Chapter two: The bet is on

Why do you love me?

I leaned up against your door, “Eunhyuk... It’s me Donghae. Look, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry and I didn’t mean I said. It’s okay if you don’t forgive me though. I wouldn’t forgive myself either... But you need to come out, the guys are waiting on us. Don’t worry about how you look, you always look fabulous, Eunhyuk. I promise, cross my heart. ” Waiting for your reply was the hardest minutes of my life. My heart was sinking with every second I heard the silence. About ready to cry up against your door, a familiar voice broke the silence. “Donghae, let me try alright? You and the others should go wait in the van, Okay?” Sungmin has always been so nice and kind, I knew he could get you out of your room. With a nod of “Yes” I followed the others down stairs to wait in the van. Minutes turned into hours it seemed before you and Sungmin came down to the van. Relived to see you smiling, I knew I wasn’t the one that put it there. We all finally climbed in van, me quickly rushing to the back so you wouldn’t see me and get sad again and you hoping in the front since you were the last one on. I knew this was going to be a long ride. The group finally arrived at the nearby dance club and everyone rushed out of the van and into the club, everyone expect me though. If it was my choice, I would sit out in the van all night, thinking of ways to make you forgive. Sadly, making a deal with the devil was in play and I did not want to lose my soul that easily. Walking into the club, I quickly scanned my environment and found a nice corner by the bar to hide at. For almost of the night, it consisted of me drinking my feeling away while staring at you like a piece of meat. In all honesty though, you dance like a stripper, and I loved it. Every single last bit. I had to nearly beat myself down from the thought of walking over to you and taking control of on that dance floor. Your hip swayed, and put me in almost in a trance. Knowing that I was about ready to him, I search the club for Siwon while stumbling around like a drunken fool. “Si-Siwon...” “Donghae!! Are you okay?!!” Siwon asked frantically. “I think... I think I’m going to be sick...” I ended up puking all over the floor, I had no shame. “I think you need to go home.” Siwon swung my arm over his shoulder and helped me outside to call a cab home. “Are you going to be alright..? I can go home with you if you need me to?” “No no, there is no need. I think I need some alone time for a while.” The cab pulled up beside us and Siwon helped me into the car and told the driver where we lived. When I got home, I hobbled up to the door to unlock and then re-lock it when I got inside. “I’m so going to lose my soul now.” Thinking it was probably best to just take a shower and go to bed, I walked into the bathroom and got undressed. I turned the shower to hot and got in, letting the warm water pour down on my head. “You really did it this time, you stupid idiot.” The thoughts of Heechul telling you that I loved you poured into my mind, making me cry. “Oh Donghae, you really are spineless. You could not even confront Eunhyuk and tell him you’re sorry. No you had to tell him through the door.” In the middle of my thoughts, I heard the front door open. Thinking it was everyone just getting home, I got out of the shower and just wrapped a towel around my waist. Never knowing who was really there, I suspected nothing… Until I discovered it was just you, standing before me. “Umm... I just came home because Siwon told me about what happened and I wanted to make sure you were alright.” Your voice intoxicated my whole body making it shiver throughout. “Oh... Thanks Eunhyuk... I was just going to head to bed. I’m sorry that you had to waist your night like this.” As I slowly walked away, we would have never been where we are today if you did not grab my hand and stop me. “If you think I’m wasting my night, think again.” You smiled nearly ear to ear, “Come on, we are watching scary movies. A good way to spend a night.” Well okay, but first can I put some boxers on?” “You... You don’t have any on..? “No, I just got out of the shower.” I think I have never ever blush so red before. It was the adorable thing that I have ever seen. “Ummm... I will wait for you on the couch then...” I walked into my room and shut the door behind me. My heart was racing over the fact that I could spend a night, alone with you. I flew all over the room, putting on my boxers and pajama pants just so I could spend every minute by your side. Once I was done, I came out into the living room to see you already got a movie ready to go and popcorn. I sat beside you, taking a huge breath, I tried acting cool. “So are you ready to watch the movie” “Mhmm.” Clicking play, the movie began to play. Halfway between the movie, I noticed that you were scooting closer and closer to me. Still playing cool, I acted like I didn’t notice, even though my heart could give it all away. When the jump scream popped up, you jumped right into my arms and hid your face into my chest. I became completely frozen in the moment. The one I have cared about for so long, has their arms around me, it felt great. Out of instinct, I wrapped my arms around you and hid your face. “It’s okay, it’s just a movie.” “I know but it’s still scary...” “We can always watch another movie, Eunhyuk.” “I have a better idea.” A better idea indeed, you slid right out my arms and walked over to the TV to turn it off. “Let’s play a game. Okay?”

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Chapter 3: Waahhh! Please update soon!~