


Hi. Hello. This is si7ver96 here. I'm here just to apologize, rant and apologize again. It's fine to just skip this.



I left this fic for like... give and take... a year, a month and two days?

398 days...

I can't believe I neglected this fic. This fic was meant for somebody else and I simply neglected it. I'm such a terrible person.

I would like to sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, apologize to everyone who has been waiting for me to complete this fic. I actually doubted anyone would read this fic let alone wait for me to update and complete this fic but through those 398 days, I saw one or two new subcriber(s) and even upvote(s). It might not be much for some people but to me that was a lot since I did not expect much from this fic. It made me feel guilty every time I logged in but did nothing to update this fic. So, since I'll be on my holiday this week, I decided that I had been procastinating for too long. It was time to complete this fic. And so here we are.

I hope the readers were satisfied with the whole fic. Even just a tiny bit since I know I am very much an amateur, I have a lot to improve and improvise and I have a very long way to go (that is, if I decided to continue writing). If you weren't satisfied or anything, you can let me know through comments, messages or through whatever you please. I know I deserve the rant especially about how I have been... procastinating (see also: negelcting).

I would also like to thank each and everyone of you who have been reading this fic, subcribe, upvote and left comment(s). Thank you very much for your support and patience. It means a lot to me. Really. I can never thank each of you enough.


And to you, you know who you are. I'm so sorry about neglecting this fic. I wonder if you still remember about this fic. In case you do remember and has been waiting for the update(s), I apologize. I truly am sorry. Even if you don't remember, I still want to apologize for taking so long to finally complete this. You deserve much more better than this. I apologize in case I got your hopes too high. I apologize if the wait was not worth it. But please know that I tried. I poured my everything into this. I put a lot of effort into this. I tried really hard to make this come out nicely and at least make you smile. Happy. And proud. Because you deserve everything nice in the world and so much more. I love you.

That's it from me.

Till then.



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lazy is back..... with two chapters to make it up


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ellinaannisa #1
Chapter 7: i love it..angel hoseok
MissPanda16 #2
Chapter 7: That was a beautiful fiction :D well done ;)
Thank you for it and see you~
fangrlxbecky19 #3
For me, the tear-inducing chapter was Rap Monster's. Honestly, though, it seems so hard being a leader, especially with being in the middle in terms of age. I just somehow felt through him.
Jhope is such a sweetheart and it's great to see that he's being recognized. The hint of Vhope, mm yas. <3 This was such a great fic, thanks!
exohowllover #4
nice one......................