

“Will this be enough to kill me?” She whispered to herself and took the package of pills out of the bathroom cabinet.

She closed my eyes, put all of them into and swallowed them.


“Goodbye world. It was no pleasure meeting you.”





The first time I saw him was yesterday.

He was standing in the middle of the street.

The people in the cars didn’t seem to see him; at least they didn’t react and just kept driving, while he was standing there.


He caught my stare, but suddenly he started to run away.


If my best friend didn’t pull me with her, I would still be standing there for the next few minutes.




The second time was at school.

I was sitting in my Math class doodling things into my exercise book, when I saw him looking at me through the window.

I widened my eyes.

“Who was he?”




I was walking around in my local convenience store searching for band aids the next day.

He suddenly appeared in front of me holding iced coffee in his hand.

I stared at him.

“Who are you?”


“You can really see me.” He looked at me from head to toe and then waved in front of my face.

“Of course I can see you! Are you making fun of me?” He shook his head.


“No, you’re special.” I raised my left eyebrow.


When I finally found the band aids and paid for them, I left the store heading home. I found him following me.


“Since when do you see me?”


I ignored him.

“I haven’t met anyone who can actually see me.”

“Stop joking.”


“I’m completely serious.” He suddenly stopped in front of a pedestrian. But the man didn’t react. He looked around a little confused, but then he walked around the boy.


“This doesn’t prove anything.” I said. Two women who walked by gave me weird looks.


“People think you are talking to yourself. They think you are crazy.”


“What’s wrong with you? If one of us is crazy, it’s you” I shouted at him “Stop following me!”

“Look, I’m invisible.” He held his hand up, so I could see it properly. It had a really weird glow. “I don’t have a shadow or a reflection.”


I looked at the floor below him. Nothing. “This is impossible.”

“Who are you?”

“Do Kyungsoo.”

“What are you?”

“Normal people would probably call me a ghost.”

“And why can I see you? Ghosts only exist in people’s imaginations.” Kyungsoo shrugged and started to circle around me.


“You do seem pretty alive to me.” He noticed and I looked at him with wide eyes.


“Because I am!”






“Her brain is still working. It seems like she is dreaming.” The doctor said. “Too bad she won’t wake up.”


“Wake up, honey.” Her mom whispered and touched her cheek.


The machines around her made peeping sounds. She was definitely still alive.






“Do you want to hear my story?” Kyungsoo asked and I shook my head. “Just leave me alone!”


Suddenly a lady approached me and put a hand on my arm.

“Young lady, are you okay?”


I shook her hand away. “I’m fine. Leave me alone.” I started to walk away faster, but he easily caught up to me.



“I was a 19 year old boy. Way too young to die. I had this step dad, who was to take care of me after my mom died from blood cancer.

He was a really bad man.

It was night when I woke up. I felt really hot, so I wanted to get something to drink.

I opened the door of my room and saw flames everywhere in the hall.

I closed it again, hoping it was just a dream. It wasn’t.

I pretty much got grilled alive.

No one helped me. About 30 minutes later the firemen arrived at our house.

Way too late for me.

A cruel way to go.”



I stood there with opened mouth. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”


“How could you know?” Kyungsoo started to laugh. “This probably happened when you were still a little kid. It was 16 years ago.”

I stood there and slowly nodded. Other people gave me weird looks.



I don’t blame them. I was standing in the middle of the sidewalk talking to someone who couldn’t be seen.



“Uh…is there anything I can do for you?” I decided to ask him.

“How about you find the man and stab his cold black heart?”





“She moved! Did you see that?” Her mom suddenly shouted and the doctor put one arm around her.

“That was your imagination. I suggest you to leave the hospital for a while. I will take care of her.”


She nodded. Tears rolled down her cheeks.




“I bought us bracelets.” My boyfriend sat down next to me. In his hand was a small blue parcel. “Where is your left hand?” He wanted to grab it.

My hand was there directly in front of him, but it had a really weird glow. If seen this before…

He didn’t see my hand. I extended my arm to him, until I finally realized at quickly pulled it back.


