Ugly Mistake

Jessica knocked on the large door. She then heard someone instructing her to open the door. She peaked through the door and saw the old man sitting behind his large mahogany table. “sajang-nim,” she greeted once the man looked up at her. He offered her a warm smile.


“Jessica, come, come. Have a seat,” he instructed. Shooting out his chair, he gestured Jessica to take her seat on the sofa. Jessica obeyed him.


“do you want some tea?” he asked. Jessica replied with a nod. He quickly ordered them both cups of tea from his secretary.


“how are you? I’m sorry that I can’t visit you during your stay in the hospital. I was out of country at that particular moment,” he said.


“I’m fine thank you sajang-nim. No, I don’t mind. It’s not a big matter for you to worry,” Jessica said.


“do you want to tell me about it Jessica,” he said, referring to her current speculation. Jessica sighed before directing her stare towards her fingers. She can never lie to this man. Even when they lied, he will know about the matter. He always knew. She always thought him as her own father. He took care of her and the girls like his own daughters. Jessica took a deep breath. She knew sooner or later she had to face this.


“I believe you already aware of everything happened during your absence?” she asked. Her president nodded his head.


“I know that you’ll ask me about this. And with today’s news, I can’t just keep my mouth shut. Well, I’ll tell you the truth but I hope you won’t interrupt me during the process,” she said. Lee So Man nodded his head while smiling.


Jessica folded her hands on top of her lap. She took a deep breath before letting out everything. “I’ve been thinking…” she said once she finished her story. “that I won’t keep this baby. I’m tired of telling people why and I hope you understand my point of view here,” Jessica looked at him. He silently nodded his head, obviously listening and analyzing the story.


“Jessica, you know that you’re like my own little daughter,” he said a matter of fact.


“I know. and that’s why I want you to understand me like a father,” she replied.


He chuckled. “of course. I always want the best for my daughters and that’s why I want you to think whether this is a good decision for you. I won’t force you in making the decision because I know that you are capable to make your own decision. Think about it Jessica,” he stated.


“do you really think that is the best solution?”


“it is the best for all of us,” she replied. Lee Soman sighed and nodded. He rose from his position and walked toward the large window.


“I’m sorry that I cause you to worry. I’m sorry that I brought shame to you and our family. But I can’t bear looking at the result of my mistake for my entire life. Yes, I have to learn from the mistake but this, this bring no good to all of us,” she explained.


The old man took his seat opposite to where Jessica sat. He looked at her with a concern stare. “okay, we’ll talk to Nichkhun’s agency about this. Whatever it is, we need to discuss any action that we want to do,” finally he agreed. Jessica smiled. She was quite confident that she will be able to convince them.


“speaking of which, they are about to be here in 5 minutes,” he said while looking at his watch.


“what?!” Jessica quickly stood up from her position. She stared at the calm old man. She then heard the intercom rang. Lee Soman pushed the button before his secretary’s voice rang across the room.


“sajang-nim, they are here. They are waiting in the conference room,” her voice was loud and clear. Jessica rested her head on both of her palm. She felt dizzy. This was not what she expected.


“sajang-nim, what are you actually doing?” she asked.


“like I said, any action needs to be discussed. Now, let’s go. We can’t let our guests waiting for us. It’s not proper,” he said before disappearing behind the door. Jessica had no choice but to follow her boss. She silently prayed that everything will go in her way.



Nichkhun stared at the figures in front of him. He kept silence during the discussion, talking when he needed to. Then, there was Jessica. Her face looked trouble. He understood what she might feel right now but he was not kind of people who showed expression on his sleeve. He remained silence, listening to whatever their bosses talked about.


Before coming to SM office, he was called by JYP and he had been through about everything with his boss. Nichkhun knew that he was at fault now and defending himself was not the option. So, he let JYP to handle everything. He needed to settle this and he needed to prepare himself before confronting with his girlfriend. There will be a very long explanation to do and honestly, he was not ready.


