Jealousy L.Joe

I Never Wanted To Let You Go

FT.Triple - Don't You Know




         "Uh... Guess I'm not feeling that well... but whatever. I'll go to school. Ljoe said he'll tell Mr.Park that I'm ditching school if I didn't come today... aaaaaAAAAACHHOOooooo!!" you sneezed. you grabbed your bag, and then walked to school.  

         "_____!" someone called your name, and you quickly turned around,

"ah! Chunji oppa!" you walked to him.

"So, how are you?"

"I'm fine now," you smiled.

"good! that's what I wanted to hear!" he ruffled your hair.

"yah! you ruined my hair!" you pouted.

"wow, wow! since when did you turn into a talkative person?" he laughed.

".....did I?"

"uhuh," he nodded and smiled. "and it's a good thing, come on, hurry go to school, we gotta be late!" he ran.

you just stared at him... and then ran along with him "yah, oppa wait for me!"

          Meanwhile Ljoe just stared at both of you. he's been watching since Chunji called you. It...bothered him.



At Class

          You're writing on your book, and Ljoe kept staring at you. "Yah! Lee Byunghun! What are you doing? Are you finished yet?!" Mr.Park yelled. "A..ah, mianhae," Ljoe said. Mr.Park just shook his head. and started teaching again. Ljoe slowly took a peek on you, and smiled. you're finally back, he thought.

            The bell has just rang, you grabbed your bento box and stood up, you're about to go to the roof, but L.joe called you. "_____, where are you going?" he asked you. 

"umm, to the roof. why?" 

"can I join you?"

you stared at him, couldn't believe that Ljoe, the popular Ljoe just asked to join you. "s...sure, but why?"

"The cafetaria wasn't interesting anymore, I'm bored. So let's go!" he walked out. you just stared at him blankly.


At the roof, Chunji's P.O.V

         I'm here, at the roof! waiting for _____, I have something for her. It's as a sign of an apology, because I didn't come last time to celebrate our one weeksary. I smiled at the present. "I hope she'll like it". and then I heard the door opened.

"_____!" I called her name, expecting to see her.

"Chunji oppa! wow, you're earlier than me!" she smiled brightly. I just love her smile.

"yes! I was waiti..." I stopped talking when I realized there's a figure behind her. It was...Ljoe.

"yah, _____! what is he doing here?!" Ljoe asked _____.

"what? he's my friend, I use to spend my lunchbreak time here with him, why?" _____ asked him back. Ljoe stared at me.

"Am...I bothering you?" I asked Ljoe. Ljoe just sighed and then turned around.

"No, I'm the one who bothering you two, I guess I'll just go," he then walked away.

"yah! Ljoe!" _____ called him. but it was no use. "aish! what's with him?" _____ mumbled to herself, but I can heard it.



Ljoe's P.O.V

        What's with him?! Why is he always with _____?! Damn it! .........wait. Why did I even care? ppfft, Ljoe. just ignore them, they're nothing. 

b...but I can't let _____ out of my mind! .....what is this feeling? I putted my hand on my chest. My heart was beating so fast. Why am I acting like this?! I acted like this since... I ATE HER BENTO. Did she put some poisons in it?! that's why I acted weird! Maybe she putted some kind of love poisons! It must be! I can't be wrong! I should've check myself, I should have go to the clinic!, I should've ask _____ about this! Okay, I'll just ask her. Then I turned around, and heading to the roof.




         "I'm sorry oppa, Ljoe was like that all the time," I sighed then sat beside Chunji. "so did you bring your lunch?" I asked him.

Chunji just smiled at me, and then he took out something. "take this," he said.

"what is this?" I stared at cute little box on my hand.

"open it" Chunji smiled at me. I opened it slowly, and see a silver bunny bracelet. It's so cute. I smiled,

"oppa! this is so cute!" I smiled at it, and took it out.

"here, let me wear it on you," Chunji said, he then took my right hand and putted the bracelet there. I smiled at him.

"Thankyou oppa," I said. Chunji stared at me,

"happy one weeksary, _____" he said.



Ljoe's P.O.V

         I'm sooo gonna kill her if she really poisoned me! I quickly opened the door, "Yah, __....." I was about to yell at her, but I stopped when I saw Chunji's hand on her. I...don't..even...

"Thankyou oppa," _____ said, smiling at Chunji, and Chunji just smiled back at her.

"happy one weeksary, _____" he said. 

w...what is this? they're just friend, right? I mean, they didn't look like one. it looks like, it's more than just a friend.

I slowly turned around and closed the door. they didn't even realize I was there watching them. ZZZAAPPP!!!! argh, what is this?! what the hell is happening to me?! I putted my hand on my chest, my heart... it was beating so fast. even faster than the last time. But not in a good way.


It's.......hurting me.

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Chapter 32: Omo! Chapter 26 literally made me cry so hard & I kinda felt like the situation was real & was actually happening in my life :'(
Great story!
xhogelvin_ #2
Chapter 31: I cried a river when I reading chapter 26.. ;___;
Btw, love this awesome story~~ Good job Author-nim ! :3 *thumbs up*
Chapter 31: kyyaaa!!! i know im to late to read this wonderful syory..but i just want you to know that this story is really beautiful and it made me cry..i love ure writting skill and ure writtin style..hwaiting!
Chapter 31: Your story made me cry a lot !_! I can't even stop from crying. Now I'll go to read the sequel and I hope that I won't cry so much as now *puppy eyes*
BTW,ur story is awesome <3
This story just making me crying non stop.. but who was texted ljoe?!!!
Paboly_Nisa #7
Chapter 32: wait. who texted l.joe ?!??!?!
kpopj3 #8