My First Love

I Never Wanted To Let You Go

Note: I'm sorry I forgot to describe your condition at the previous chapter, you've broke your leg, now you walked with a quad canes


it's been 5 days since Chunji left you, and you didn't feel any better. you kept mourning, and mourning. you kept crying, and it's hard for you to smile.

this pain was worse than the pain when Ljoe left you. it's because when Ljoe left, you still had Chunji, a person who always made you laugh and smile, and bring back your happiness. but now, you didn't have anybody.


you sat there at class, looking out of window. kept thinking of Chunji. 

"Oppa, how are you? what are you doing now?" you thought. you kept looking out.

"oppa, no one here was like you, you know, when I got into troubles, you were always there by my side, telling me that everything's gonna be okay. you always hugged me, whenever I cried. you always covered my eyes, and say 'guess who', but now, look at me. I'm here, alone. no one eats my bento, no one sits beside me at the roof, no one there in my house, no one there talking to me... It's just me, all alone..."

you kept thinking of him.

"I miss you, oppa. I really do..." you sighed, 

"this week is my worst of everything. and it's 3 days left until my birthday..." you sobbed,

"how I wish I could go to Jeju Island with you on my birthday..." you smiled. "just like what you've promised"

"and oppa, it's 3 days too, until Ljoe's wedding..."

you thought of Ljoe. Then you took a glance at your pocket. It was used to be only one stick there, but now there were two sticks.

You looked at the seat beside you, it's empty. Ljoe... he's busy preparing for his wedding.

guess you're really alone...


Ljoe's P.O.V

Chunji, I'm here. at the cemetery. I brought you flowers. 

Chunji, I'm giving my first love to you, only you, because you're the only person that I've put my trust on. I've trusted you. I know that you can make her happy, and smile, unlike me. but now what? you left her. you made her cry, you made her brokenhearted, you made her dying inside.

you're worse than me.

I left her, but I'm still here. she can see me, she can touch me, she can hear me. unlike you. you left her, and you're not even here.

you left the world. you left us. 

there was nothing left. only memories. 

Chunji, I remember. you used to be scared of me. you know, when I asked her phone number, and you were there, shaking.

you bowed to me, apologized to me many times, but then you got it, all that I wanted was her phone number. I laughed inside.

Sometimes, I got jealous and mad at you for no reason. I just can't accept the reality, that _____ chose you as her friend.

she also called you oppa. I often caught you two, doing something romantic. and no, I didn't stalk you. I just... I don't even know why.

"you know, if you have a problem, you can always talk to me, I'll help you find your way out. and don't worry! I won't tell your problems to anybody! so, cheer up! smile more often! _____ would be so happy to see your smile, she once said that it's the cutest thing ever, other than my bunny face" 

I laughed. your bunny face. yaaah, how I miss that feeling, like I want to punch your bunny face.

"Then, let's be friend!"

I ever wondered, why are you so talkative, Chunji. you even made _____ talkative too. 

I also remember, how you really tried to tell me that _____ loves me, even if you like her. you just wanted her to be happy...



"I just knew it, I mean... who wouldn't?! look at the way she looked at you! look at the way she's acting around you?! Doesn't it enough to proves you that she loves you?!"

"I am her bestfriend, Ljoe. I know her, I really know her. She always talks about you, about your smile, about your everything! I just know that she likes you,"

and then you came to my house, just to say that _____ loves me. you really tried your best. you're the first, the only one that would yell at me.


"you're such a jerk, Ljoe. I can't believe it that I'm your friend. I'm so disappointed of you."


"you didn't love your girlfriend as much as you love _____!"


...that's right...

I...didn't love Hanbich. I never loved her.. as much as I love _____...

"you said you wanted to meet her at the park to show your feeling towards her. SHE CAME JUST FOR YOU, she came alone AT NIGHT, JUST FOR YOU, GOD DAMN IT!"

"whatever, you're such a jerk, Ljoe, I'm no longer your friend."

Chunji... I never had a chance to say, I'm sorry...

I never had a chance to say, how happy I was, when you became my first friend.

now that you're gone, I miss you. 

no one will ever yell at me again, even grab my collar, and almost punch me in the face.

no one will ever laugh crazily with me.

Chunji... why did you leave.


"I miss him too," someone said, I turned my head, it was _____.



I was about to visit Chunji, but then I saw Ljoe. he was holding a flower bucket. I smiled. I bet Ljoe must be missing him like hell. just like me.

I approached Ljoe, "I miss him too," I said. then he looked at me. he didn't say anything, just staring at me.

I just smiled, then put my flower on top of Chunji's tombstone. "bunny oppa, look who's here to give you flowers,"

"you should thank him, bunny oppa. he can still take the time to come here, even if he's busy.." I smiled,

then I looked at Ljoe, he was staring at me, "Chunji didn't know, that you're getting married..." I said.

Ljoe just stood there, didn't say anything. but then suddenly, something dropped from the sky. it was raining. again.

I quickly covered my head, and pulled Ljoe to the corner, under a big tree.

"aish, oppa really knows how to make the weather cry!" I said.

Ljoe just looked at me,

"'s weird when you're staring at me, and yet you didn't say anything," I laughed, then Ljoe quickly looked away.

I just stared at Ljoe. then I smiled. I guess, everything's really changed.

"I think I'll just go home now, before the rain get heavier," I said to Ljoe, then I walked away, but then, Ljoe grabbed my hand.

I looked at him, 

"don't," Ljoe said. don't? what? "don't leave me,"


I was walking with Ljoe, I decided to go to his house. we walked together, but didn't say anything.

"you know, we used to walk together like this," I smiled, that moment... when I still in love with Ljoe like, crazily.

Ljoe just walked, didn't say anything. and then I saw his car, and his driver.

his driver.

I opened my eyes widely, I knew him! his driver! his face didn't change much, although it was 10 years ago!

He bowed, he took a glance at me, and he looked like he's shocked. then he opened the door for me and Ljoe.

I was sitting beside Ljoe, I kept staring at his driver. Does he remember me too?


"it's been a long time, _____-agasshi," the driver suddenly said.

I was shocked, he did remember me! "ah, yes...ppyong-ahjusshi" I smiled.

and then Ljoe looked at us, "w..what? you guys know each other?!" he said.


I just smiled. Chunji was right... it's really Ljoe.


my first love.

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Chapter 32: Omo! Chapter 26 literally made me cry so hard & I kinda felt like the situation was real & was actually happening in my life :'(
Great story!
xhogelvin_ #2
Chapter 31: I cried a river when I reading chapter 26.. ;___;
Btw, love this awesome story~~ Good job Author-nim ! :3 *thumbs up*
Chapter 31: kyyaaa!!! i know im to late to read this wonderful syory..but i just want you to know that this story is really beautiful and it made me cry..i love ure writting skill and ure writtin style..hwaiting!
Chapter 31: Your story made me cry a lot !_! I can't even stop from crying. Now I'll go to read the sequel and I hope that I won't cry so much as now *puppy eyes*
BTW,ur story is awesome <3
This story just making me crying non stop.. but who was texted ljoe?!!!
Paboly_Nisa #7
Chapter 32: wait. who texted l.joe ?!??!?!
kpopj3 #8