Letters to Romeo

Nostalgic Moments

Dear Kai,

It's great at home, and like I promised I didn't stay at my parents. I couldn't. I need to make sure that when you do return, it's clean and looks exactly like when you left. It's fine, I visit both our parents every week cause' it gets really lonely. There's so much I wanna' tell you Kai. I'm here by my self without my best friend, my partner, my husband. Come back soon. I miss you.

                                                                                                                     Love Aelke







They stared at her with a soft gaze, Mrs. placed a comforting hand on her right shoulder. It's during this moments, she felt her eyes tearing up. Why is it that he has to be on her mind twenty-four seven? Her heart aches every time she thinks about him. Sometimes, she wonders if he shares the same feeling as her, the same longing feeling. She misses him, his perfect personality, his handsome face, his husky voice. She misses all of it. But...Why was she acting this way? He's just going to military service, besides, it's not like she won't meet him ever again. Then again, that's what love is. The desperate feeling of always wanting to be by ones side. 

"Aelke, if you want to stay with us there's always Kai's old room." Mrs. Kim offered but she replied with a soft smile and a slight nod. "It's fine. I don't wanna' be a burden and I can't leave the house." She said, keeping her eyes trained on her lap.

Kai's parents stared at her while wearing a shocked expression. Mr. Kim shook his head, "You can never be a burden Aelke! We're worried something's going to happen to you if you're alone in the house."

Mrs. Kim released an agreeing hum, "It's no trouble, really. Besides, it's what Kai would've wanted."

Aelke's form slumped, mixed emotions crossing her silky skin. She offered her in-laws a hesitant grin. "I don't want to trouble you. It's not that I don't want to stay here but it's just...It's remind me of Kai more." She finished quietly, her eyes glassy with tears. Her in-laws gazed at her sympathetically, sharing the same feeling as hers. Remorse. It's been a long time since they've seen their son and obviously, like any parent they miss him. 

They followed her to the door, bidding her goodbye as she left. The parents were lucky to have had a daughter in-law like Aelke. Someone who's honest, kind and above all, able to take care of their son. Woman like that rarely surface anymore this days and they were glad that Kai happened to be the special person that Aelke chose. Yes, they were lucky indeed.







"A time for us, someday there'll be. When chains are torn by courage born of a love that's free...A time when dreams so long denied, can flourish as we unveil the love we now must hide." 

As always, being the good and dutiful housewife she is, Aelke cleaned the whole house from the ceilings to every inch of the floor. Dragging the mop across the tiled floor, singing her most favourable song- A Time For Us, a soundtrack from Romeo & Juliet. Her soft and angelic voice glided around the desolated house, filling the place with warmness, replacing the feeling of emptiness that once resided in the area.

"A time for us at last to see. A life worthwhile for you and me. And with our love through tears and thorns. We will endure as we pass surely through every storm."

She made sure to make the floor sparkle, the counters and tables free of any dust and the rooms and clothes to smell floral. Aelke had on an attire suitable for cleaning as an apron was draped around her body with her hair up in a bun. She didn't bother to cook for him, for she knew that he wasn't there to eat it like he should be.

Usually, Kai would be home to see plates and dishes of delicious food spread neatly on the table. The smell of the afternoon meal and air freshener would waft into his nose, making him feel welcomed. His wife would be watching television, waiting for his arrival from work. She would then loosen his tie and place his briefcase on the table stationed beside the front door. Aelke would always greet him with a cheerful smile on her face. Those times, he would engulf her in a hug before dragging her to the dining table and complimenting on her cooking skills and her hard work. She would respond happily and thank him for his effort on taking care of her and earning money. But...in was during those days when these things do happen. Nowadays, Aelke is only mingling with loneliness, often enjoying her own company. Even her shadow becomes a companion of hers. 

She would sometimes break into tears, sobbing and weeping with no one to comfort her. Her husband should be there to offer her warmth and words of opulence, but he wasn't and that became her sole reason as to why tears slip down her cheeks. She would sometimes call for him like a crazy desperate person, clearly acting like as if she's lost her mind. Maybe she is crazy. Then again, those who are in love end up being crazy. The longing feeling keeps lingering around her and the only way to lighten the weight of this longing was through tears. 

Aelke couldn't understand. She wasn't the only female to have been going through this. Other guys, boyfriends, husbands had to go through the exact same procedure of becoming a temporary soldier, so why was she over doing herself. Why in the world was she spilling buckets of tears? Other women might not even cry over such a petty thing. Sure, their loved ones going, even so their leaving with good intention and to protect the country from harm. Even if they did cry over this, they may have not felt as much as she. As sensitive as she. As weak as she. Crying only proves to make her look weak, to make her appear fragile.

