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Being Player One

It was already 4 in the evening; Luhan just got back home from another weary day. He didn’t have a bad day, but sleeping for only 4 hours, who wouldn’t get tired?

“I’m home!”  He shouted as it echoed around the room. Only silence was met by Luhan. He let out a disappointing sigh. ‘Why would I even bother, I know nobody’s going to respond to me anyways’ Even though he already got over his feelings of emptiness, there was still a big hole in his heart, a heart that would only mend by a love one. Sure, Games helped him, but it was only a distraction, a distraction towards his feelings…

This was sadness.

He changed into his baggy jeans paired with a hoodie that Sehun bought for him.

Shrugging of the depression, Luhan thought of doing something that makes him happy. He was now comfortable and was about to sit on his chair, to play another 8 hour round of Call of Duty, until he thought of something.

“Chariot gems. “ Luhan mumbled.

He abruptly got up and sat on his computer chair as he looked it up. When he saw the download site, there were numerous comments saying that the game was amazing and needed a sequel to it. Don’t even talk about the amount of people who downloaded the game.

‘Never did a game like this be popular enough to hit 1 billion downloads. That’s just insane ‘

He got curious on what the game was all about, but him not wanting to spoil himself, he refrained to do so. He clicked on the download button and waited for it to be complete.

- Download Percentage: 1%-

Luhan sighed. ‘This is going to take a while’.Staring at the screen for about 3 hours already, and the download percentage didn’t even move. It was always 1%.

“Oh C’mon it’s been like…3 hours already? Are you kidding me? Huh?”

- Download Percentage: 2%-

A big grin plastered across the face of Luhan. “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” He was doing his happy dance while jumping up and down, At least it was already 2%, 98% more to go!

- Download Percentage: 1%-

Luhan stopped whatever display of happiness he was showing. “Amazing. You know what this is going nowhere.” He couldn’t take the frustration and Tiredness anymore. He hurriedly went across the room, even kicked one of the pieces of trash laying on the floor not even minding to pick it up, and sprawled on his bed as he drifted off to dreamland.



A loud siren woke the sleeping figure that lied under the bed sheets. Luhan shuffled from the left and right. He still wanted to get some sleep but because of the loud noise, he couldn’t. He placed a pillow on both of his ears, like it would make a difference. Until such time that the loud noise was so irritating that it made Luhan stand up. Heavy footspets were heard as he groggily went to where the noise was coming from; he took the device and turned it off

Luhan pointed his index finger towards it and started to scold the innocent alarm clock, who was only doing its job. “Stupid alarm, I so regret buying an evil thing like you. Next time, don’t be so loud when you’re waking me up okay!? And please—“

He was about to scold the thing more until he was interrupted by his computer.

“Download complete”

It said with a matching effect sound for him to celebrate. Which he did.

Luhan went to his computer immediately, forgetting the alarm clock, and excitedly installed the game.

The game was installed and he clicked on the icon on his desktop, he was smiling from ear to ear, He was anxious to play the game. A game that everyone recommended.

‘A game that’s about to change your life. ‘

It loaded up and finally, he’s about to play it.



Luhan did as what he was told to do. Being anxious, he was expecting the game to start immediately. He was bouncing up and down the chair while clapping his hands like a little kid, but something caught him off-guard and suspicious about the game. Something that made his grin fade away.



 YES or NO

He was quite horrified of the remark. No turning back? What did it mean by that? And he wasn’t so sure if he wanted to play it either. He only wanted to play it because of the amount of people giving good feed backs about the game, Yes he was happy and anxious but he doesn’t know the description, he was just happy because maybe this was the best game he will ever play. Luhan being a conceited person, he thought doing the missions wouldn’t be a problem and thinking it was only a game and he made up his mind.

‘A huge mistake’


The mouse hovered over an option and clicked it.


He clicked yes.

‘No turning back ‘

The time he clicked yes, Luhan felt numbness, He couldn’t feel his arms nor legs. Heck, his legs were as wobbly as jelly. His eyes blurry than a rain fog, everything slowly crashing down before his eyes.


 He fainted.


When he woke up, he realized he was in a cold dark room lying on the floor while wearing a black shirt with jeans. As far as he could remember, he was wearing something different before he passed out. He didn’t know where he was at the moment, he glanced at his surroundings and could only see 7 doors in front of him, and the doors had windows which had the scenery of what was consisting inside of the doors. He got very confused on what was happening. He didn’t even know how he got here.


“Where am I? Is this a dream? “ He silently muttered, praying that it was just an illusion or maybe a delusion of somesort. Well, it’s better to be in a game than to be dead right?  

Suddenly a computer like voice was heard. “Welcome to Chariot gems.  3 worlds, 3 adventures, 3 Lives 3 gems and One mastermind. Enjoy the Game!  ” He couldn’t believe it. ‘Am I inside a game?. Like, what is HAPPENING? Did I hit my head or something? I pinched my arm full of hopefulness that this was all a dream, but to my dismay I didn’t wake up.  I couldn’t comprehend everything that was happening until out of nowhere a slightly burnt, old looking piece of paper fell from the ceiling. ‘Luhan thought.

The paper was plain, but the words written on it were not as close to the word ‘Plain’ it was beyond exotic.



  1. One must PROTECT the princess until the game ends. If not protected, you may have a chance to repeat the whole game, but you will wait for 1 year to do so.
  2. One must NOT use powers of some sort when not in battle. Consequence: -20 life points.
  3. One must RESPECT everyone in the game, rudeness is not welcomed. Consequence: -1 gem.
  4. One must NOT give powers in trade for life points.  Consequence: -50 stamina points.




  • Main Character: Lu Han
  • Power: Fire, Strength
  • Weaknesses will not be revealed. The player must figure it out on his own.
  • Theme of each world will also not be revealed.
  • Total of 3 worlds and 3 gems.
  • Enemies will see you as their prey, There is no training centers, you must find your own strategies to defeat them
  • THERE IS NO WAY OUT, unless you finish the whole game.





Protect the princess and guide her, from World 1 until the last world.

It may be simple,

‘But is it? ‘



Wow, those were handy, I better keep it. Wait. Do I go to those ‘worlds’ dressed like this? I mean, Don’t I even get a bag or something? Sigh. Can I ask? Well, there’s no harm in asking though.

“Am I dressed like this for the whole entire game? “

Right after my question a giant claw appeared before my eyes and it handed my some very exotic clothes, I didn’t have a chance to take look at what they looked like because one of the doors suddenly opened and me in.


I feel hurt in every inch of my body right now; I was lying flat on the floor with the heavy clothes still in my hands. I composed myself, why would I not? People were already staring at me. I removed the dirt that were on my clothes and looked around my surroundings.

Weird. I don’t think I’m in the modern world, people were wearing armors, women were wearing long dresses accompanied by some accessories, and everything looked rather old. Instead of cars they used horses, instead of oil they used hay, instead of buildings that were made from concrete, they were made from wood.

‘Where am I? ‘

I glanced around once again until a sign caught my eye.

“Welcome to, Medieval Squares. “


 This is going to be a long journey… 




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Chapter 1: Wow great concept!!! :)

Please update soon!!!