Chapter 2: Progress

Will she ever be mine?

Thunder hit his head on the wooden deck on his bed, "Aish, what a great way to wake up..", he got up and went to the bathroom to comb his hair, he looked into the mirror, "Ah, wae is my hair being so stubborn today?" Dara came into the bathroom "Cheondungie-ah, how are you feeling?" Dara noticed the bump on his head, "Ah, what happened to your head?"

He set his comb down on the shelf, "I hit it when I woke up on the wooden deck on my bed...", "Aigoo, you're such a pabo."

Cheondung glared at Dara then scoffed, "Don't rub it in." Dara's phone suddenly rang, she was putting face moisturizing cream on, "Aish, who calls this early in the morning?!", she ran out of the bathroom to her bedroom and answered her phone, Thunder started brushing his teeth, he overheard the conversation between Dara and whoever is on the phone with her, "He cheated on her?", Thunder slightly tilted his head and heard footsteps coming closer to the bathroom, he went back to brushing his teeth, "who was that?", "Bom unnie... apparently her boyfriend cheated on her..".

Thunder's eyes widened and he dropped his toothbrush in the sink, thoughts were racing through his mind, "Wae would someone cheat on a woman like Bom?" Dara's eyes were locked on Thunder, "Doongie...Doongie!" she flicked his forehead, he shook his head "Yah, what was that for?!", "What are you thinking about?" "N-nothing.." he picked up his toothbrush and continued brushing his teeth.

"I know you're thinking something..", he shook his head, "Tell me." Dara demanded, he sighed, "I'm just wondering, who would have the nerve to hurt Bom like that?" He looked at Dara, wiping his mouth, "Apparently that guy.." Dara responded.

He got out of the bathroom and layed on the couch, crossing his legs and looking up at the ceiling, "Bom's such a lovely woman, she doesn't deserve to be treated like a toy, no girl ever does, but especially Bom."

Knocks were heard at the door Dara came to answer, "Annyeong Bom and CL...", Thunder's heart started pounding, he could hear Bom crying, he didn't want to approach her or anything because she knew what he was doing, trying to win her heart, but he couldn't help it.

"It's okay Bom, forget that guy, he's an idiot for cheating on you and hurting you like that, do you want me to beat him up for you?" CL said, Bom let out a soft sigh, "I don't want anything to do with him anymore, period." She replied, "But thank you CL..", Thunder decided to make some lunch, he knew Bom loved corn and watermelon, "I smell corn!" Bom said excited, they walked into the kitchen to notice Thunder cooking things on the stove, "Lunch should be ready soon!" He said while cutting up the Watermelon. 

"Cheondung, are you sure you know what you're doing?" Dara asked, "I learned from you Noona, I know how to cook." He said placing the pieces of Watermelon on 3 plates, he looked at his hand, feeling a slight burning sensation, he cut his thumb while slicing the watermelon, not noticing Bom was standing next to him, "That looks like it hurts.." he turned his head and saw Bom, he froze up, starting to sweat and blush lightly.

"Uh..", he found himself stuck, he always got this way around woman he liked, he became unresponsive and couldn't say anything, he felt stupid, he felt warmth on the cut, he blinked before realizing Bom kissed his finger, she pulled her lips away from his finger, "B-Bom... t-thank you..", he bowed slowly.

"Aigoo, you don't have to thank me silly." She said looking at the corn, "hurry up and be done I'm starving!"

All of a sudden, someone was pounding on the door, Dara and CL went into Dara's room leaving Thunder to answer, he opened the door slowly, "Annyeong.. is Bom here?" Bom knew that voice, it was her boyfriend, well her now ex-boyfriend, Thunder looked at Bom and she shook her head and whispered "Tell him no..", "No she's not." The man got angry, "I know she's here! I see her car!" "Why are you here anyways?" Thunder interrupted him, he scoffed, "To apologize and take her back."

"I don't think she wants you back, she wants nothing to do with you anymore, you hurt her deeply." "I don't need the pep talk okay? I just want to see her..", "Go away.." Bom came up behind Thunder demanding, "Ah, finally there you are beautiful, I'm sorry..", Bom shook her head, "You think sorry is really going to get me to forgive you? For cheating on me when we've been together for almost 2 years!?" Thunder bit his lip, something about Bom yelling was attractive, he normally didn't like girls who were aggressive, but Bom is different, very different.

"Listen... I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean for any of that to happen Bom, I swear!" "Then why did it hapen, hmm?", she asked, "I was caught up in a moment.." Thunder was getting angrier every second this guy said something, "Being caught up in a moment doesn't gratify anything.." he muttered under his teeth, the guy looked at him with a sharp glare, "What are you still even doing here? Our relationship is none of your business.." Bom interrupted, "We don't have a relationship anymore!" She shoved Thunder out of the way and slammed the door locking it, she ran into the living room, crying hard.

"Bom wait please, open up!" He yelled, Thunder shouted out the window "Go home or I'll call the police!" He took out the corn from the pot and let it cool off, he went to go see Bom, she was sitting there, with her head in her hands, Thunder hated seeing any girl cry.

He got the courage to go sit down next to her, "This might be a dumb question, but are you okay?" She shook her head, lifting her head out of her hands wiping away tears, her eyeliner smeared somewhat, but that didn't matter, "I just can't believe he had the audacity to come here and try to apologize for doing something like that to me.. he means nothing to me anymore." Thunder nodded and handed her a tissue, "I'm not an expert on relationships or anything, but that was completely low what he did, you don't deserve that Bom, you really don't." He hugged her, "The corn is done..", Bom pulled away from the hug, "Yay! Corn! I want and need corn!" She got up and took two ears of corn on a plate and sat down back on the couch, happily chewing her corn.

Thunder smiled, "Is it good? I'm worried I might've overcooked it." He rubbed the back of his head, she shook her head, "It's perfect, thank you."

CL and Dara walked out of the room, "We heard yelling, is everything okay?" Thunder nodded,  "It is now, I think, Bom's ex tried coming here and apologizing, oh and lunch is ready."

They both took their plates of food and sat on the couch, "He must be desperate or the other girl found out about Bom.." CL said while spreading butter on her corn, "He's definitely a pabo for hurting Bom." Thunder replied, they all nodded.

Thunder fell asleep after eating his lunch, CL and Dara were back in Dara's room while Bom was finishing the last ear of corn, she looked at Thunder sleeping, her views have changed a little on him now, she pulled the blanket over him and gave him a very light kiss on the cheek, though it was light, Thunder's lips curled into a smile.


And that wraps up chapter 2! Sorry it took a while to update, I was busy writing out the rest of it during school! I hope you enjoy it!


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Chapter 3 is up!


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Chapter 3: whoaaa bom x thunder is such a cute ship! thank u for the good story & also the kisses!!! XD
Chapter 2: wah bom&cheondung!!! such a new ship but i like it! hope to see more updates from u :)
samlizzie #3
Chapter 2: Wow cheondoong you can win noona heart
Chapter 1: Heol~~~ This is so heartbreaking. Poor Cheondunggie ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
have an update soon