to my love life! So many love triangles and emotions and feels and arrgh! Love is so complicated!! Anyway, I love this! I still don't know who I like more for Sunmi, Chanyeol or Sehun... they both like her. Sehun is a darling, warm and kind... but Chanyeol is playful, cute, and fun. Ottoke?! Update soon ♥♥
Chapter 1: Awwe! Chanyeol is adorable! <3
Chapter 7: Seohyun...please don't...
xxcottoncandy #7
Even the foreword is fun to read^
lisa_ngyn #8
Chapter 5: :OO thanks for mentioning me ^^ i hope your mum comes around! btw i really like this story and the way you write :) keep up the good work and update soon yeh?
LKYbcKP #9
Chapter 4: Aww they're all being so cute >< good work!
can't wait for what's up next =3