Sungmin POV: To Keep Loving You

To Keep Loving You

kyumin. G. a little angst cuz I feel so. Sungmin’s POV. not beta-ed.


It’s enough. Sometimes I told myself so. As usual, though, I won’t be able to do it. To leave you, I just can’t. Everytime I decided to stop torturing myself by loving you, you would do unpredictable things that left me hoping again, dreaming again.

Your lingering touch, a hand around my shoulder that was seemingly friendly but with a hint of possesiveness; your stolen glances, when I look around only to catch your eyes for a split second before you turned your head to another direction; your surprising attention, when I thought no one cared, you caught me off guard with a gentle pat on my back.

Those little things… make me feel so loved, make me feel special. Those were moments I treasured the most, moments where I could delude myself into thinking that I’m the only special person for you.

The sad thing was that I felt I was not special, felt ignored more often than not.

You were so caring to everyone. You hugged other people all the time, but rarely me, and never me in public, not anymore. You praised other people all the time, but not me. You were so intimate with the others, while I should be content with your hand holding mine occasionally at the end of some shows.

It would still be bearable for me if you hadn’t always show such a forced, even annoyed, expression everytime I initiate a fanservice with you. Are you embarrased of me? Aren’t I someone you could be proud of?

I’m sure you know about how I feel for you. I made it clear everytime I mention you in my conversations with the others. I’m sure it shows in my eyes everytime I look at you.

At times, I thought that you only cared for me because you knew I loved you, that I would do anything for you. Were you taking me for granted? Just a convenience for you? A helpful roomate and a wine-drinking companion when your other friends couldn’t make it due to their busy schedules?

I’d like to believe that I was just being paranoid, that those precious moments were true and that you really do love me too. I can only hope you’ll make it clear to me and to everybody else just how much I mean to you. I can only hope you really meant your rare words of affections when there were only the two of us in our shared room, when you thought I was already asleep.

The only thing I can do now is to keep hoping you won’t leave me because after all these years, I guess I have to accept the fact that I could never stop loving you.






a/n: this is..I don’t know. KyuMin makes me feel a rollercoaster of emotion each and everytime. Haha.

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kyumin99 #1
Chapter 2: sweet and loving....Make A sequel for this if you feel u wanna make it....hwaiting author-nim!!!!
PeekyDoll #2
Chapter 2: Oh, my poor heart is fluttering... This feels so real...
casanova7 #3
Chapter 2: Yan ini kmu kan? Hehehe~ :P
This fic is simple yet so meaningfull. Reading this made me feel like I read sungmin and kyuhyun's mind. It's really like...reality. Huhuhu so sad but that's it. I hope eventhough they experience the down now, they would find happines later. Afterall, we all want a happy ending, yes?
Thank you for writing this ^_^
elmokyu #4
Chapter 2: hmmmm... sounds like in their real life..
very Sungmin and very Kyuhyun.
Wish they can be like the otter that Sungmin once linked us to, so carefreely holding hands and move together, not caring for anything..
Chapter 2: Both of their POVs kind of related to me. But it's good if you write a whole story :)