
Tick Tock Goes The Clock

Students head out the school gate as school ended. Junhong walks to where he had parked his bicycle and bumps into JiHye as he turns into a corner. She is frightened and steps back, dropping a box of thumbtacks. In just a second, the fright in her eyes disappear and it fills with coldness, "Watch where you're going newbie." She squats down to quickly pick up the thumbtacks.

"I-I'm sorry." Junhong kneels to help her too but she slaps his hand away and gives a cold glare. She puts the box into her bag and dashes away. Junhong just shrugs and heads to his bicycle. But when he pulls it out, he finds his tires punctured and stuck with thumbtacks that look similar with JiHye's. His face turns red in anger and humiliation when other students see and snicker at him. With shame, he is forced to push his bicycle home.

"What happened to your bike?" Daehyun and Youngjae suddenly appears by his side, looking sincerely worried for the new student.

"Song JiHye." He says with a heavy sigh as if the name itself is an illness. Daehyun and Youngjae look at each other and then back at him.


"I knew she was evil, but I didn't think she'd target a new student." Says Daehyun. "Is your house far away?"

"Kinda." Junhong says. "But I guess I'll survive."

"Good luck. Here's an energy bar. Our house is this way." Daehyun point to a different direction and pulls Youngjae with him. "Bye"

Junhong continues his walk home alone quietly. He was about to cross a road when a hand pulls his collar from the back, saving him from a passing truck just inches away. He didn't realize the lights for pedestrians had gone red. Junhong turns around to thank his savior but he is met with the criminal that punctured his tires - Song Jihye. "You!" He was about to burst in anger but JiHye cuts him off.

"YOU IDIOT YOU COULD HAVE DIED." Her eyes were sparkling with tears and she is panting as if she ran a long distance. Seeing her face, Junhong felt guilty and hurt.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize." He apologizes as if he was being scolded by his mom. JiHye looks down as she sobs and wipes her tears away. When Junhong is about to consider patting her shoulder, she suddenly pushes him away. Her eyes are cold again and she glares at him.

"Can't you try being careful next time? You're such a burden." She says and walks away in another direction.

Junhong is left in confusion as she goes off. 'What the heck is wrong with her? Is she bipolar or something' Junhong asks himself. He turns around and pushes his bike by his side as he continues his walk home, hoping for no more encounter with that girl. As he walks he thinks, if his bicycle wasn't punctured and he still didn't realize the red lights, JiHye wouldn't have been able to stop him. Nobody else was there to stop him either. Besides, if Jihye is supposed to be heading to the opposite direction, why was she even there?

"So how was the new school?" Junhong's mother asks him.

"Great! I got some friends, someone punctured my bicycle tires, and I almost got run over by a truck but some bipolar girl saved me. It was pretty normal." He says with a sarcastic smile as his mother's eyes widen in shock and confusion


When Junhong is out of sight, Jihye's knees gave up on her. She falls to the ground and coughs violently until blood dripped from . Jihye holds her chest as she groans and winces in pain. She takes out her watch and stares at where she left Junhong. 'If I go on like this any longer I'll die too soon. I really have to get closer to him after all.' She tells herself.

Jihye wipes the blood off her face and hands and stand up again. She grips her watch tighter and moves on, enduring the pain. 'It'll be okay. It will all be okay this time.'


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Chapter 2: Omona~ What happened JiHye? She punctured it but also helping him. I think it was someone else who did it. JiHye has supernatural power, doesn't she?
Chapter 1: Cute friendship~ ^u^
What will happen next, Author-nim? I'm happy Daehyun, Youngjae and Junhong in the same class. I thought he was Joungup because he was eating burger, he was Youngjae instead ^^
Woot~ Woot~ Junhongie~ >///<
I'll read this later, Author-nim~ ^^