Both representatives agreed to admit that they both were an item and no longer together. They were together for 4 months and currently decided to go on their own way. Hopefully, that can explain the pictures. There will be a press conference from both of the agencies and his and Jessica’s representatives will explain everything. Now, that’s the plan. Nichkhun had no other choice but to agree with it. He can’t just tell people that nothing happened between him and Jessica with that kind of proof. For now, that’s the best. He hoped that everything went according with the plan and by then, he can explain his heart out to Tiffany.


Nichkhun seemed to be in his own world. After a few calming moments, they were interrupted with a chaos that seemed to happen outside the room. Jessica’s manager stood up and disappeared behind the door to check out what was happening. A split second later, the door was opened with a strong force. Nichkhun stared at the door and surprisingly, he saw his very angry girlfriend standing at the very door. Nichkhun stood up and straightened his position. He knew that this bring no good. Tiffany looked straight into his eyes.


“Tiffany, you shouldn’t be here,” said her manager.


“wae? Why can’t I be here?” she asked with a very confident voice.


“the discussion is about to finish. This is a very private kind of discussion and I hope you understand,” her manager tried to persuade her.


“again I ask you, why can’t I be here? People in questions are one of my group members and my boyfriend. Of course I can be here? Or is there something that I am not allow to know?” she asked while starring at the audiences.


She continued with her retort. “what are you guys talking about? Do you guys choose their wedding date? Or where are they going to grow up their child together? Or are you guys probably choose the baby’s name already?” Tiffany burst with anger. Nichkhun didn’t understand what she was talking about. Baby? Marriage? Why did she has to think to that extend. He looked at Jessica and she was obviously freaked out. Her manager tried to strain Tiffany from confessing. Nichkhun wanted to ask but his boss beat him.


“what does she mean?” he asked.


“no..nothing,” Jessica replied.


“it doesn’t look like that to me. Hyung-nim, please do tell me. Like I told you before, I don’t want any secret between us and seeing just how she reacted, obviously there is something that you hide from me,” he said carefully.


“didn’t she tell you oppa?” Tiffany asked.


Nichkhun looked clueless. “well, I can’t believe you Jessica. I can’t believe you that you want to act innocent till the end. Well oppa, congratulation, you’re going to be a father in 7 months’ time. Congratulation!!” Tiffany said. Jessica groaned loudly. She can’t believe that Tiffany acted that way when she clearly said that she wanted to clear things out. This was her only chance and she was obviously ruined it.


“Fany, what are doing?” Jessica asked.


“doing you a favor. Telling the father of your child. Don’t you want to thank me for telling him,” she said.


“you really hate me do you? you just ruin my only chance to put things back to their own places. Tiffany, I’m trying clear things up. By you doing this, it just complicated things,” Jessica told her.


“Tiffany, I think you should leave,” said their manager. “come, just let them decide what will happen,” he continued to talk to the furious girl. Tiffany sighed and left the room.


“is it true?” Nichkhun interrupted once Tiffany left.


“what? Of course she’s talking nonsense.”


“Jessica… is it true?” Nichkhun grabbed Jessica wrist. She struggled to free herself from his steel grip. “I demand the truth,” he threatened her. Jessica gulped down her own saliva. She averted her eyes toward opposite direction.


“what are you actually planning by keeping this from me?” he asked.


“I’m not telling you any plan Nichkhun-shi. This has nothing to do with you,” Jessica said. “and I think it is the best to stick with the original plan. We were an item and now we decided to go on our own way. that’s the best plan,” she said before yanking her own arm from his grip. She ignored the pain. Nichkhun let go of her hand but continued to stare at her.


“I think there must be some change in the plan,” said JYP. Nichkhun spun his head and rested his eyes on his boss’s.


“we can’t just let this thing pass right. This is damn serious and I can’t believe that you decide to keep this yourself,” he said. “our previous plan seems not to be right with this situation,” he continued.


“oh no. It is perfect. Can we just ignore the fact that I’m pregnant and continue with the plan,” Jessica disturbed.


“no no no miss Jessica. that’s nonsense. What will happen with the baby then? Growing up fatherless? Or are you going to give him or her up to the orphanage?” JYP asked.


Jessica stood up with confidence. “the baby is not going to stay. I’m not seeking for any opinion, mind you, since I’ve already with the decision. And no, I’m not going to let anything stop me from doing it. The procedure is next week,” Jessica said.