“Crap.” I mumbled. ‘Invisible.’


“I…I cut myself yesterday…It looks horrible…I can wear that bracelet on my right wrist.” I extended my right arm to him. It was perfectly normal. No glow.


He smiled. “Alright.” He bent over and put the little bracelet around my wrist.


“It looks really pretty. Just like you.”





“I can’t understand how this was possible. I mean. She had a really nice life. She had a nice boyfriend, good grades and she even had a nice body.”

Her mom sat in the living room of her aunt’s house.

“I can’t believe she tried to overdose herself.”




“You called for me?” I found Kyungsoo waiting in front of the convenience store, where we met yesterday.

“Tell me what happened with my hand!” I rolled up the left sleeve of my jacket.


“Why would I know? I didn’t touch it.” He shook his hand. “Why do you think that?”

I looked at my arm and then at him.

“It’s glowing…just like you…Damn, Kyungsoo…it is invisible…

It was just my hand this morning at school, and now it’s already my complete left arm.”



Kyungsoo shrugged. “I really don’t know how I can help you.”






The doctor entered the room.

Her body was still lying there without moving.

“I wish I could do something for you, but I really don’t know how to help you.”

He looked at her inanimate body.

“I guess I am an awful doctor.”





“Maybe you’ll be okay again tomorrow?” Kyungsoo suggested and I slowly nodded. “Let’s hope so.”





“Hey Honey.” My boyfriend greeted me, when he saw me at school. “How are you?”


“I have something to tell you.” I pulled him with me into an empty hallway.

“You’ll probably think I am crazy, but I’m starting to turn invisible.” I showed him my left arm. He glow hasn’t vanished.


“Invisible?” He looked at me. “There isn’t anything.”

“That’s the problem! I might be completely invisible by tomorrow.”

“Are you alright? Didn’t you sleep well?” He raised his right eyebrow.

“Believe me!” My eyes started to get teary. “I’m not joking!”


“Why don’t you go home and rest? I’ll tell the teachers, that you didn’t feel well.”


“I’m fine! Damn…Help me!” I cried.

“You want me to bring you to the psychologist?”

“NO!” I shook my head, turned around and ran outside of the school.




“DO KYUNGSOO!” I shouted. I hoped he could hear me and come. He was the only one who could kind of understand me.


“What.” Kyungsoo appeared behind me.

“Help me.” My makeup was completely ruined.

“I can’t…” He shook his hand and right at that moment I noticed my other arm starting to glow.

“I’m so scared.”


Kyungsoo laid his right arm around my shoulders. I didn’t know that a ghost’s embrace was this ‘warm’.

“The only thing I can do is comfort you. Please stop crying.”


“I don’t want to disappear.” I buried my face in my palms.

“I didn’t disappear.” Kyungsoo pointed out. “I’m still here.”


“That’s different. You knew you were going to die in these flames. What about me?”


He shook his head. “Nobody knows what the destiny is going to do with us.”




“She’s dead.” The doctor came out of the room. “We couldn’t do anything for her anymore.

She was in coma way too long. I’m really sorry. I guess after all death wins over us, no matter what we do.”

Her mom nodded.

“Can I see her, doctor Do Kyungsoo?” Her mom asked and he approved and opened the door.




I stood in the hallway of the school. Everybody passed me like I was not there.

“I’m still here! I haven’t disappeared.” I shouted, but no one could hear me.


When I woke up this morning, I felt really light.

Without even opening my eyes I knew what was awaiting me.


My complete body was glowing.


I’m f*king invisible.



“Have you heard that one of the students died yesterday?” I could hear a girl talking to my boyfriend.

“I know.” He lightly nodded. I saw that he had been crying the whole night.



“I’m not dead!” I shouted into their faces.








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dorihabsoo12 #1
Chapter 1: daebak i like it
Chapter 1: :( this is really sad
Maddle #3
Chapter 1: I feel sad for her Boyfriend....
I wonder why she killed herself if she didn't want to die...