Chapter Four: Pinkie Promise.

Why do you love me?

I couldn’t believe it, the words that I have been trying to tell you ever since I first met you. My emotions rose like a tsunami, tears poured from my face like a great storm. Letters, words, sentences, nothing would form. I pulled you closer to me, just to make sure it was really you and not a dream. I have been waiting for moment, my moment, to make my move and make you mine forever. However, all I could get out was, “Are you sure you’re not drunk?” I should of saw what would come next, you pushed me away and slapped me across the face “HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?! I AM NOT DRUNK. I AM TRYING TO TELL YOU HOW I FEEL AND THIS HOW YOU TREAT ME?!” Running off, I knew I couldn’t let you, not now. I ran after you, trying to avoid me by running into your room. But, I would not let you, something came over me. I transformed, I knew what I wanted and I was not going to let you escape. You were my prey and this predator was hungry. I stopped you from slamming the door on my face, repeating to myself “Not this time.” You were afraid of me at that point, I could see it in your eyes. You didn’t have to worry though love, I was not going to hurt you. I closed and locked the door behind me, just so you would listen to me and not escape. You backed up away from me, only to be stopped by your bed that was in your way. This was it, this was my chance. I pounced on you, the predator capture his prey. You struggled, trying to get free. I have never seen you this way, you were genially afraid of me, your tears told me so. However, I could not let you go, until you knew. “EUNHYUK. I LOVE YOU TOO!” Never in my lifetime I thought those words come out. “I love you Eunhyuk... I always have...” The struggle came to an end. I released my grip from you, I didn’t want to scare you anymore. I got up off of you and began the long journey back to my bedroom. I always ruin everything, I knew that you couldn’t love me now. Tears still dripping from your face, you called out to me. “Donghae! Stop!” I reached the doorknob and stopped, frozen in my tracks. I could either walk out this door and acted like nothing ever happened, or I could stay, here with you. Thank goodness my heart was working that day. I turned around and face towards you. I needed you, I craved you. I craved your love. “Donghae, if you really feel that way, then why did you ask me that awful question?” “Because, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming again.” You smiled so widely, reassuring me everything would be alright. You patted the bed, commanding me to sit beside you. On the other hand though, I could jump on top of you again. Which I did, and tickled you. I wanted all those tears to go away and I knew the best antidote was laughter. Laughing so hard, you choked out, “Donghae… Stop… Please.” I came to a halt and looked into your eyes. In pure awe, your eyes reminded me of the stars at night. I could look at them all day long, watching them glimmer. “Donghae,” you softly spoke, “Promise you really love me?” “I promise, cross my heart.” I made an x over my heart just to show I really meant it. “Pinkie promise?” You held up your pinkie up in the air, awaiting my response. I wrapped my pinkie around yours, “Pinkie promise.” I sealed our promise with kiss I stole from you. Only because, you stole my heart.

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Chapter 3: Waahhh! Please update soon!~