
The Cursed Case: The Haunted Photo

"You're awake", Dara stated rushing to my side. She was wearing her large black hat and large black sunglasses, which hid her personality. She is supposed to be dead after all. It was the way I remember her looking before I met Kris and Miryo.

"Where I am?" I quickly rose from the bed, but a sharp pain struck my head. The pain caused my body to fall back upon the bed. 

"Don't get up. You passed out", Dara replied.

"I passed out?" I asked.

"Yes, you're at the hospital."

"How did I end up here?" I asked.

"After you grabbed the picture, you passed out. After about an hour or so I finally brought you here. The doctor said you were comatose."

"You don't remember anything?" I inquired. I wondered if I was dreaming.

"Remember what?" Dara questioned.

"Never mind", I stated. I guess it was just a dream. It felt very surreal. "How long have I been asleep?" 

"You've been in that coma for almost two days. Tonight would have made it two. I better go get the doctor", Dara stated leaving the room.

How did I end up here? My mind is frazzled. First, I was at the institution with Dara. Then somehow I met Kris and Miryo. Maybe I was just dreaming. The dream cloud brought a tornado to form across my mind. My thinking console is completely in pain.

"He's awake", a doctor stated walking towards my bed. His voice was high pitched. He was very soft spoken. "How are you feeling?"

"Confused", I replied.

"I bet. You were sleep for almost two days. Your vitals seem fine", he stated staring at the monitor. "Okay, I'm going to need you to stand up for me."

"Is that safe?" Dara asked.

"His body hasn't been without that much movement. He'll just need to move around a bit to get the blood circulating."

I got up expecting the worse. My body did feel pretty sore. Many of my bones cracked as I stood to my feet.

"Just slowly start moving your limbs", he spoke. 

My mind remained intact as I moved my dormant limbs. I felt the blood warm my cold body parts. The blood rushed like hot tea traveling down an ill person's esophagus.

"Let's go to the hall to walk around a bit", the doctor spoke. This man looks oddly familiar. I think he was in my dream. "Don't forget your monitor."

I grabbed my monitor with deep thought. It didn't even occur to me that I was walking. Who was he in my dream? Did I really see him in my dream? I have been in and out of the hospital for the past few days, so maybe I've seen him a few times.

"Ok Chanyeol, that's far enough", the doctor spoke. I was at the end of the hall at this point. I turned around to see Dara and the familiar doctor down the hall.

His identity is not important. I need to hone in on my dream. Something about it makes me wonder. Is my dream parallel to my life? I walked down the hall back to Dara and the doctor.

"It seems like you are in excellent shape", the doctor stated.

"I feel that way. Can I leave now?" I asked entering my room."

"No. Not yet. I still want to run some tests on you", he replied.

"Ok", I said.

"Alright, get some rest", he stated leaving the room.

"You didn't tell him your identity right?" I questioned.

"Of course not. I told him that I am a cousin of Sandara Park, just in case he sees through my disguise."

"Where are my clothes?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Dara questioned me.

"I'm fine. We need to solve this case. I am close to figuring out everything."

"Chanyeol, your health is more important right now."

"Screw my health. We’ve lost too many lives. I'm ending this case."

"We have no leads besides the photo. My great grandmother is in the photo and a man that resembles you. But we researched as much as we can find about the institution and my great grandmother. It's like she disappeared."

Disappeared? "Dara, is Siwon working tonight?" I asked.

"Most likely, why?"

"I need him to examine some blood work."


"Chanyeol", a quiet voice stated. It must be Hongbin. "Yes", I replied.

Maybe we should look into my past", he replied. "There has to be something."

"Hongbin is right. We should examine his past. “We need to go to Hongbin's house."

"There is no way I can sneak you out", Dara replied. "I'll examine his house, but you have to stay here."

"I'm coming with you", I stated rising from the bed.

"Chanyeol, you were just in a coma. I don't think getting up is best for you right now."

"She's right. Chanyeol you can't die on us now", Hongbin stated.

"Oh stop being irrational. I'm fine, I was just in a long sleep", I replied. Their concern was ridiculous.

"Fine", Dara rolled her eyes.

     After I changed back into my clothes, we started out of the hospital. This floor is reserved for brain trauma patients. Me and only maybe two others stay on this floor, so that's why it was real easy to sneak away, especially with Brookdale being under staff. Before we left the hall, I made a peek into the room across from mine. The door was wide open. A man with a bandage head was lying on the bed. White wraps covered his entire face. The moon shining into his window is what allowed me to even see him. Something creepy began to happen. The masked man's head began slowly rotating to my direction. His head stop, then the strangest thing occurred. His arm with a pointed finger rose at me. I stood with the flight method in mind. Why was his finger pointing at me? His face is not exposed.

