Updates Part 2

Who You Are As A Writer

Have you ever experience this: You are just logging onto your account and to find out that a story that you have been waiting for so long, had been updated! Thing is when you click on the chapter, it's got only like five paragraphs.

I sure did.

And it didn't feel so good.

I think that a decent chapter should have around 800- and more words. I mean, I'd understand if the author is busy with work and things that are going on in their life. But it's a chapter! It's a chapter of their story. Therefore, they  should at least put some effort into updating the story.

I'd rather wait a couple more weeks and days to see at least 800- or more words in a chapter, than to see five paragraphs written in a chapter. A chapter is really important to a story. It's part of the story! So shouldn't it be longer? In my opinion, if you read a fanfic without thinking that something is boring, then the author did a good job in writing the chapters, that every detail and word was important or somehow contributed to something important. Basically, they wrote what was needed. By not including too much or too little detail. Like, I don't want to read a few paragraphs to know what they are wearing. (I'll address the detail thing in the later chapters.)

My Point of View:

I would choose a longer chapter with longer waiting days than a shorter chapter with shorter waiting days. Now, there is an arguable thing concerning this. It's also depends on the quality of the update. If it was long but poorly written, then no, I will not enjoy reading it.

To the next topic, there's the pictures and gifs updates!

I have seen where at first, I thought the author updated and the chapter is going to be long. Instead, I have read about a few paragraphs and have been bombarded with pictures and gifs. Like half the chapter is pictures and gifs. This is a fanfic, a story. Not a photo book.

My Point of View:

I think one or two pictures/gifs wouldn't hurt but more than that, no.



What do you think? Have you ever experienced the things I just have said?

Feel free to comment about your views and thoughts. ^^

Next topic: Fonts


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Hilleo #1
Chapter 8: Actually in my school, you dont have to have good grades when youre in a sport team. Even if you have the worst score in the whole school but actually great in sport, you dont have to care about failing.
Chapter 6: I totally agree with you! I really hate Mary Sues with whom you absolutely can't relate to! >:(
Ps: thanks for the precious advice!
Hilleo #3
Chapter 4: I had. And it's annoying-.- i was like,"uhh, what's the use of updating when you only got 5 paragraphs to share?"
Hilleo #4
Chapter 2: Same with you. I don't rush them to update unless the last time they updated was like 3 or more months ago. Hehe
Hilleo #5
Chapter 1: Actually, i write because I always want to share my imaginations with people. I want them to know what I am thinking, what I am feeling...
Chapter 1: OMG I just needed to read this!!! YES I ened to share this with my Jonkey shippers "friends" They kept saying that if I write about Jongkey my fics will way better and so on. But I don't ship Jongkey, so what? I want you appreciate my effort like I appreciate urs T.T why does it hurt to see people neglecting that point : That writer deserve a chance, even if I don't ship that pairing.
Chapter 8: I agree. I just realized recently that highschool fic focused mainly on the romance life, I mean, I get it that the genre is 'romance' but it doesn't mean that all the highschool things that the characters have to do magically gone.
more fic with highschool!au genre should describe the struggle of their character as a student more.
Chapter 7: I definitely agree that a title should be memorable and well thought out. It should especially relate to the story. It irks me when the title sounds pretty but has absolutely no significance to the story. One thing I'd have to disagree on is the word limit. "One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies" by Sonya Sones is a great example of this. True, not many titles exceed six words but it can be done really well by those who do.