Fire Swamp

The Prince's Bride

            “Wait a minute.  Doesn’t that mean…” asked Henry.

            Heechul interrupted, “shhh!  I wasn’t finished.”


            “Oh dear what have I done,” questioned a distressed Jae.  “My sweet Yunho.”  Then Jaejoong proceeded to throw himself over the hill.  All that could be heard was a bunch of “ughh”, “owe”, and other similar sounds.  Yunho’s mask even flew off at some point and both look very frazzled.  Once both reached the bottom they automatically embraced, a very touching sight to behold.

            “Are you alright love?  Can you move at all?” questioned Yunho with such a concerned face.

            “Alright?  You’re alive.  If you wanted I could fly,” Jae lovingly told Yunho.

            “Why didn’t you wait for me?”

            “Well, you were dead,” justified Jaejoong.

            “Death cannot stop true love,” explained Yunho.

            There moment was put to an abrupt end by the sound of approaching horses.  Yunho immediately jumped up, grabbed Jae’s hand, and took off running towards a darkly forested area- The Fire Swamp.

            “Yunho we can’t go in there!  It’s impossible to survive from.”

            “Nonsense.  You only say that because no one has ever survived from it before.”  At that Jae simply tilted his head and gave Yunho a ‘are you serious’ look.  Yunho just smiled and shrugged.  They continued running until they practically disappeared in the foliage.


            “The Fire Swamp sounds promising,” said Henry trying not to sound too excited.  Heechul could only roll his eyes and try not to point out his nephew’s enthusiasm.


            The two lovers had just entered the Fire Swamp when they heard a popping noise.  Suddenly Jaejoong’s clothing became encased in flame.  Yunho rushing into action immediately set to putting the fire out.

            With a chuckle asked his princess “are you okay?”

            “Ummhmm, never better.  You?”

            “Well I’m not the one who was nearly barbequed.”  Both shared a small grin at that.  Yunho was truly Jaejoong’s hero in black clothing.

            “Can I ask you a question?” Jaejoong timidly requested.


            “How did you survive five years ago?  How are you the Dread Pirate Roberts?”

            “What I had said about the ‘please’ is true.  I even boasted to the man about you’re beauty.  I intrigued him,” said Yunho while cutting down vines and foliage out of their way.  And when the two heard popping Yunho would lift Jae out of the way to keep him safe from the fire.  “He took me aboard his ship and made me part of his crew.  Every night after finishing my chores and before bed he would tell me ‘good night Yunho.  I’ll most likely kill you in the morning.’  Three years he told me that.  Then one day he took me into his cabin and let me in on a secret.  ‘I’m not really the Dread Pirate Roberts.  It’s a title that was passed to me by my previous captain, and was passed onto him by the real Roberts.  ‘As I will pass it onto you.’  It turns out the real Roberts has been retired and living like a king for the last 15 years on an island.  So we docked into port, got a new crew, and my captain stayed on board as first mate.  All the while calling me Roberts.  Now here I am.”

            “Huh,” was all Jae had time to reply to Yunho’s explanation.  Then Jae disappeared out of nowhere sinking into the sand.  Going into action Yunho cut a rather long and sturdy vine, held it and jumped into the sand after the smaller male. While both were under the sand a rather large and disgusting looking animal sniffed the area and passed through to somewhere else on its way.  All of a sudden the two lovers busted out from the sand.  Both were breathing deeply and covered in sand.  After they caught their breath they embraced as they held each other close.

            “How are we going to survive?” Jaejoong asked.

            “Quite easily actually.  What are the three terrors of the Fire Swamp?  The fire spouts, which makes a popping sound before erupting.  Very easy to avoid.  The lightning sand, which you cleverly discovered and we now know what to look out for.”

            “But what about the R.O.U.S.’s?” interrupted Jae.

            “Rodents of Unusual Size.  I don’t believe they exist.”  No sooner had Yunho said this they heard a strange noise cry.  Yunho saw the beast before it attacked and pushed Jae out of the way.  As soon as the disgusting creature landed on its prey is sunk its teeth into Yunho’s skin, and even gnawed on him a bit.  Yunho did his best to hit the beast and try to get it off him.  Jaejoong found a club like stick and kept hitting the thing.  A popping noise was heard.  Yunho rolled over with the giant rat on top of him until the rodent was over the spot of the popping noise.  As the fire started all Jaejoong and Yunho could smell was burning hair and roasting flesh.  Yunho jumped up, grabbed his discarded sword, and proceeded to stab the foul beast until it died.  Yunho, looking worse for wear and bloody, walked over to Jae.  He grabbed his love and held him to him tightly until he stopped shaking.


            “Ughh, that was just nasty.  And Yunho was sooo cool!” exclaimed Henry interrupting Heechul’s reading.  Heechul just restarted reading again.


            The two rejoined lovers held each other’s hands tightly as they exited the Fire Swamp.  Only for them to be met with Prince Changmin and Count Kyuhyun.

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Chapter 8: i really luv ur version,coz its yunjae!!XD
Man I love this movie and the book and I really like your version too :) Have you read the book?
mar1adyve5sa #3
Chapter 8: It's end. Finally yunjae is together again. I need to watch the movie then.
Kattan69 #4
Chapter 8: Ending is a bit strange...but who long as Yunjae lives happily ever after.
Kyung1Ari #5
Chapter 8: I love this as much as I love the movie. Thank you for a very entertaining story.
khrishope8 #6
Chapter 8: Last chapter! Thank you to all the wonderful subscribers. This story is dedicated to you. I have another story in the works as well.
TVXQforever #7
Chapter 7: Omg! XD I love this! Can't wite for more! ! PLEASE keep the good work!
Kattan69 #8
Chapter 7: Poor Joongki....hope he is alive after this.

Now is Yunho's turn to save his princess.
khrishope8 #9
Chapter 7: Sorry this chapter took so long. My internet was out until today.
" Queen….Junsu" Don't want to read anymore.