Chapter Two

Just This Much.

You stood in the elevator, balancing the plastic tray in the palm of your hands as you tried to keep the small gift bag from getting knotted in your sleeve. The distinct ding of the elevator sounded as the machine came to a slow stop. The doors slid open allowing you into the narrow hallway of the 24th floor. You walked steadily, so as not to ruin the cake. The music of Yixing’s mp3 player could be heard faintly coming from the private studio. Balancing the cake in one hand, you slid the door open quickly and returned your hand to the side of the tray, checking to make sure the candles were still lit. Yixing stood at the center of the studio, his hand pressing down to the floor in a stretch. Upon hearing the loud clang of the door, he turned to see you grinning with the cake in your hand.

"Happy Birthday!" you sang, as you walked towards him.

Yixing pushed himself straight and smiled back, a tinge of pink coloring his cheekbones. “______-ah”

 Although it had been a good three months since that fateful night you’d met, Yixing still demonstrated a shyness whenever he called your name.  “What are you doing?”

You held your arms out to show him the cake. The words “Happy Birthday Yixing” were scripted in purple and black icing across the white surface. Purple polka dots decorated the sides and 20 tall candles circled the edges. It was fairly small, considering your miniscule budget, but sincere nonetheless.

"They’re your favorite colors right?" you asked nervously.

The smile remained plastered on his face as he laughed, “How did you even remember that?”

You looked down bashfully, ignoring his question as you instructed, “Quick, make a wish and blow out the candles before the wax gets all over the cake.”

He closed his eyes tightly for a moment, thinking of a wish, before opening them wide and blowing out the candles. You sat down and placed the cake on the floor as you fumbled around in your bag and pulled out a couple of plastic plates and utensils. Yixing watched eagerly as you cut out a slice for the both of you.

"Thanks" he said as he took one of the slices. He looked down at the pastry. "You didn’t have to get a whole cake, you know. A cupcake would’ve been fine."

You swallowed a bite of the smooth frosting and smiled, “I thought you could take the rest back to your dorm room for the other members. I mean, I don’t know if they’re going to have a cake for you too, but I thought they might like it anyways.”

He smiled, his eyes softening. “Tao will be happy. He could finish a whole cake by himself.”

  You laughed along with him and took another a bite of your cake. Over the last few months of meeting him in the studio, Yixing had grown much more comfortable  talking about his training and fellow members. Whenever he worried, whether it be about his debut, or his lack of sleep, or his homesickness, he would come to you and every night you would listen patiently, asking questions where you were curious and providing the best comfort and advice you could. Sometimes you would both spend the entire night talking. Then there were nights when you would dance instead, barely saying a word. You didn’t mind either way. Whatever the case might have been, there was never a feeling of discomfort when you were with him. The studio had become, just as you’d hoped, a haven for the both of you. No matter what was going on outside of the building, once that elevator opened it’s doors to the narrow hall of the 24th floor, everything felt a little better.

"I have some good news." Yixing said abruptly, feigning a casual tone.

You blinked, his words breaking you away from your thoughts. “Hmm? What is it?”

He remained quiet for a moment, as if to prepare the words. “Our manager told us we’re going to debut soon.”

You sat silently, processing what he’d said before you broke into a grin. “REALLY?! That’s amazing! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

Yixing curled his lip inward, fighting back a smile, “I don’t know, I just thought I’d tell you later. To surprise you.”

You giggled, “You should’ve told me the second you found it! Did he say when?”

You folded your feet beneath you and leaned forward eagerly anticipating the news. He nodded. “He said five months.”

You gasped “That’s not far at all!! How are you so calm about this?! ”
You nudged his shoulder, “Be happy! Don’t hold it back! Celebrate!”

Yixing laughed at your ecstatic expression and shrugged, “It’s better not to get too excited just yet.”

You scoffed “If not now then when? You’re never going to experience this moment, right now, ever again. Make the most of it!”

Yixing smiled shyly, scratching his head in uncertainty. You sighed and picked up the cake, putting it down on the table beside the stereo before turning on your heel, striding back to the boy’s side. You held out a hand.

"Come on." you said, "Let’s dance."

Yixing looked up at you, his chocolate eyes shifting from your hand to your gaze.
"I don’t want to." He moaned, stretching out across the floor.

You grabbed his arm and pulled with all your force, willing him to get up. Despite your efforts, he remained lying down, laughing at you. You groaned and bent down. “Fine. If you don’t want to dance together, then dance alone. Show me what you’ve been practicing.”

He whined again, “I’m full. I don’t feel like doing anything. Why don’t we just celebrate like this?”

"Yah! That’s not celebrating at all!!" You sighed and bit your lip. "How about I show you what I’ve been working on then?"

He perked up at this. “What have you been working on?”

You shrugged, your cheeks heating up. “Just something. For when I decide to audition.”

Yixing pushed himself up. “Let me see it.”

"Don’t laugh at me ok?" you huffed, only to have him chuckle in reply. You felt your stomach curl in nervousness as you stood up and walked to the stereo, selecting the appropriate song. You headed hesitantly towards the center of the studio, Yixing’s eyes following you the entire time. He smirked playfully as you stood nervously waiting for the song to crescendo into the right note. You met his eyes and quickly turned around to face the mirror, avoiding his gaze. You closed your eyes and bowed your head, focusing on the sound of the music. You felt the gentle notes of the piano pulsing through your veins. Slowly, you began moving your limbs, your legs turning swiftly in the air, your feet dancing as lightly as a ripple upon the surface of a silent lake. It wasn’t long before you drowned in the music, your mind completely free of the elements surrounding you. You smiled to yourself. This was what you danced for. This feeling of complete detachment, complete freedom.