“that’s the worst plan I should say,” JYP replied.


“what?” Jessica retorted. “whatever it is, I’m not going to back out,” she continued.


“Jessica-shi, people will found out about this. People find out about your make out session and obviously they’ll find out about this too. Don’t underestimate people out there Miss Jessica. And I want to tell you that I’m not going to put my agency and my name on jeopardy. My suggestion is, you two should think about getting married, have a nice little family, be the most favorable couple of the year before people find those little secret of yours,” JYP spoke to her.


“what? No! I am not getting married because of this,” Jessica said.


“what’s the problem with that? it’s better than people finding out about you having illegitimate child and try to abort it,” JYP provoked.


“No, my answer is still NO!!”


“this is not only about you. This is all about us. Think about it. People will see you with different light. This can be a good promotion. I can see the bright future of both of you guys,” he said. “and about the marriage, it doesn’t matter if you don’t love each other. Find your love during the process,” he continued.


“say someone who always in and out of the marriage,” Jessica said.


“Well, that happens when you guys are not compatible and which come to this point. You can just escape from the marriage if you guys don’t find love after looking for it,” JYP said calmly.


“seriously? For me, marriage is once in a lifetime kind of thing. I can’t just get married and divorce if I don’t feel compatible with my partner,” Jessica felt the anger flared up in her chest. What’s wrong with these people? And Nichkhun, why did he keep being silent and let these freaking people decide for him?


She threw her stare at the guy. “Nichkhun-shi,” she called for back-up. “Nichkhun-shi, you can’t just stay in silent and let these people decide about our lives like this,” she spoke to him. “sajang-nim,” she called for Lee Soman. The old man looked like he was in a deep thought.


“Jessica,” she heard Lee Soman called for her.


“I think that I agree with JYP,” said the boss. Jessica shook her head.


“No, no, no. You said you allow me to decide on my own. This is my life we are talking about. Seriously Nichkhun, are you going to sit there and act like nothing happen?” she said toward Nichkhun. Nichkhun stood up from his seat and calmly talk.


“if you guys don’t mind, can I talk with Jessica alone?” he asked for the permission. Both representatives left the room.


“Jessica-shi, sit,” he instructed. Jessica ignored him. He approached her and pushed the stubborn girl onto the chair. “can you please calm down,” he said.


“no, I can’t just calm down okay. I can’t just sit around and let other people decide what will happen with my own freaking life Nichkhun-shi. I am not like you and I’m not a robot that people can set and control me!” she let out her anger.


“I know okay but that is not the way we deal with it,” he replied.


“then how? Just sit silently and agree with just everything they decide like the way you did?” she retorted.


“no! can you just listen!” he replied with the same tone.


“NO!! Are you telling me that you want to get married with me and spend your life with me and the baby? Are you willing to do that? Because believe me Nichkhun-shi, I am not. Why does it have to be me? Oh my God,” Jessica started to cry.


“Jessica, hey, listen. Calm down and please, just please hear me out. Okay, I love Tiffany and believe me that the idea freaks me out. I don’t want to get married to you either and being a father at this current moment is not one of my short term goals. But please listen to me. I know Jinyoung hyung and acting like you did is not going to help. I’ll talk to him okay. Let me talk to him and I’ll persuade him about your decision,” Nichkhun calmed her.


“promise?” she asked. He nodded.


“when do you find out?” he asked after some silence moment passed. Jessica looked at him. “about the baby,” he continued.


“remember when I was admitted to the hospital?” he nodded. “well, it’s not because of my anemic attack but it was because I was pregnant,” she confessed.


“that’s mean, when I came to visit you, you already knew about the baby?” he asked.




“okay then, I’ll try to persuade Jinyoung hyung about this. Jessica-shi, please, don’t stress yourself about this. I’ll help okay. I have my share about this to,” he said.



 “how did it go?” Yuri asked.


“not as plan,” shortly she replied.


“what happened?”


“they wanted us to get married.”


“what?” Yuri screamed.


