Chapter 1: A new beginning

Will she ever be mine?

Thunder was sitting on his bed with his knees folded into his chest, resting his head on his hands, slightly pouting looking over at the door, hoping someone would come in and ask him what's wrong.

Just like that, he heard three soft knocks on the door, "Cheondung, I left my hairbrush in here, can I please come and get it?" Thunder's head popped up and he quickly replied "Ne, you can come get it, the door's unlocked.", Dara opened the door slowly, scanning the floor then looked up at Cheondung, she could sense something was wrong with him, she slowly walked in and sat on his bed.

"Cheondung-ah, are you okay?", Thunder looked at his sister, he couldn't tell her that he had a petty crush on her bandmate, Dara would flip if she found out, let alone, she'd probably think he's crazy or something, maybe even a ert, or that he's just desperate.

He shook his head, "I'm just tired.." he opened his mouth and let a fake yawn out, Dara bit her lip, still sensing something was wrong with him, "Maybe you should take a nap then.." she said looking around on the floor again, he pointed to the back of his dresser, "Your hairbrush is under the dresser..", Dara got up and grabbed it, she walked back towards him, ruffling his hair, "Take a nap poop." She said softly chuckling as she shut the door on her way out.

He sighed, a nap sounds good, let alone if someone could put me out of my misery, he thought falling onto his bed, placing his arms behind his head, staring up at the ceiling, at least there's dreaming while sleeping, dreaming of being together with Bom, wondering how her lips would feel against his, he shook his head, "Aish! I need to stop this!" He yelled, quickly realizing how loud he was, no one said anything, he just his side and closed his eyes, falling into a deep sleep.


The next morning he woke up to loud commotion, he leaned up slowly, rubbing his eyes, it's too early for all this loudness, he thought, he slowly got up and put his sweatshirt on and headed out the door, only to be greeted by the rest of 2NE1, "Ah! Cheondung! Good morning how are you?" CL asked loudly, Thunder blinked slowly, shaking his head, "Isn't it too early to be this loud?", CL perked up her eyebrow, "It's 2pm..", Thunder's eyes widened, I slept in that late? He thought, "Dara's in the kitchen if you're wondering where she is..", the sad thing is, he wasn't even wondering where Dara is, he was wondering where Bom was, he paused slightly, and started walking towards the kitchen, he saw Dara, with Bom, they were laughing, and Bom was slightly blushing.

"Yeah, I know isn't he a cutie?" Bom said looking over her shoulder at Thunder, Thunder blushed lightly, "I'm a cutie?" He asked, Bom glared at him, "Not you, my boyfriend.." Thunder felt his heart sinking, she was already off limits, a one sided love, again, he felt stupid so he just chuckled it off, "Mianhae..", he said slowly bowing, Bom laughed it off and Dara was looking at Thunder, she tugged his sweatshirt and pulled him by her, she whispered shallowly, "Do you like Bom?", Thunder's eyes widened and he started sweating slightly, Dara smiled brightly, "You do have a crush on a noona!" She whispered, Thunder placed his hand over , "Yah, maybe I do, but don't be so loud I don't want her hearing!" Thunder looked to the side and noticed everyone was quiet, Bom's face was blank, and CL awkwardly walked away, Thunder gulped hardly, looking at everyone, trying to think of something funny to say to take the edge off.

Dara turned around "Ah, we're just kidding around.." Dara let go of his sweatshirt and Thunder quickly ran to his room, trying not to cry, he shut the door slowly and tried collecting his thoughts, aish I'm an idiot, I should've just stayed in my room all day, now everyone thinks I'm weird.

He slowly sank to the floor, his legs were spread out in front of him, he started tracing things with his finger onto the hardwood floor, he felt the door slowly press up against his back "Cheondungie?" CL's voice softly said, she didn't hear a reply, "I'm not going away until I see you.." she demanded, he sighed hard, slowly scooting away from the door, biting his lip, CL came in and slowly shut the door behind her.

