Payback? Or a double hit?

Chen Gets Trolled

-Next Day-

Chen: *in bathroom and starts coughing*

Me: *runs in* Oppa, are you alright?

Chen: *gasps for air, then gurgles a bunch of water* Did-did you switch out my toothpaste with soap?

Me: What are you talking about? *takes the toothpaste from him and sniffs it* Oh, haha-

Chen: Nice way to get me back maknae.

Me: *hands it back* I'm not getting you back oppa. You got yourself.

Chen: Huh? Me: This was the bottle of toothpaste that you used on me as a prank a while ago remember?

Chen: *looks at it* Oh yeah....haha...

Me: Trying to blame me...psh, that was low Chen.

Chen: Hey! It made sense at the time!

Me: *rolls eyes* Whatever. Just hurry and get yourself ready, alright?

Chen: Whatever.

Me: *scoffs and leaves* Men.

Chen: I heard that!

Me: Just get dressed pabo! 

Chen: *comes up behind me and whispers in my ear* I'm already dressed.

Me: *jumps away* Yah! God Chen!

Chen: *looks down* Hey, you took my Piglet socks!

Me: I didn't-Hey, you took my shirt!

Chen: No I didn't. 

Me: Yeah you did!

Chen: Well you took my socks. Yah, give them back~

Me: Come and get them then. *runs out*

Chen: MAKNAE!!

Me: *giggles and runs to the living room as Chen chases me*

Chen: Come back here!

Me: Aniyo! *laughs*

Chen: Seriously, stop!

Me: No!

Kris: Yah! What is going on here?! *me and Chen freeze*

Chen: Hyung, she took my socks~

Me: Hyung, he took my shirt~

Chen: *looks at me* You messed with my toothpaste!

Me: *looks at him* You messed with my soap!

Chen: You-

Suho: Would you two stop! *we shut up* 

Me: But hyung-

Suho: Maknae, enough.

Chen: Hyung-

Kris: Jongdae.

Suho: You two are a couple, yet you're here arguing like a bunch of two-year olds! You should be ashamed.

Me: But Suho-hyung-

Suho: Shut it. I don't want to hear another word.

Chen: But hyung-

Suho: I said shut it! I don't care who did what. Apologize now, and end this nonsense.

Chen: *sighs and turns to me* Sorry Alisha.

Me: Sorry Chen. Kkaeb song~

Chen: *smiles and offers a hand* So are we okay now?

Me: Yeah. *shakes his hand, but he shocks me when I do* Chen! Hyungs!

Kris: Aish. Chen, enough.

Chen: Nae hyung.

Me: What?! That's it?! But he-

Suho: *sighs* Alisha, enough, please I'm getting a headache from you two.

Me: Not fair! *pouts and looks at them*

Kris and Suho: *say nothing*

Me: Aish! I'm going out.

Chen: I'll come with you-

Me: No! *glares at him and leaves, slamming the door*

Chen: *sighs*

Kris: Go after her.

Chen: What? Are you crazy? 

Suho: Go after her idiot. Before I do and get more compassion points in her book than you.

Chen: Aish. *leaves*

Kris: Remind me how he has a girlfriend again.

Suho: I don't even know.


Author's Note: So that bottle of toothpaste...yeah, I may have accidentally put it in the bathroom by accident XD And the hand shocking part, Chen used one of these ( for that. One more thing, this sign ~ , just means that that person is speaking in a whiny voice. Alright, that seems to be it. Till next time!


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tanyinghui123 #1
Chapter 6: I want fluff!! And maybe a bit of mature content.. but since this is not rated-m, its okay!! I want fluff fluff fluff fluff!!! Thanks :)
Chapter 3: Ewww fluff everywhere!! :P Just kidding baby girl! This be cute! You should update more! ^_^ can't wait!
Chapter 4: So cute! ^^
Chapter 2: like it ! ~
Chapter 1: Hm, it turned out to be so cute! I would like to see you write a fanfic about Chen and this particular character. They look soo cute together! :)