Who Am I?

The Cursed Case: The Haunted Photo

"Dara, it's me Chanyeol", I stared into her confused eyes.

"Who?" she stated. She then began going through her white clipboard. A few files seemed to be attached to it. "You're not one of my patients."

"I'm not a patient", I stated. "It's me Chanyeol Park!"

"Oh Chanyeol, how are you?"

"How am I? I'm confused. What is all of this?"

"We're at your home, Chanyeol."

"What are you talking about? At first we were at the hidden ward. We were staring at a picture of your grandmother and other doctors and we ended up here", I shouted.

Frustration fills me up. The frustration is now boiling. I don't understand what's going on. Why is Dara playing these games with me? I'm not monopoly.

"Calm down Chanyeol", Dara stated.

"Calm down? Dara this isn't funny anymore. What's going on?" I shouted. My frustration is now simmering. The heat is steaming from my skin. I'm sure Dara can see. Before I could shout anymore, two guards in white suits surround me.

"Don't touch me", I slapped one of the guard’s hands off. The other one approached me. A surge of anger hit me. "Don't touch me", I shouted.

      Both guards tried attacking me at the same time. Little did they know I am from the south side of Brookdale. The scum of me punch one of the guards. I turned to the other applying the same fate. Before I could celebrate, I felt a cold needle go through my arm. The pain caused me to stop fighting. I looked around the white halls. Everything became blurred. Everyone's voices became dreary. Then everything went black.

       I awoke in a padded albino room. I touched the walls, which felt soft. It felt as if I was living on a cloud, but a cloud which is producing the darkest storm to man. My clothes were changed into pure whites. I wore a white short-sleeve shirt along with white pants. In front of me was a medium sized glass window. I guess it allows the doctors to see me. That's right Dara was dressed as a doctor. I'm still in this dream? What is going on? I screamed loudly a few times before I was interrupted by a voice.

"What?" I replied.

"Shut up", the voice yelled. It sounded masculine. More patients are on this floor as well. Maybe they can tell me what's going on.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Wow Chanyeol you're acting incompetent", the voice replied. I'm acting what? Was I just dissed? And how does this person know my name?

"How do you know my name?"

"He's acting crazier than normal", a feminine voice spoke.

"Yeah he is", the masculine voice replied. Crazier than before? But I've never been here.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"What the did they shoot you up with?" the masculine voice questioned.

"They are developing a new drug. Maybe they tried it out on him", the feminine voice replied. New drug? What is going on? Why am I here? I was just with Dara a few moments ago now I am locked in a padded room, like I'm insane.

"Is he talking to himself?" the masculine voice stated. I guess I am talking aloud. "Ok he's really ed up."

"You don't know half of it", I stated. "Where am I? And how do you know who I am?"

"Just tell him", the feminine voice spoke.

"Ok, are you listening?" The male voiced asked.

"Yes", I shouted back.

"You're at the Brookdale Mental Institution. Your name is Chanyeol Park. We know you because you've been here for a few months now. You murdered fifteen children, whom you claimed never existed, so you were sent here. You're now awaiting the death trial."

Death trial? I murder fifteen students. I didn't murder anyone. How can I be back at the institute? It closed in 1931. "This can't be true", I replied.

"It is. Actually your death is planned very soon", the masculine voice replied.

Why? I never murdered anyone! Who am I?

      Night washed over the small institution. I fell asleep after running around my room, going ballistic. The padded walls protected me from harming myself. Maybe living on a cloud isn't so good. A loud honk sounded and my door opened. I crept to it. Is it safe for me to go?

"Why are you standing there?" the masculine voice stated. I slowly walked out of my room to see a face I never thought I'd see. My body shuddered. His gaze is eerie. Memories of me clonking him on the head kept replaying. How can I face him?

"Come on jackass let's go", he replied.

"Kris" I stated.

"Kris? That's not my name." It's not? He looks identical to Kris except his dark brown hair has been shaved on the sides.

"Oh", I stared.

"I'm just kidding. You're right", he smirked. So it is Kris? But how can that be? I wonder does he remember.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the testing lab", he stated.

"Testing lab?"

"It's where the doctors perform test on us", Kris stated in a mocking tone.

"Lay off Kris", the familiar feminine voice spoke.

I turned to see a girl with long black hair. It was definitely un-kept. Her eyes were piercing at me. Her face is unrecognizable.

"Who are you", I asked.

"I'm Miryo", she replied.

"Oh", I stated having no recollection of her.

"She's crazy", Kris stated.

"I'm not crazy. I murdered a group of men, who tried harming me and I'm the insane one", she replied.

"They put you here?" I asked.

"Yep, we're all awaiting the death trial", she stated.

"But you don't deserve it. That is a hate crime. They can be prosecuted", I replied.

"A hate what?" she stared bewildered.

"A hate crime. The justice system discriminated against you because you are a woman. There hasn't been any protests?" I asked.

"Protest?" she continued her stare.

"Man, I hope they don't give us what they gave you", Kris stated.

"You have the right to get out of here", I stated.

"They really did tamper with your brain", Miryo said.

       What are they talking about? I've never taken a drug before, unless the doctors gave it to me in my sleep. Maybe they are talking about my memorization. That's right! I've technically been here for a while, even though I have no memory of this life. I'm living in an enigma. The waves kept reeling in mysteries. They're not providing me with any sense of help. I'm in the institution. How? I remember taking a hold of that picture. Four doctors stood in some small room, with strapping chairs. Dara's great grandmother stood alongside a patient. The patients eyes were wide. He had short black hair and his ears were large. His features are strikingily familar to someone I've meet before.

"Take your seats", an extremely tall man spoke. Everything about his face seemed familiar, the small eyes, lips, and fair eyebrows. His baby face, I've met this man somewhere.

We entered this large room. There were about four of us including me. I know Miryo and Kris, but the fourth guy is not familiar.

       This room is of a mad scientist dream. Test tubes with various compounds fill glass cases, which sat along the walls. Four, dentistry like chairs sat in a row. Brown leather straps were attached to all of them. Each chair had metal trays alongside them. Copious tools sat upon the thin metal. Miryo, Kris and the mystery man took their seats, as if it were familiar. I sat in the last chair. I looked left and right. There was only one doctor in the room. He was writing on his clipboard. After he finished writing, he smiled at us. The doctor then left the room. I heard the lock of the door clink.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Thus we have chapter two.

I want to say thank you to everyone who went back and read the first installemnt of the series, the Cursed Case, I hope you all enjoyed the first one and you guys are enjoying the sequel. 

Again I would love for you guys to leave down your thoughts about the story. I love reading what you guys think

Anyway see you all next update!

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hehcrazyelf #1
Chapter 8: I have a feeling it's THAT person
hehcrazyelf #2
Chapter 5: Wait so is everyone in the story dead? Except for Chanyeol?
hehcrazyelf #3
Chapter 4: Oh? He shouldn't touch photographs o.o CHANYEOL omg
hehcrazyelf #4
Chapter 3: So basically he travels into different times / dimensions?
love your story.. :)
JenniKai #6
Chapter 7: The story is amazing please finish the next 2 chapters quick I can't wait. WOW!! Daebak!! <3