But, what is she without Kai? Without her beloved husband? She's only releasing this much tears due to his absence. If she had to sob over his lack of presence than be it. At least she was capable of feeling something. What is she without her knight in shining armour? Like Romeo & Juliet, they are fit to be together and are willing to sacrifice anything in order to be together. Love conquers all, she thought. Love is what pushes someone to become stronger. Because of love, people are able to achieve goals that they weren't able to achieve. 

Yes, love is significant. Without love, she wouldn't have been confident like she is now. She wouldn't have been the person she is currently. Love, a four letter, one word. Despite being a short word consisting of four letters, it has a big impact.

'I won't cry anymore...No more tears. I should do more productive things. Kai wouldn't want to see me like this.' 

Even though Kai's absence is worth crying for, Aelke decided that she wouldn't crumble because of this. She has to remain strong in order to become a good wife. A good wife that Kai deserves.

'Right! Let's get to work!' She thought as she started to dust the book shelves. Some things might be worth crying for, but not when the person she's crying over doesn't want her to collapse to such conditions. 







She groaned, rolling herself onto her stomach as she planted her face into the mattress of the bed. It hurts so badly. The excruciating pain coursed through her body, centred and focused  at her lower abdomen. Aelke placed a limp hand beneath her stomach, feeling the blood inside her body travelling through her skin. 

It's the monthly torture that every women has to go through. The ever so painful experience that females despise. Of course, not every women and young girls get the pain, however Aelke was one of the unlucky people that receives it. She was too tired and in too much misery to be up and doing housework. Thankfully it was the weekends or else she'll have to endure the torment and go to work. 

"Ugh, stupid periods. Why does it have to hurt so much?" She whimpered as another wave of pain washed over her fragile form. She weakly pushed herself up and grabbed for the painkillers that sat on the side table. Gulping the tablet, she rested her head on the pillow, shutting her eyes tight as she waited for the medicine to take effect. 

"If only Kai's here...He would've helped scare away the pain." She mumbled to herself as she gently massaged her belly, cringing once in a while at the pain and discomfort. 

The day past by with Aelke in bed, grumbling and groaning from the pain. She managed to stand up and make instant noodles for herself, though she had no appetite and barely finished her meal. She spent the rest of the day just flicking through the television channels, watching KBS World TV programs and once in a while napping with the sound of the TV playing in the background.

The vague ringing of the house phone registered in her mind and she reluctantly carried herself downstairs to where the phone was. Picking it up, she heard her sister in-law's voice talking. "Hey honey, how're you doing?" She asked.

"Hello Yeon Rin sis, I'm doing fine." I replied, my voice a little strained as I placed a hand over my tummy. My stomach churnedand I shut my eyes, impatiently waiting for the torture to pass by. Yeon Rin spoke to her of how she wished to meet Aelke soon and bring her out of the house to shop. Aelke dragged herself up the flight of stairs and threw herself on the bed, listening to the excited chatter of the older woman. 

Yeon Rin's babbling stopped abruptly when she noticed that her brother's wife is not answering. "Aelke, are you okay? You don't sound to good right now..." 

"I'm fine. Great. It's just the usual PMS." She said, facing the ceiling. Aelke could hear her sister in-law's advice on how to tone the pain down and heard her saying that she'll be over to check on Aelke. Aelke could only nod to everything that she said as she didn't have any energy left. "Sure, come on over, I'll make something." She said, but her sister in-law complained, "No, no! Don't prepare anything! I'm bringing over your favourite ice-cream." 

Aelke immediately brightened, "Really? Oh, thank you so much Rin unni!" She cheered while her sister in-law just chuckled, amused. "Well, I'll be right over."







Yeon Rin spent hours conversing with Aelke, they spoke of many things especially topics of K-Pop bands. Even so, the older woman knew enough to avoid mentioning her younger brother in front of Aelke as it was a sensitive topic but she noticed that lately, her sister in-law seemed less moody and more cheerful. She smiled, Yeon Rin admired the younger woman's ability to motivate others and herself. 

The ice-cream tub laid carelessly on the coffee table, empty and all its content eaten. Yeon Rin helped Aelke with cleaning up the mess they did and left, bidding goodbye to the younger woman.

Aelke was once again left alone inside the huge house, not knowing what to do. It was evening by the time Yeon Rin left and Aelke decided that it was time for bed. She brushed her teeth and changed into her pyjama. Climbing under the soft layer of bed sheets, Aelke tried to fall asleep. Sadly, sleep does not want to take her and she remained awake as she stares into space. Sighing, she threw off the cover and went to her husband's study room. 