He looked up at her, quickly looking down again, "You probably think I'm an idiot, right?", CL sat on his bed, "No, I could never think you're an idiot Cheondung.." He grinned slightly, "Bom's way out of my league.. she won't ever-", his voice started breaking and CL saw a tear forming in his left eye, she was surprised, she never thought of Cheondung being someone who would cry, knowing how strong Dara was, he felt strongly about Bom, and it was obvious.

CL slowly approached him and sat by his side, "I really don't know what to tell you.. all I know is that crying isn't going to help.." she said handing him a tissue, he took it and slowly wiped his eyes, "I don't know what to do.. it's going to be hard ignoring her when she's going to be here practically every single day." He sniffled, just then knocks on the door came again, CL and Thunder both glanced at the door quickly, CL smiled and got up "I'll get it..".

It was Dara, and Bom was behind her, "Is Cheondung alright?" She asked quietly, CL nodded, "He's a bit flustered, but I think he's okay...", she moved out of the way, Dara peeked in and noticed the tissue in his hand, she pouted, Bom peeked in and noticed Thunder as well, she bit her lip and softly whispered in Dara's ear "Should I go talk to him?" Dara whispered back, "I don't know.. I just think it'd make him sadder.." Bom did feel bad, she should've said something instead of acting like a jerk towards him, Bom sighed lightly.

"I feel like it's only right though, I didn't mean to make him upset." Dara nodded, "I know, but I think it's better to leave him be, I'll talk to him in a few minutes."

"I'm going to go back out into the kitchen then, I'm hungry." Bom said, "There's some corn in the refrigerator.", Bom sprinted out to the kitchen, CL left the room for Dara to talk to Cheondung, "Cheondung...", Dara said softly, he looked at her, pouting, "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to say that out loud, I didn't know I was that loud.." she rubbed his shoulder softly, "It's okay.. it's not your fault." Thunder replied, "It is my fault though.." she hugged him tightly, Dara smelt like Bom which made him tear up again, Dara felt tear drops falling slowly on her shoulder, "Cheondungie, don't cry.." she said, he sniffled and shook his head slowly, trying to stop the tears from falling.

It was 8pm by the time everything was quiet again, Thunder was laying in his bed, with his head sunk into the pillow, the door was left open as it was very warm, the draft felt like a nice breeze in his room, Thunder heard soft footsteps approaching, he just thought it was Dara again, he didn't do anything but lay there, Bom looked into his room, and saw him lying there, wrote a short note and placed it on his counter.

He rose up from his bed, spotting the note, he opened it slowly "From Bom:" it read, was he dreaming? Or is this real? It's probably just a note saying that she thinks I'm an idiot , who's just desperate.. "Dear Cheondung, I'm sorry about what happened a while ago, I didn't mean to hurt you, I promise, you know I care about you, you're Dara's little brother, and to me, you're like a little brother too, I didn't mean to come off as rude when you came up to me before, and I don't think you're ugly at all, you're very handsome, I have to go now though, I hope this apology means we're okay, don't be sad okay? You will find a girl soon enough, with the charms you and your sister have, I have no doubt in my mind you two will find someone quick, just keep believing, and it will come to you! Anneyong."

Thunder smiled, but it quickly turned into a frown when he re-read the words "Little brother..", he didn't want to be a little brother to her he wanted to be her boyfriend, but she's already taken and she will never see him that way.


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Chapter 3 is up!


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Chapter 3: whoaaa bom x thunder is such a cute ship! thank u for the good story & also the kisses!!! XD
Chapter 2: wah bom&cheondung!!! such a new ship but i like it! hope to see more updates from u :)
samlizzie #3
Chapter 2: Wow cheondoong you can win noona heart
Chapter 1: Heol~~~ This is so heartbreaking. Poor Cheondunggie ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
have an update soon