Say I Love You

*Riiiiiiiiiiiinggggg riiiiiiinggg riiiinnngg* 

​The sounds of the alarm filled the entire apartment, making the two girls slowly awake from their sleep. 
5 months have passed since Nami had moved in with Hana, and as the days go by, the two became closer. The season had started to change and with Hana's help, Nami has now started the new school year. 
Exiting the bathroom, Nami yawned her way back to her room where she found Hana already dressed in her uniform. No matter how many times she saw Hana, Nami was never surprised at how beautiful she was. 
"Why are you not ready yet?" Hana pouted, crossing her hands in front of her chest. 
Nami laughed a bit and threw her wet towel at Hana's face, making her fall over towards the bed. She hurriedly put on her uniformed and looked at herself in the mirror. Unsatisfied that she didn't look like her friend, Hana lifted herself up off the bed and over to Nami. 
"How is it that you look perfect and I look like a potato?" Nami stated with a saddened tone. 
"What are you talking about?" Hana laughed. "You're just as pretty." But Nami just shook her head, disagreeing. 
Seeing Nami's stubbornness, Hana ran to her room and returned with a couple clips in her hand. "Come here." She suggested, making Nami sit in front of her. 
Minutes passed and Hana let out a satisfying smile. "There!" She stated and turned Nami over to see herself. Seeing that Hana had just tied her hair into a ponytail, she turned herself around and looked at Hana confused. 
Letting out another smile, Hana placed her hand on Nami's head. "You look best with your hair pulled back." Hearing Hana's words made Nami feel warm inside.

The two walked their way to school. As they passed the gates, the sound of the bells were heard throughout the entire area. 
"Shoot, we better hurry!" Hana yelled, grabbing ahold of Nami's hand and dragging her to the gates. Just as the two made their way through, the gate closed right behind them, making Hana let out a huge sigh of relief. "Good thing we made it!" She laughed. 

Haven't seen a school in such a long time, Nami's eyes followed the outline of the building and her eyes went back to Hana, who was waving at her friends. As Nami's eyes shifted to a group of girls walking towards them, she could feel her insides curling up. 
"Hey guys~" Hana greeted. The group of girls waved back happily and came forth to send each other hugs. Finally finished with their greeting, Hana cleared and called Nami closer to her. Doing as told, Nami walked her way towards Hana and shyly looked at the girls standing in front of her. 
Slowly making her way to their eyes, Nami was shocked to find them looking at her with disgust. 
"Hana, can we talk to you." One of the girls whispered, then shot her eyes towards Nami's direction. "Alone." 
Nami watched as Hana walked far away to talk with her friends and immediately, she could feel her insides being thrown out. She knew exactly what they were talking about. The looks she just received, those are the looks everyone gives her. The looks of the wealthy looking down on you. 

"SHUT THE HELL UP." Hana yelled, making Nami turn her head in shock. "Don't you dare say things like that!" Hana yelled once more and walked her way towards Nami, grabbing ahold of her hand and leading her into the building. 
This was the first time Nami has seen Hana angry or even yell for that matter. 
"Hana.." Nami whispered, just enough for Hana to hear her voice. "Are you alright?" Hana stopped in her tracks and released her grip, Nami watched as Hana hung her head down to the ground and back up again towards her. "Of course I am." She smiled and continued walking. 

Hana led Nami to the office and waited for a receptionist to meet with them. Finally being able to talk to one of the staff, Hana and Nami walked into the room, where eyes were instantly set on her. The eyes of the wealthy following her every move. The eyes shown of disgust. 
"Take a seat." The receptionist said, pointing to the chairs in front of her desk. Doing as told, Hana and Nami took a seat in the chairs and waited for the receptionist to say something. 
Nami watched as the receptionist clicked through her computer and printed out a piece of paper. As she reached out for the paper, she quickly handed it to Hana. Nami watched as Hana looked through the paper, only to find a frown take over. 
"Ma'am." Hana called out, making the receptionist turn her head towards us. "There must be a mix up." Hana stated, holding the piece of paper. "We have no classes together." 
The receptionist let out a sigh and took off her glasses. "There is no mistake. These are the classes she will be taking." 
"BUT we have no classes together. How am I suppose to help her?!" Hana questioned in a raised voice. 
"That is not my problem." The receptionist stated and pointed towards the door, signaling us to leave. 

Following Hana out the door, Nami turned her head back to the receptionist's room, only to see the lady spray the seat she was sitting in with a disinfecting spray. Nami could feel the pain rise inside of her, but as much as she wanted to cry, she just couldn't. She wanted to show the people around her that she was stronger than that, and that wasn't going to fall that quickly. 
"Nami." Hana called out, waving her hands in front of her face. "Hey Nami." 
Shaking her head, Nami recollected her thoughts and looked up at Hana, who was handing her the piece of paper she had just received. "Here." Nami took ahold of the paper and looked at it, confused. "It's your schedule." Hana explained. "Sadly, we don't have any classes together, but you can make it without me right?" 
Nami bit the bottom of her lip and looked up at Hana. "I think so." Nami stated nervously. 
Hana let out a sigh of relief and wrapped her hands around Nami, surprising her a bit. "I have to get to class. If you need anything, just ask someone. Everyone here is friendly!" Nami nodded her head and watched her friend disappear down the hall. Standing there alone in the office, Nami felt butterflies form in her stomach. She looked down at the piece of paper. "3-C.." Not knowing what that meant, Nami itched the side of her head, and slowly walked down the hall. 