The light sound of the pen scratching against paper echoed throughout the room accompanied by her soft breathing. The dim lighting in the room makes it hard to see anything, but Aelke ignored it as she wasn't bothered to turn the other lights. 

She wrote the address on the left hand corner of the parchment and started writing the rest of the letter. There wasn't much that she wanted to say, just the usual 'I miss you' sentence. It's a fact though; she desperately misses Kai and therefore she will convey her feelings through this letter. 


How are you there? Is the training hard? How's the food there? What time do you wake up in the morning? Do you get enough sleep? I'm fine. I'm great. Really great. Your sister dropped by too see me and we talked about all sorts of things, especially K-Pop. Don't worry, we weren't fangirling over the handsome idols. Kai, you need to know that you're the only one I'll fawn over. I miss you. Only one month to go right? 


She placed the letter inside an envelope, sealing it and reminding herself to later put it inside the mailbox. Turning the lights off, she made her way towards the bedroom that she and he shares, immediately falling asleep under the soft blanket. It's funny how just by writing that letter to Kai, she's able to sleep peacefully. Perhaps, even from afar Kai's guarding her like the soldier he is.







His eyes scanned the letter and felt a smile forming on his lips. 'She went through too much' He thought, and a guilty feeling started to surface inside his heart. He didn't want to leave her but it's his duty as a South Korean male citizen. Besides, there's only two more weeks to go. He only just recently received the letter and was now reading it. 

He was a member of the Navy hence why he's time limit for training is longer, having to spend 23 months away from home. Only two more weeks to go, he can't wait to see his lovely wife. He can barely contain his feelings, his desire to escape and hold his wife in his arms. Two more weeks to go, if he was able to hold on till now, he can surely be patient to the end. 

'Aelke, wait for me...'

Yeon Rin eyed her sister in-law worriedly, glancing up at the doctor once in a while. The room was silent as the doctor continued to examine Aelke for any sickness, placing the stethoscope on her chest and back. Aelke shivered from the cold metal making contact with her skin. Suddenly, she felt a bile gathering in and knew that she had the urge to vomit but forced it down. It was disgusting. The taste of all her meal for the day rising up only to have her swallow it back down. 
For the past few days, Yeon Rin could see Aelke lethargic and tired than usual. She was worried of course. Could it be the lack of vitamin D due to the lack of exposure to the sun or could she have been food poisoned? Yeon Rin had no clue for she was no doctor. She's been spending her time more often at Aelke's house to accompany the younger woman as her husband was also serving in the military. She figured it'd be best to hang out together. Therefore, both of them have been browsing shopping malls, looking for clothes or simply window shopping but never have any of them gone out to feel the Sun.
She tapped her finger against the doctor's desk as she waited for the examination to be over, her eyes darting around the neat room. 'Could it be that Aelke's sick because she's missing Kai?' She thought, it's possible right? Well, whatever it is, it's her responsibility to make sure Aelke is in good shape, especially before Kai gets home.  The doctor cleared , gaining the worried sister's attention. Yeon Rin whipped her head to face her and saw a soft smile latched on her face. 
'Is Aelke okay? Isn't she supposed to be sick?' Millions of questions ran across her mind, waiting to be answered as she stared at the doctor scribbling information on the medical documents. 
She finally spoke up, "Mrs. Kim is fine. If anything, the pain will only last for a few weeks before she gets use to it." She said, facing Yeon Rin and Aelke who was pulling her blouse over her stomach.
Aelke raised an eyebrow. "Get used to it? to what exactly?" 
The only response she received was again a gentle smile, "Congratulations Mrs. Kim-" The doctors words were unheard to Aelke as her ears automatically tuned out everything that she was saying. Yeon Rin immediately jumped out of her seat, embracing her sister in-law's tensed form and shouting God knows what in Aelke's ear in excitement. Everything was a blur right now and Aelke was finding it hard to breath.





There's always that most memorable moment in every relationship. Sweet and passionate moments that last in ones mind. For Aelke, there are too many memorable moments too count, but if she had to choose, her most favourable moment spent with Kai would be when they are one. Literally and physically. When their bodies are aligned and when their limbs, their organs and bones combine. Those were her most cherished moments.

That's not to say that she is a deprived person, but then again who isn't a crazed person when they're around Kai? Who can resist him? During the twenty-three months of military service, Kai would visit her albeit very rarely. Even if he did visit her, it wouldn't shorten the conscription. So far, during the twenty-three months, Kai has visited Aelke twice and only for a short period. 