“ya! Keep your voice down can you? and yes, you don’t hear it wrong,” Jessica rested her forehead on the table. She felt Yuri’s hand rested on her back, giving a soothing touch.


“so, he knew about the baby?”


Jessica looked at Yuri and smirked. “thanks to Tiffany for that. She came and spilled everything. I just don’t understand why she did that. Everything went well like I planned until she came and ruined my only little chance,” she confessed. Seriously, she didn’t understand Tiffany action. Why did she have to come and tell Jessica’s secret. And now she ruined her own only chance to go back to Nichkhun. Jessica might be trapped with Nichkhun for her entire life. Now, she kept praying that Nihckhun will be able to persuade JYP.


Jessica told Yuri about Nichkhun’s plan. Yuri nodded before speaking. “it’s pity actually,” she said. Jessica raised her eyebrows, asking for explanation. Yuri smiled before continued, “the baby. Both of you guys don’t want the baby. Well, this is not its fault right?”


“Yuri. You don’t understand…” Jessica said.


“nah, I understand your point and at some point I do agree but…. When we think again, what did it do to deserve this. If this happens to me, I would keep the baby. But again, this is your future and it’s you who have the most right to decide,” Yuri looked at Jessica with encouraging stare.


“don’t worry okay. Everything will be okay,” Yuri hugged Jessica.


“I hope so. Thanks Yul, for being with me and for not judging me,” Jessica said while returning Yuri’s hug.


“that’s what a friend for right?” she laughed.


“yeah. You’re my bestfriend ever,” Jessica replied.



“hyung, please hear me out. We don’t want to get married to each other so to save ourselves from future trouble, we can’t let this happen,” Nichkhun talked to JYP. The older man looked at him before shaking his head.


“things have changed Khun. Do you think by aborting the baby and said nothing happened will shut people’s mouth? Jessica has been missing from her promotion activities for 2 weeks and people will start asking and searching. And we still don’t know who reveal the photos. We still don’t know the source,” JYP said.


“But hyung, sure we can come out with a better plan right? the marriage plan is the worst plan ever,” Nichkhun tried to persuade.


“Khun, try to think at the positive side. What you’ll gain after you get married. She is Jessica Jung, one of the best from Girl’s Generation. After so many troubles you have caused, for God sake, you just freed yourself from the accident case, and now this. My suggestion is, go with this wedding plan and try to gain people trust again. It's like doing We Got Married again,” JYP said calmly.


“hyung, I have a girlfriend and I love her all my heart. I will not get married for business. And this is nothing like We Got Married!” Nichkhun replied.


“if you love her like you claimed you do, this will not happen Khun. Furthermore, nothing is personal in this world Khun. Everything is business,” JYP said.


“think about this. I did this for your own sake. Go back and consider,” he continued. Nichkhun stood up and excused himself. There’s no use of persuading once JYP have made up his mind. Nichkhun decide to go back and think about possible plan and come back to persuade him. 



Hello dearests. i'm sorry for my lateness. like i said, i've been busy and i just come back from my vacation (not so called vacation since i have so many things to handle during the holiday). Now i come back with new chapter. i really really hope that you like the update.

i'm sorry if i made Tiffany quite a here since well, who don't get angry when your boyfriend hook up with your own trusted friend right. so, please, understand me and about why Tiffany reacted that way, believe me i have my reason which i'm not going to tell you. haha.. well, happy reading people. leave some comments and your thoughts below if you have some time. 

love, Arinalee.

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.I really like this story
Hyunlix0000 #2
Chapter 15: It's 9 years already..I lost hope
Shasha99 #3
Chapter 15: It's almost 4 years since the last update, our dearest arinalee.

It's okay, hehehe take your time.

I love your story so much

Princessjessica92 #4
Chapter 15: Update author...I miss this stories
Sicachumaomao912 #5
Update juseyo authornim~
AznCutie8418 #6
Please continue! I wanna know till the very end :)
xiupao92 #7
author-sshi, please kindly update :D
ImahJhon #8
Chapter 15: Need some updates
Princessjessica92 #9
Chapter 15: Update author
lorraine_ot9 #10
Chapter 15: update please!!! (^_^)