Taecyeon , Basketball Club Leader , Part 1

You idiot , why didn't you wake up sooner?

Kang Ji Hyuk was making his way off the school compound in which he found absolutely hateful , he only spent one day and already everyone doesn't like him. He stretches as he knows he can finally get home and do something constructive , if you count playing video games constructive. "Zzzzz..." a soft humming noise was heard as it got louder and louder before a basketball zoomed past Ji Hyuk , zipping right past his face and smashing a hole in the concrete wall. He turned to see a man in a basketball jersey and shorts , smirking softly as he twirled a basketball on his finger. "Aish...missed it by so little" the man said , not paying much attention to Ji Hyuk as he lamented. Ji Hyuk set his bag down and took his eyepatch off , walking over to the man , laughing "Haha , you seem like a professional basketball player and yet you missed a target as big as me? Shame on you and your skills.". The man looked at Ji Hyuk and dribbled the ball , obviously unaffected as he chuckled "Ah , what if I didn't want to hit you eh? Besides , Lady Jung has ordered us to damage you severely and not kill you , although she knows you won't be able to survive our onslaught , so she is sending us one by one by one , once you defeat one of us , we have three more waiting for you , and you have to defeat one of us every day , which I think impossible.". Ji Hyuk scoffed , a habit he was getting used to do at this school , as he asked "so how do I defeat you? Mr Basketball Shame?". "The name's Taecyeon , and to defeat me , it's clearly obvious , win a basketball match against me , first to score wins" , the man said as he dribbled the basketball he had. Ji Hyuk raised his eyebrow and scoffed again "That's it? It'll be pretty easy to do that" he said as he reached for the basketball Taecyeon was holding , but he tossed the ball aside. "We're not playing by standard rules , we're playing by Lady Jung's rules , isn't that right , Lady Jung?" Taecyeon said as he looked at the roof , a small figure who was easily identifiable as Jessica was standing on top of it. Jessica merely nodded before a spiked iron ball came flying out of nowhere , Taecyeon grabbing it and slamming it against his gloved hands to stop it. "Now , Kang Ji Hyuk , you will witness the skills and power of our school , and you will find out what are the rules you serve under!" Jessica yelled , her voice echoing throughout the court they were in as Taecyeon twirled the spiked ball on one of its spike , with Krystal appearing in the centre of the court and pushing them to their positions without moving from her original postition , as if air had pushed them on her command. Taecyeon laughed and cooed playfully "Calm down Kryssie , this game should be biased against us , the school and not some outsider ~ ". Krystal glared at Taecyeon and said "Firstly , I told you to never call me that again , and two , we're playing under Lady Jung's rules , and he is still a student here after all. Ji Hyuk was still taking in the strange that happened but he soon snapped out of it as his purple-starred iris started to spin faster and faster , before dilating as a demonic smirk creeped across his face , a demonic , husky voice mumbling audibly , "Game on you stuck-up es" . Krystal and Taecyeon gulped slightly as Ji Hyuk's weird transformation before Krystal kicked the spiked ball vertically up and running away as Taecyeon ran after the ball and Ji Hyuk did the same , only with his legs and one hand like a deformed beast. Both hands reached out for the ball at the same time and... (To be continued)


(A/N : Hey guys , sorry about this crappy chapter ,  my exams are coming and I wanted to put up a chapter before they start so here it is. Sorry about some info added  that was not stated in the Foreword because this story is based on what I think is appropriate for the story's development. I'll be continuing the second part after exams , probably during the June holidays or earlier , but now I want to ask you guys on the ending , should Ji Hyuk and Jessica end up together? Or should Ji Hyuk confess to Jessica just as she kills him? Let me know in the comments below and I'll try to do the more favoured ending , thanks for your support ~ Kkaebsong ~)

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maneeex3 #1
ermagesh. reminds me of ciel.