During this times, Kai would embrace her and this would eventually end with them together with no clothes whatsoever and tangled in each other's limbs. When Kai visits, the young couple would often spend their time in their bedroom where they would be together with no sense of insecurity but only the feeling of love latched on their hearts. Passionate love. 

Though, that does not necessarily mean that all they do is get on each other and go at it non-stop twenty-four, seven. No. In fact, there are a lot of times when their relationship does not end in their bedroom. Those times would be when they held each other's hands, strolling through the park and having a picnic. The time when Aelke wanted to bake cookies for Kai to bring and enjoy during his training. Kai would assist her with baking, though Aelke would be the one doing mostof the job as he was not skilled in cooking. And that time when Aelke fell sick but made an effort to fulfill her duty only to have Kai carry her back to bed and cook her porridge even though he was rubbish at any type of cooking. 

There are too many memorable moments in their relationship. Some that they remember, others that they sadly forget. But what they do know is that they seriously love each other.

Kai's most recent visit would be a few weeks ago. Even though there's only a few more months until Kai's able to return home, he took his last chance of seeing her. Again, during that time they did their fair share of exchanging affections and ended up love-making. After that, Kai left her again but he promised like he did from the start that he'll return to her. This would be the last time he visited her though, but she was no longer as sad as before for she was aware that he would fulfill his promises. 

She eyed her tummy and smiled. As a couple, they would argue though they do it very, very rarely and even if they did debate, it would be of childish topics such as which gender should the baby be? A girl or a boy? It's funny, considering the fact that neither of them are even able to control which gender thair baby would end up as. But now, Aelke decided that she could careless which gender her child should be. All she wants is for Kai to be a father, for her to be a mother. She wants to be the bearer of Kai's children. 




"I'm home!" He shouted but was greeted with silence. He frowned, fully expecting his wife to fly into his arm and shed tears of joy at his arrival. 'Where is she?' 
 Kai slipped his shoes off stepped into the house, eyes searching for Aelke but was greeted with furniture and more silence. To say that he was disappointed was an understatement. For months, he received letters from her confessing her love to him and how she misses him. So if she missed him so much, where was she now?
He placed his luggage on the ground and padded upstairs to where he can hear soft rustles of clothing. Pushing the master bedroom door open, he saw his wife by the window, gazing at the scenery and the children playing at the playground. His eyes softened. Walking up to her, he wrapped his arms around her slim waist and pulled her to his chest. "Hey babe." He murmured into her soft brown hair.
She giggled, sighing as she leaned into his embrace, "Hello to you to." 
Aelke turned around to take in her husband's handsome features that didn't changed throughout the months that he was gone. A tear slipped down her cheek and after that thousands of tears gushed out of her doe brown eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. "I missed you!" She sobbed, repeating the sentence over and over again like a mantra. Kai stood there with tears threatening to fall as he tightened his hold on her.
"Shh, I'm here. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." He whispered, running his fingers through her hair. Eventually, Aelke managed to stop her crying and was reduced to a woman with swollen eyes and pink cheeks.
"Kai...Do you want children?" She asked out of the bubble, scaring him. Why was she asking him that? Did she want to have so soon? Months of repressed ual desires started to course through his veins as his breathing became shallow. "W-why are you asking?" He asked, keeping his eyes trained on her plump lips that looked inviting right now.
She sighed, folding her arms across her chest. Unfortunately, the only thing she managed to achieve was push her up, showing more cleavage to Kai. He swallowed. "Fine, if you don't wanna' have any children than I'll ju-" She was interrupted as he pulled her into a hug.
"Of course I wanna' be a dad! Don't talk nonsense Aelke." He said. She smiled as she gently untangle herself from his embrace. She eyed her stomach and placed her hand over it, gently rubbing her now flat tummy. "Well, soon enough you'll be a dad. A great dad." She mumbled quietly, but Kai heard it and his eyes were instantly as huge as plates, glancing at her than at her stomach.
"Don't joke around Aelke..." He murmured though his eyes were filled with hope and excitement. She shook her head with an amused chuckle. "I'm not joking Kai..."
"I'm pregnant."
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Chapter 1: ... *goes crying in corner* Cute Kikwang... and now a cute Kai? My heart can't bear it T__T
Chapter 1: Wait is that last part when he's finally done with the training? :o
Nichkhunieee #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwww this is so sweet and cute! <3 though for a moment there I thought kai was dead: / But I really enjoyed it: )
Chapter 1: ...... heart racing. Boom this is breathtaking-