As you danced, Yixing gazed at you, the mocking looks on his face completely erased. The way you moved was different from what he’d seen before. There was no power or force in your turns. However, your flow exuded an energy all it’s own, one built of pure emotion. Each pirouette , each twirl was filled with feeling; heartache, love, passion, and joy.  He found himself getting lost in your movements. Why hadn’t you ever danced like this before? As you smiled in content, he thought he could have watched you dance like this forever.

The song steadily began to fade to it’s end, your movements slowing along with it. Once the last of the notes sounded, your feet rested on the floor. You stood, panting as silence encompassed the studio. Yixing’s eyes remained on you, yet his lips did not move. You turned towards him, a smile of anticipation painted across your features. “What did you think?”

He sat silently for a moment before saying “It was good.”

You let out a sarcastic laugh and collapsed on the floor, stretching your legs out in front of you. “‘It was good’? Is that  all you have to say?”

He laughed. “What do you want me to say?”

You smiled. He may not have known how to put it into words, but you could see he was sincere. You pulled your legs up to your chest, resting your chin on your knees.

"You know, I could talk to someone at the company for you. You could definitely get a contract, and we could work together" Yixing said with a smile, a hint of hope in his voice.

You turned, resting your temple on your knees, in order to meet his eyes. You hummed thoughtfully.

"That would be nice. But I’d like to audition. After all this practicing, I’d like to have the feeling of knowing I made it because of that. You know?"

He nodded. You observed his features as they relaxed. The muscles of his mouth loosened as he absentmindedly on his bottom lip. The plane of his forehead smoothed into thoughtlessness, yet his eyes remained lit with reflection.

"What are you thinking about?" you asked quietly.

His amber eyes fell on you for an instant before looking off into nothingness. “The debut date.” He replied bluntly.

You furrowed your brow in curiosity. “What is it?”

He remained silent. Was he nervous? Or scared? Perhaps he was still worrying about being removed from the group? You bit your lip.

"They told us we’re not going to be together." he said, his voice barely louder than a whisper. "Six of us will stay here…."

His voice trailed off. You waited with bated breath for him to continue. He pressed his lips together. “The rest of us are going back to China.”

Your throat felt dry. You struggled to speak. “Are you going back?”

He nodded. You felt your heart drop. Your hands felt cold and clammy. Yixing was going to leave. In five months, he would be gone. You would be alone in the studio again. Alone; you’d been alone before, for so long. Yet the thought of it now was almost frightening. How could you stay here by yourself, with no company, nobody to share your studio with?

But you couldn’t let him see it. He was already sad enough as it is. You needed to make him feel better. With the thought in mind, you smiled, as warm a smile as you could.

"It’s alright. We’ll both have to leave someday, right?"

He didn’t answer. You sighed. “Yixing ah. Don’t think of it so badly. You’ll be living your dream. It’s one small sacrifice for a lifetime of happiness. The studio will still be here when you come back. I’ll be here too, you know. Besides, you still have five months.”

He glanced at you. A small smile played across his lips. You felt your heart lighten at the sight of it.

"What would you do without me, Yixing-ah?" you joked, " I don’t think you’d ever relax."

 Yixing scoffed and nudged your shoulder. You let out a laugh seeing him settle back to his usual self. He watched as you shifted to look out the window. It had begun raining. A deep purple painted the sky, tinged with the bright orange of the setting sun. You closed your eyes and listened to the sound of Yixing’s soft breathing. You unconsciously matched the rhythm of your breath to his. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

As you listened, his pulse steadily increased. His breathing became slightly unsteady, as if he were trying not to make a sound. Suddenly, you felt cool fingers against your temple, brushing your hair behind your ear. You kept your eyes shut, yet allowed a shy smile to curve your lips. His fingers were gentle and moved with as much grace and calculation as the rest of his body. You could feel the soft tips follow the strands of your hair, trailing slowly down your neck, leaving your skin tingling. They came to stop, cupping your chin to turn your head delicately towards him. Your hands were clutching tightly at your knees. Your eyes flickered open, but refused to meet his gaze. You nervously curled your lip in, then out. You could feel his breath against your cheek, just barely there. Was he nervous too? It was as if he were barely breathing. Yixing leaned in closer, tilting his head to one side, never taking his eyes of your bitten red lips. You closed your eyes again and heard your heartbeat, rapid and loud. Slowly, you felt his lips embrace your own. They were as soft as a cloud, and tasted sweet, like candy you might have had as a child. His pleasantly cold fingers moved from your chin to your cheek, cradling it gently. His lips pressed with slightly more pressure against yours. You felt your head begin to spin. Your limbs were beginning to feel weak, when you realized you hadn’t been breathing. With much hesitance, you pressed your hand against his chest, pushing him away. Once his lips separated from your own, you took a deep breath. Yixing observed your expression intently.

”_____-ah.” he called. Suddenly it felt strange for him to address you so casually. You met his gaze reluctantly. He bit his lip before he continued. “I like you.”

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Incogn #1
Chapter 8: ...///cries.
Incogn #2
Incogn #3
Chapter 3: Maybe it's paranoia from being screwed over by so many authors on AFF before, but I really don't want to hit the fan next chapter because I feel like there's a possibility for it ><''' Eunhee gives me the heebie jeebies
Incogn #4
Chapter 2: Holy crudsicles too much sugar sweet for me alkamsdfhjawoiejra IM MELTING
Chapter 9: my heart aches ahhhb
felt so much emotions reading this omg
it's the best !!
i love this story so much <3 imma go read it again later lol
Chapter 8: ohmygosh this is.. omygod i cant even explain what i'm feeling right now. :( This story is so bittersweet that my tears became blurry because of, i dunno? sadness or joy? I don't usually leave a comment, but this one is worth it :( Thank you for this piece of perfection author-nim <3