"Come on", Dara whispered causing me to leave my trance.

     We hoped on a bus to Hongbin's house. Actually, we had to walk the rest of the way to Hongbin's house once the bus made the last stop. He didn't live in Brookdale. Hongbin lived in a suburban town called Cedar. The town is right outside of Brookdale, so all of the children that lived here attended Brookdale's schools.

     His house was bright yellow. The paint has now begun chipping away. The front porch was huge. It had a farm house style to it. A swing set swung back and forth, creating a haunting sound. Flowers used to sit alongside the house, but they withered away. The lawn that was always a vibrant green is now yellow and dead. After Hongbin's death, his family moved out. No one ever bought the home. I think the neighbors scared anyone interested from buying it. The home is his little memorial. Slowly we approached the screen door.  Fear did enter me. We were at Hongbin's house in the middle of the night. The neighbors could get suspicious.

"How are we going to get in? It has been double locked", I asked.

"Rather simple", Dara spoke pulling something out of her hair. The object became clear to me. It was a hair pin. Dara used the pin to unlock the door and the realtors lock.

"That really works"? I stated once she opened the door.

"It does. Don't ever estimate a woman. We have the decoders to life", Dara stated entering the home.

     We flickered on our flashlights to brighten up the home. The house was barren. No furniture, pictures, or appliances filled the home. I scanned my light across the room. Hongbin was standing right before me. He startled me at first, but then a piece of sorrow hit me. It must be hard for Hongbin to be back at his home. His life was taken away from him at such a young age.

"Are you okay", I asked.

"I'm fine", Dara replied.

"Not you", I said.

"Oh. It must be hard for him", Dara replied.

"I'm fine", Hongbin stated. "I just want to end all of this. I'm ready for my soul to rest."

"It will", I said.

"The attic and basement probably have some of our old stuff", Hongbin replied.

"We should split up", I stated to Dara. "You can take the attic and I'll take the basement."

"Are you sure you want to split up?" Dara asked.

"We'll cover more ground that way", I replied.

"Ok, be careful", Dara stated, walking up the stairs of the home. I went the other direction towards the kitchen. I don't know when Dara ever went to Hongbin's house. I'm not quite sure how the two even met. I know Hongbin and I were close, but I don't remember how close we were.

"Down the corridor", Hongbin directed. Before me was a blue door, which led downstairs to the basement. I opened the door. My white light exposed the dusty room. I slowly crept down the stairs. With each step I took, the ole timber creaked. Brown boxes and plastic cases were scattered around the basement. A bar was to the left of me. Further down was a large room with carpet flooring. 

"We used to hang out here all the time", Hongbin stated. The space does look large enough for a group of teens to hang out in. I traveled to the first box that was in my sight. On the side written in black marker was the word Christmas. I opened up the boxes to see miscellaneous Christmas items. Stuffed reindeer, elves, and porcelain Santa’s were a few of the items I dug through.

"It's so strange roaming here", Hongbin stated, walking to the box.

"Why did your parents leave this stuff?" I asked.

"I don't know why. Maybe they were going to come back."

"What is this?" I asked holding up a photo.

"I don't remember this photo at all. I don't think I took this.”

     In the photo were two boys dressed in matching red and black varsity jackets. The shorter one had the taller boy’s arm around his shoulder. The couple seemed happy, white teeth stretchered upon their face. The way they were holding each other showed they were very comfortable with one another.

"This is a great photo of you two", Hongbin stated. Before I could react to Hongbin, my vision began going blurry and pain struck my head.

"I feel funny", Hongbin spoke.

    I suddenly to felt a piece of fabric against the palms of my hands. I saw in front of me was a prepubescent boy taking a photo of me. I turned to my left to see a face that I've missed. Baekhyun stared at me with his sweet eyes.

"It's happening again", I stated before everything went black.

And that ends another Chapter. I gave a lot of hints and forshadows in this chapter so i hope you guys catch on.

If you did or have an idea the comment. I would really love to see what you guys think about everything that has happened so far

Also thank you to the new viewers and subscribers!

See you all next update

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hehcrazyelf #1
Chapter 8: I have a feeling it's THAT person
hehcrazyelf #2
Chapter 5: Wait so is everyone in the story dead? Except for Chanyeol?
hehcrazyelf #3
Chapter 4: Oh? He shouldn't touch photographs o.o CHANYEOL omg
hehcrazyelf #4
Chapter 3: So basically he travels into different times / dimensions?
love your story.. :)
JenniKai #6
Chapter 7: The story is amazing please finish the next 2 chapters quick I can't wait. WOW!! Daebak!! <3