Looking left and right for her class, Nami could hear the whispers of the students around her. 
"Look it's that girl." One of the students said. 
"What is a person like that doing in this school?" Another questioned. 
"She still looks like she's been rolling in dirt" Another laughed. 
Hearing those words, Nami started to bit on her bottom lip. She knew this would happen whenever Hana was around, but this wasn't the time for her to be upset. She needed to stand up for herself. She needed to show them that their words didn't hurt her. 

Finally finding her classroom, Nami took a deep breath to let go of all her nerves. She slide the door open and all eyes immediately turned to her. The entire class shot eyes of disgust as they started to find out who she was. 
"Welcome." The teacher greeted. "Your seat is back there." She stated, pointing at the desk in the back corner. The teacher was just the same as the others Nami had come in contact with. Because she wasn't as wealthy as the others, she was looked down on. Because people knew her as the girl who lived on the streets, she was looked with eyes filled with disgust. 
As Nami walked to her seat, she could hear the students around her laughing, or whispering with each other. She could even see some students plug their noses to indicate that she smelt. Of course, all of these things hurt her, but she wasn't ready to crack. Not just yet. 

Three periods have passed and it was finally time for lunch. Nami hurriedly packed her belongings in her bag and placed them on the side of her desk, like the other students. She hurried her way towards the cafeteria where she planned on meeting Hana. 
10 minutes went by and Hana came running towards Nami, already out of breath. "Sorry.. Nami.." Hana puffed. "My teacher assigned a new project on the first day, I have to eat lunch in class, and I might have to stay after school." Hana pressed her hands together and sent Nami a cute pout. "Please forgive me." Letting out a laugh, Nami nodded her head as a sign of forgiveness and watched as her friend ran back to her classroom. 
Disappointed, Nami looked down at the ground and walked back to class. Nami walked up the stairs in her own zone, when she felt someone tugging on her skirt, shaking her out of her thoughts. When she turned around, she was eye to eye with two guys. A tall blond and a brown haired guy. Without any hesitation, Nami kicked the blond haired guy down the stairs where he crashed his body against the wall making the students all around turn to look at the scene. 

"YOU.." Nami started with a raised voice. "I can handle the whispers and the jokes, but to think guys like you would stoop so low! Get a life!"
The blond haired guy looked up at Nami with a confused look. "What the heck.." He stated. "Just happened.." 
"Sehun, are you okay?" The brown haired guy questioned, checking for injuries, but Sehun just shrugged him off. 
"Who was that?" Sehun asked, still looking to where Nami was last seen.
"Her? I think her name was Nami or something. She was the girl that lived on the streets." The brown hair guy laughed. 
"Nami, huh.." 


*Ding ding ding* 
The school bells went off and the students all rushed out of their classes ready to head home. Nami, Knowing Hana was going to stay after school, hurriedly went to her locker and pulled out her shoes, wanting to be at home immediately. 
Putting her shoes on the floor, Nami placed a foot in one of her shoes. Just as Nami placed her foot in her shoe, she felt this stabbing pain at the heal and center of her foot. 
"Ah!" Nami cried immediately taking out her foot. As she bent down to investigate what had stabbed her foot, Nami found pins placed on the inside of her shoes. Taking out the pins, Nami found a note that was stuck at the toes of one of her shoes. Slowly she unfolded the note and started to read :

What a . 
Sehun wasn't even the one that tugged on your skirt. 
You better apologize or else we'll make sure you end up back in the garbage.

Nami crumbled the note in the hand and threw the piece of paper in the nearest trash along with the pins inside her shoe. Letting out a deep sigh, Nami put her shoes back on her feet and walked out the doors, until a force held onto her arm, stopping her in her tracks. 

It was the same blond from earlier. 

"Hey wait." He said, holding tightly onto Nami's arm. But Nami didn't answer. "My name is Sehun." he greeted, "You're name is Nami right?" But again, Nami didn't answer. 
"I'm just going to get straight to the point." Sehun started. "I want to be friends." Hearing him bluntly state he wanted to be friends, Nami forced her arm from Sehun's grasp and sent him a glare. 
"No you don't" She replied with no emotion. And turned her back trying to leave, but again, Sehun grabbed ahold of her, stopping her once again. 
"I do!" Sehun confessed. 
"Hey Sehun, are you coming." A female called out, interrupting their conversation. Sehun nodded his head towards the female and shifted his head back towards Nami. He took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. 
"My friends and I are going to karaoke, would you like to come?" Sehun asked. 
"Ew, don't invite her." One of his friends interrupted. And that was a sign for Nami to leave. Forcing her arm from Sehun's grasp again, Nami made her way out the door. 
"WAIT." Sehun called out again, running up to her. "Here." He stated, handing the piece of paper to Nami. Taking the paper from Sehun's fingers, Nami opened the note only to reveal his number. "You should call me sometime." He smiled. But Nami just looked at him blankly. She crumpled up the note and threw it on the ground, but Sehun picked it up again, this time forcing it in her palms. "I want to be friends." He said again. 
Nami pushed Sehun away from her and pulled out her cell phone. She her phone and opened up her contacts, listing only one name, Hana. Nami turned her phone around and showed her screen towards Sehun. "Hana is the only friend I need." Nami stated. 
"Alright fine" Sehun stated once more. "But keep my number. If you need me at all, just call and I'll be there." 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I Know the beginning is boring right now, but I do promise it will get more exciting as the story continues. 
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Chapter 3: OMG SEHUN YOU DERP! You don't just steal a girl's first kiss just like that! XDDD
Well you did anyway now take responsibility~ e u e
Chapter 3: love it ... can't wait 4 the next chapter ^^
OTL. My two ultimate bias in one fic-- I cannot really.
I'm looking forward to reading this <3
Leina1996 #4
Chapter 1: I like it :) please update soon
MieNiel #5
Chapter 2: Seems like interesting :) please update soon ~!! ;)