
For The Best

One step. Two steps.

His feet kept on moving.


"Where's my socks?" he mutters softly. He rummaged through his now empty drawers. Beads of perspiration trickled down the side of his face.He looked up from his drawers and looked towards his vanity mirror.


10 seconds. That's how long he stared at the man in the mirror. He stared, and the man stared back. And then he realised... He wasn't sweating...


Not at all...


He grabbed his jacket and zipped up his bag. The man looked around the nostalgic room, taking a deep breath as good memories flooded his mind. He glanced towards the clock.


3am. Time to go.


He walked out of his room and strolled through the halls, bag dragging noiselessly behind him. Every step he took was heavy, yet light. A streak of wetness was felt b from the corners of his eyes. He thought of what the others would say; their reactions. 


The man pursed his lips; and then he saw it. Gleaming in the moonlight was a photo frame perched on top of its stand like a prized trophy. He leaned his bag against the wall and grabbed the delicate photo frame.


12 wide smiles were shining back at him. Tears started to por, no longer in drips and drabs. The man shut his eyes as a waft of emotion overcame him. He whimpered quietly, thinking of all that he'd be leaving behind once he stepped out of that door. 


"It's for the best. They will understand ... Someday," he whispered, voice breaking slightly.


He silently place the frame back to its pedestal, face down. He hurriedly ran to his bag and dragged it to the door. His heart throbbed and raced like a motor car.


As he reached for the door knob, he whispered " We are one... But now, you can be 11. I believe in you, all of you. And I will miss you. Please don't be angry,"


And with that, the man twisted the door knob and ran into the dark night.






A rather short man came up from behind a wall and stood at where the former stood before.




I'm so sorry... I just had to let it all out on paper. I woke up from my nap and I suddenly just started writing this. This hurts my heart and I literally teared writing; teared again typing it out. Sorry it's really short. It's more of a scenario than a oneshot... Yea...I chose not to believe what it's said out on the net. I'll wait for reliable and official claims. Anyone wish to rant or cry with me, come join. Other than that, READ, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE :)



Foreverlocket <3

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SadisticButNotSo #1
Chapter 1: Damn you I can't even type properly. *wahhhhjawwa ugly sobs*
Chapter 1: I cried again- ;; I love angst so much. The sadness-
clarluvskpop #3
Chapter 1: I actually cried. Scratch that. I'm still crying and I feel that angsty pain. That beautiful, blissful, pain. SORRY! I'm a masochist, I like pain. ANYWAY, I love how you wrote this under 5 minutes and thank you. Just, thank you. I needed that pent up frustration of mine to go SOMEWHERE.
zieqaeira #4
Chapter 1: i nearly cried but because it short my tears doesnt fall...oh...kris...T-T i feel the hurt for leaving
SadisticButNotSo #5
I have a feeling I'm going to cry reading this.