A Possible Chance?

Will she ever be mine?

Thunder woke up from having a dream, he was a bit sweaty, he couldn't of possibly dreamt about Bom did he? Maybe.

Everyone seems to be gone, he got off the couch and rubbed his eyes, he heard a phone ring, it couldn't be his because he left it in his room, he looked at the coffee table and saw a blinking light with the little mail emoticon, it's Bom's phone, Bom never leaves her phone out..she always has it with her.

He heard laughter downstairs, he wonders if it's Dara noona, he walked down the steps and peeked out from behind the door, it was Bom and some other guy, he couldn't tell if it was her ex, or a new guy, all of a sudden, Dadoong pawed open the door meowing with excitement and the scent of Thunder.

"Yah! Dadoongie!" He yelled, Bom and this guy's head turned in his direction, Thunder looked back up, "Uh.. hi..", he said nervously, "Thunder.. were you watching us the whole time behind the door?" Bom asked, "No.. I just woke up, and everyone's gone, then I heard laughing sounds coming from down here and wanted to see what it was..", he picked up Dadoong, slightly petting him.

Bom let out a soft chuckle, "You can come down here if you want, this is just a really good close friend of mine, his name's Woojin", Thunder nodded, he thought he had a chance with Bom, but now, this guy all of a sudden pops up, "Hi Woojin.. I'm Thunder" he bowed slowly, "I know who you are, you're one of the rappers from MBLAQ, Bom's told me a lot about you."

Thunder slightly blushed, "Bom talks about me?" he thought, "Oh.. she has?", he nodded, Thunder went to sit on the chair, "What has she told you about me?"

"It's all good things, I swear.." he chuckled, all of a sudden Woojin's phone rang, "Yoboseyo?", "Ah, okay.. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Woojin hung up, "That was my girlfriend, I have to to pick her up from her friend's house.. it was nice meeting you Thunder." He got up and shook Thunder's hand, and hugged Bom, "I'll try to get together with you again soon Bom." Bom nodded, smiling.

They walked up the stairs together, Bom opened the door to let Woojin out, Thunder sat on the couch waiting for Bom to come back, she sat next to him, "Where is everyone else?" Thunder asked, "I think they went shopping, I wanted to stay home."

"Oh..", Thunder said, "Ahh.. someone texted you I think.. I saw your phone blinking with the little icon thing..", "Really?" Bom reached for her phone and flipped it open, "1 text message from... oh great... him."  She suddenly said, Thunder tilted his head, "My ex texted me.. ugh.. why can't he just leave me alone?" "Want me to beat him up for you Bom?" Thunder smiled, chuckling softly, Bom shook her head, "Ani.. I don't want you getting hurt by some loser like him."

There was an awkward silence, Thunder wanted to say something but didn't in hope that Bom would, "So.. how long have you liked me?" She asked, he quickly turned his head and his mind started racing, "Uh... I, I liked you since I first saw you, there was something that drew me to you.." his cheeks started turning a slight pink color, Bom giggled and smiled, "You're blushing!" Thunder shook his head, "Ani! Ani!" Bom pushed Thunder down and got on top of him, Thunder's heart started racing, he gulped softly, he's never gotten this close to a girl before, physically anyways, he slightly puckered his lips, hoping Bom would know what to do.

Bom's head curved up, "Aigoo.. Thunder what are you doing?", Thunder opened his eyes and blinked a few times, biting his lip slightly, "I was kind of hoping.. you'd.. you know..?" Bom lifted her eyebrow, "What?", Thunder turned his head facing the other direction, "I don't want to say it..." he said softly, Bom grabbed him by his chin and tilted his head back softly, "Tell me Thunder.." A long sigh escaped from his mouth, gulping hard, "I wanted you to kiss me..."

Bom smiled, "You couldn't tell me?", "I.. I didn't want to scare you is all.. I feel weird.. liking an older woman..", Bom shook her head, "Oh please, you're not weird, a lot of people like noona's, and at least you're one of the few that aren't erted." She poked his nose, he bit his lip again, "Can.. I.. have a kiss?"

Bom wetted her lips a bit, and rolled her eyes, "I guess so.." this is the moment Thunder's been waiting for and dreamng of, and it's finally happening, Bom titled her head, he closed his eyes, waiting for Bom's lips to touch his, all of a sudden, a slight warmth filled his lips, it was a soft, but quick kiss.

Bom pulled back first, "How was that?" She asked, Thunder's eyes were still closed, he didn't want to open them, he still felt the linger of her lips on his, the warmth and safety he felt when she kissed him, she flicked his forehead, "Ow...", "How was the kiss?", he rubbed his forehead, "I loved it.. I feel like I didn't do very well though.. considering I don't have much experience in the kissing department."

Bom shook her head, "You did fine.. don't worry.." Bom gave him a slow kiss on the cheek, "Your face is really warm." She said.

He nodded, "My whole body is on fire.. not in the creepy way.. just.. it's on fire.", Bom blushed lightly, "You're such a cutie... I don't know why I didn't see you as a potential date.." she said, Thunder felt his heart beating hard, "Po-potential date?" He stuttered out, "Yes..".

"Does that mean...?" Bom wiped the sweat off his forehead, "Yes silly.. it means that I like you.", "Why are you so nervous around me?", "I've never been this attracted to someone before, let alone a noona, I don't want to mess it up by sounding like a little boy." He replied, "A little boy? Thunder, from what Dara's told me, and from what I've experienced, you're a man, not a boy, you know how to act."

"R-really? A man?", Bom sighed and kissed him again, this time it was longer, she pulled away first again, "What was that about?" He asked, "That was me telling you to shut up, because you won't mess this up."


~Aish.. sorry for the long wait you guys! School's been making me forget to update this.. so here you go chapter 3! Aigoo their first kiss, or kisses I should say... hope you enjoy!~

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Chapter 3 is up!


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Chapter 3: whoaaa bom x thunder is such a cute ship! thank u for the good story & also the kisses!!! XD
Chapter 2: wah bom&cheondung!!! such a new ship but i like it! hope to see more updates from u :)
samlizzie #3
Chapter 2: Wow cheondoong you can win noona heart
Chapter 1: Heol~~~ This is so heartbreaking. Poor Cheondunggie ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
have an update soon