
Grave Me In You




We met for a reason,
either you’re a blessing
or a lesson.

― Frank Ocean 


An entrancing lull of steady, consistent beeping several sources of low humming resonated throughout the blinding, bleach white room.

In the middle of the room is a bed being occupied by a young boy; his copper-brown hair fanned out of the stiff pillow, his small mouth and nose are being obscured by an oxygen mask. His pale, milky-white skin contrasts well with his dark, long eyelashes. He lays on his back, a stiff sheet of a blanket is pulled up to his chin; his body being hidden excluding his right arm. The boy's arm lays by his side, his palm is facing up while there is an IV dug into his wrist. The boy's arm is scattered with scars and cuts, some of his self inflicted wounds are stitched.

As the boy began to wake, he started to make out hushed mummers and soft sobs. His interest picked up when he hear footsteps outside the room, in which is interrupting the other sounds. It seemed to be lone wonderer walking through the empty hallways, the footsteps sounds so heavy to the boy, almost as if the person is carrying some heavy weight on their shoulders.

The boy's eyelids seems to be heavy, so he gave up trying to wake himself.

He felt himself being embraced by darkness.

"Shall I name your soul?" A familiar voice called out the boy.

A misty, pale light disrupted the darkness, forming a body in which was folding his legs.


Zitao smiled at the boy, "Would you like me to name your spirit?"

I don't care, do what you want.

Zitao cocked his head, seeming to be thinking.

"Ah! I got it! How about Suho?"


"How are not excited? You get a second shot at living. If you succeed in finding out what sin you committed then you get to go back to your life. How is that you remain indifferent, Suho?"

I just can't find it in myself to care.

Zitao sighs before continuing, "Any ways, I guess I should explain to you what is up. You are in the body of Kim Joonmyun, he is seventeen, you'll be able to figure out more about him as you go on. He attempted suicide a few days ago and this is where you come in, you shall be in his body. Just try your best in fitting in to Joonmyun's life and stuff, so good luck."

Zitao disappeared within the mist, once again it has become dark.

Within moments though, he finds himself where he was at first.

He managed to open his eyes, and looked around.


He felt someone grasp his upper arm, from the sudden pain Joonmyun hissed.

A woman and three men came into his sight.

"Joonmyun! I thought we lost you!"

The woman embraced the boy, hugging him tightly; digging her nose into his hair, smelling him.

The boy did not respond to the woman hugging him.

"Hello, Joonmyun," the man in the white coat began, "I need to ask you a few questions."


A/N: Hello there~ How have you guys been doing?

So I finally got this posted and I tried hard to not not put effort in it. I hope you like it, please look forward to the next chapter.

Oh yeah! Thank you for subscribing/commenting/upvoting! Really, you guys are great.

Song/Album of the Day:

AKMU - Play

because Jongdae is lovely:

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2441 streak #1
Chapter 2: i think this is very interesting, would've been fun to read probably if only we got more of the story... so what sin was committed?
lovelifefov #2
Chapter 3: I'd love to wait for your update..
babyz-army #3
Chapter 2: The story seems interesting! I excited for more,update us soon please :)
~Keep Writing^^ ~
Chapter 2: Ouuuuu this story so far has captivated me. I cant wait to see how things turn out.
goldrushed #5
Chapter 2: This reminds me of the novel Colorful.
It was a fantastic read, so I'm definitely looking forward to your interpretation in this one. :)
Chapter 2: ooh im really excited to see where its gonna go. i really like it so far~~~
Yayayayyayayy new story ~