Say I Love You

Nami leaned her back down the brick wall and slide herself down, crouching down on her dirty knees. She watched as the professionally dressed humans walked past her, sending her looks of disgust. Frowning at the sight of these people, Nami stood herself up and dusted off the dirt from her clothes, making her way to the bench by the southern park, often known as her bed. 

Nami sat herself down on the bench and watched as kids started to run past her. She could hear the laughs and see the smiles on the playful children in front of her. Seeing the kids play with their parents, Nami couldn't help but think about the painful event that happened with her sister and foster parent. