Chapter one: The Beginning.

Why do you love me?

The day started with the group’s normal routines, same old song practice, and repetitive dance routines. Nothing new really but today was different. Today the group finally decided on a day to go out together. So, after returning home, everyone got ready and nicely dressed. Being the stalker I was, I could not take my eyes off you. You always looked so stunning and handsome. I especially loved it when you came up to and ask in your sweet voice “Does my look big in this, Donghae?” Stupidly though, the butterflies in my stomach got me all choked up and I replied with “Yes it does.” Realizing what just came out of my mouth, I quickly had to think up something to say to make it all better before you would cry. “BUT THAT’S A GOOD THING.” Way to go me, you really saved yourself there. You tear up and ran off into your room to change, again for the twentieth time. Never have I felt so horrible in my life, I never wanted to be the reason you cry, and guys were not making it better at all, that’s for sure. “Donghae, how could of said that?!” Leetuek yelled at me. “Yeah and I thought I was the evil one.” Heechul chuckled out. Siwon though, was the only one kind enough to help me out. “Hey cut Heechul some slack. He only got choked up because he has hard talking to his love, Eunhyuk.” “HIS WHAT?!!!” On second thought, maybe telling Siwon that I was in love with Eunhyuk was probably the worst mistake I have ever made. “SHUSH!! Eunhyuk will hear you guys. And yes I love Eunhyuk. It was supposed to stay a secret. But I guess not now.” “Sorry...” Siwon whimpered out. “Hey, Congrats on that love. But how about you tell Eunhyuk?” Heechul asked. “I can’t. What if he does not feel the same way..? Facing rejection from him would kill him.” “Then why don’t you leave up to me to tell him..? Hmmm..?” Heechul replied with a sly smile. “NO WAY YOU LIL SNAKE DEMON!!” “Fine, but if you don’t tell him before the end of the night, I will tell him. No ifs, ands, or buts. Understand?” “You wouldn’t..?” “Try me.” The tension between Heechul and I was so thick, you could probably cut it with a butter knife. “Deal.” “Hehehe, didn’t your mother tell you not to make deals with the devil?” Heechul was the devil himself that for sure. “Okay children, if we are done here, let’s get going.” Yesung replied. “Donghae, go get Eunhyuk. Since you were the one that made him cry, I think it’s only fair that you tell him that you’re sorry.” “Do I really..?” “YES!” “Okay seesh...”


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Chapter 3: Waahhh! Please update soon!~