Power of True Love

The Prince's Bride

            Princess Jaejoong, still deep in thought, walked down the hallway in between King Yoochun and Queen Junsu.  “Such a strange wedding,” commented Junsu as he walked ahead of the other two towards the Honeymoon Suite.

            Jaejoong stopped short as did Yoochun.  Then he leaned over and kissed the king’s cheek.  “What was that for?” he asked Jae.

            “Because you’ve always been so kind to me.  And I won’t be seeing you again after tonight because I’m killing myself,” a convicted princess told the king.

            Yoochun patted his hand and said “That’s nice.”  Then he pulled a disbelieving Jae along and shouted to his wife, “He kissed me!” with a big smile on his face.


            “How can Yoochun act like that?” asked Henry.

            “That is because Yoochun is greasy my dear nephew,” told Heechul.


            Jae stepped through the doors of the Honeymoon Suite with a heavy laden heart.  Exhaling a deep sigh he sat down at the vanity and pulled an ornate dagger from a box on top of the vanity.  He placed the tip of the dagger to his skin right above his heart.  And as he was about to stab himself he stopped short due to the words of another in the room.

            “There is a shortage of perfect hearts in this world.  It would be a pity to loose yours,” Yunho commented nonchalantly who was lying on the bed.

            “YUNHO!  Oh my sweet Yunho,” yelled Jae as he is on top of Yunho.  “Yunho, why won’t you hold me?” asked Jae as he peppered his loves face with kisses.

            “Gently.  GENTLY!” Yunho exclaimed as Jae pulled his face in for a fierce and passionate kiss.  When he let go of his face Yunho’s head hit the wall with a loud thud.

            At that Jae with a look of horror upon his face recalled what had transpired not a half hour ago.  “Yunnie please forgive me.”

            “What is there to forgive?  What terrible sin have you committed as of late?”

            “I got married.  But I didn’t want to,” he assured.

            Yunho thought for a moment and said, “Never happened.”

            “Huh?  But I was there, and this clumsy man said man and wife.”

            “Did you say ‘I do’?”

            Thinking about it for a second he replied, “Well no.  We sort of skipped that part.”

            “Then you aren’t married.  Wouldn’t you agree Prince Changmin?” Yunho asked the prince who stood in the doorway while Jae sat up.

            “A fact that will be dealt with shortly,” said the prince as he drew his blade and advanced upon the couple.  “To the death.”

            “No, to the pain,” Yunho said.

            “I’m not sure I know that phrase.”

            “Then I will explain.  To the pain means the first thing you will lose will be your feet below the ankles.  Then your hands at the wrists.  Next your nose.”

            Changmin interrupted “And then my tongue I suppose, I killed you too quickly the last time. A mistake I don’t plan to repeat.”

            “Aish!  Don’t interrupt.  I wasn’t finished. The next thing you will lose will be your left eye followed by your right.”

            “And then my ears?”

            “Yah!  Wrong!  Your ears you keep and I’ll tell you why.  So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish.  Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, “Dear Shisus! What is that thing,” will echo in your perfect ears.  That is what to the pain means.  It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever.”

            “You’re bluffing.”

            “Hardly,” said Yunho as he used the bed to stand, and held up his sword.  “Now drop your sword.”  Thinking he was out skilled Changmin tactfully dropped his sword.  “Now kick it away and sit down.”   Changmin still followed the instructions.  Yunho pointed to Jaejoong and instructed him as well.  “Tie him to the chair.”  Jae complied.

            Joongki walked in after Jaejoong finished tying Changmin to the chair.  He looked at the scene in front of him and simply shook his head.  He looked to Yunho and asked, “Have you seen Jongkook?”

            “No I thought he was with you,” Yunho told him.  Then as he tried to step forward he began to slip to the floor.

            Joongki looked to Jae and pointed his finger to Yunho as he told him, “Help him.”

            Jaejoong did that while he asked “Why does Yunho need help?”  Jaejoong was now supporting Yunho.

            “Because he doesn’t have the strength to stand,” Joongki explained.

            “I knew he was bluffing!” shouted Changmin before Joongki pointed his sword at the prince’s neck.

            “Do you want me to dispose of him for you?” the swordsman asked Yunho.

            “No.  I want him to live the rest of his life knowing I beat him and spared his life.”

            Then they heard the neighing of horses outside from below the window.  Yunho, Jaejoong, and Joongki looked outside and saw Jongkook holding the reigns to four white horses.  He waved at his friends above.  “After I stopped looking for ya’ll I decided to let you two work out your issues.  So I was bored and decided we needed getaway rides.  Then I found these four white horses.  And I thought if we found the princess, hello princess,” they waved at each other, “that it would be perfect.  And here we are.”

            At that the three in the castle looked at each other, and then looked down.  Jaejoong stepped on the ledge of the window and jumped down into Jongkook’s awaiting arms.  As Yunho stepped onto the ledge Joongki stopped him and remarked, “I have been bent on revenge for so long that I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life.”

            Yunho placed his hand on the younger’s shoulder.  “Have you ever thought of a life of piracy?  You’d make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts.”  Then he jumped down onto his horse.  Joongki shrugged his shoulders and jumped down as well.  They all then rode their horses off from the castle grounds into freedom.


            Heechul stopped reading and closed the book.  “Why’d you stop?” asked Henry.

            “It’s a kissing part, and I know how you hate those.”

            “I don’t mind so much.”  Heechul smiled.


            Since the beginning of the kiss there have been five kisses on record as the most passionate, most true, and most pure.  The kiss between Jaejoong and Yunho left all those others in the dust.


            “The End.”  Now Heechul was really done.  He stood as he closed the door and began to walk away.  When he reached the door Henry spoke up.

            “Auntie, can you come over and read to me again tomorrow?” Henry asked.

            Heechul smiled as he said with a wink before he walked away, “As you wish.”

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Chapter 8: i really luv ur version,coz its yunjae!!XD
Man I love this movie and the book and I really like your version too :) Have you read the book?
mar1adyve5sa #3
Chapter 8: It's end. Finally yunjae is together again. I need to watch the movie then.
Kattan69 #4
Chapter 8: Ending is a bit strange...but who cares....as long as Yunjae lives happily ever after.
Kyung1Ari #5
Chapter 8: I love this as much as I love the movie. Thank you for a very entertaining story.
khrishope8 #6
Chapter 8: Last chapter! Thank you to all the wonderful subscribers. This story is dedicated to you. I have another story in the works as well.
TVXQforever #7
Chapter 7: Omg! XD I love this! Can't wite for more! ! PLEASE keep the good work!
Kattan69 #8
Chapter 7: Poor Joongki....hope he is alive after this.

Now is Yunho's turn to save his princess.
khrishope8 #9
Chapter 7: Sorry this chapter took so long. My internet was out until today.
" Queen….Junsu" Don't want to read anymore.