two opposite sides of the pole


It's been days since Luhan slept soundly; you know, the one where he is free from body pains and ridiculous anxiety and panic attacks. He's playing for his batch's soccer team and he's doing all that he could (bones be damned) just to win against all the other levels especially since it's their last year in high school. Luhan is commended for his great soccer skills but people like him more when he dances. As if the body pains from soccer practice is not enough, he's still part of the annual dance competition during the sports festival. Wherever the crowd is, that's where you'll find him. Self-appreciating? That's what best describes Luhan. 

Yoona, on the other hand, thinks she's rotting away in the library. She volunteered to be the spokesperson of the batch for the board games because she could not be bothered to fight for her batch in Scrabble. Though working with words is Yoona's forte ("her English grammar and vocabulary is exceptional") making her perfect for the role of Scrabble defender for her batch, her self-esteem is damned. As how people are ecstatic when the sports festival is fast approaching is how Yoona is dreadful of it. She hates sports because she at it (just like in Math) plus, she has a phobia of sports balls (she even asks if that makes sense because Google can't provide her a name for that phobia). She appreciates dancing so much but she's just too diffident to show people (though people who had seen her dance says she's really good at it). Self-doubting? That's what best describes Yoona.

The universe would probably wonder how two drastically and polarly opposite Earth creatures happened to be best friends. The answer is actually pretty simple: they balance each other out. 

"Finally, I found you!" Luhan shouts from the crowd as he makes way to Yoona who was obviously rolling her eyes. "What do you want?" Yoona snapped. 

"Woah, chill, tiger. This favor of mine is easy peasy to you, I promise." Luhan smiled. Yoona can literally feel all the backflips her heart was making when Luhan smiled at her.

"Just help me out with my Math project?" Luhan asked. Yoona 's right eyebrow rose instantly like it's reflex. "Are you kidding me? Help you with Math? Are you sick?" It's Luhan's time to roll his eyes. 

"Seriously, why would I allow you to fail me in Math? Just write the description for me." Luhan said. Yoona smirked. "You finally admitted that my handwriting is prettier than yours." Ever since they were friends, they always argue about whose handwriting is prettier; Luhan calls her handwriting ugly because it's antigravity (because it floats above the lines of the paper), Yoona calls his handwriting ugly because it's italicized (yeah, exactly like that). 

Luhan shakes his head. "Uh, my hands are just too sweaty for my liking today so I need you to write it for me." Yoona rolls her eyes (her favorite gesture) and grabs the pen and paper from Luhan.

"Hey, make your handwriting big, okay!" Luhan called as she enters the library. 


"Hey Taeyeon, I'm just going to the classroom to look for glue and tape, okay?" Yoona asked the petite and bubbly girl next to her. "Sure, I'll look after your stuff." 

Another reason why Yoona chose to be the spokesperson for the board games is because the library is very close to the soccer field where Luhan will most likely be staying at during the whole of the sports festival. 

She knows he's there that's why she walked ever leisurely towards the classroom. 

"Yoona!" A very familiar voice called and she had to pause for a while to drain the flush on her face before she faces him. After taking another deep breath after like 12 deep breaths, she faced him. "Hm?" 

"You're done already?" Luhan asked her. "Nope, I'll paste and tape these all up too so that you can't say a thing." Yoona said, sarcasm dripping in her voice but Luhan's never offended by it. As Yoona turned her back at him, he called her name again. 

"What?" Yoona asked. He paused, trying to get the words out of his mouth but having difficulty to do so. "Um, after you're done doing that, please drop that off in the bleachers." Yoona's heart sank, she thought it was about something else. Yoona smiled. "Sure thing." 

"Oh and..." Yoona turned to face him again. "...stay in the soccer field for a while, even if you're just in the sides, my next game is coming up." Why does his eyes twinkle when he smiles? Yoona thought. 

With sheepish but satisfied smiles on their lips, they walk on opposte directions. 


As expected, their team won with Luhan earning them two goals. In the midst of everyone cheering, Yoona and Luhan found each other. Yoona likes Luhan best when he's very happy because of a soccer victory. She knows how soccer is very important to him that even if he's vying to be the batch's valedictorian, he still gives a part of his precious time to soccer practices and trainings. 

Holding a green plastic cup, the first thing he said to her was, "I scored two goals for the team!" Yoona smiled widely at that. She doesn't mention this to him because she's embrrassed but she's really proud of him. 

"I know! I watched your game and you really did well." They exchanged big smiles with the roaring cheer for the badminton players as their background. 

"They changed courts now, let's go to the other side!" As if her heart was not pounding so hard already, Luhan grabbed her wrist gently to pull her with him to the other side of the court while still wearing his magical smile on his equally magical face...and that's when Yoona just really lost it all. 



This fic was supposed to be just about the events during summer but many things happened in the past few months during school time and I just wanted to record them here, too so I hope you don't mind! I'm actually unloading my mind with all that has happened in the past few weeks and slowly, you'll be able to read them all here. See you around! 

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jhkyo57 #1
Chapter 20: so sweet T^T they're looks so cute hhiihi. nice characters for luhan.. its match enough with his looks kkk. i really imagining it
pls update soon, author-nim. i'll looking forward for the next updated ! ! < 3 < 3 hwaiting ! ! ^^)/
Chapter 18: So sweeeeet omggg
seehunnie #3
Chapter 18: Haha...finally an update ^_^♥..
seehunnie #4
I love the way you put your characters of luhan..authornim...please update soon..I just cant get enough of this....Fighting!!
Chapter 17: Author plzz dont do angst plzzzz and its this clue for next or ...
deerhimyoona #6
Chapter 17: What?! OMG
Chapter 17: No please don't!
Chapter 16: Hahhaha yoona the winner !!!
miraaziz #9
Chapter 14: This lovebirds really need to open up to each other and confessed already! Hahaha
Chapter 13: Haha no reason of being cold towards uri yoong is silly ;~;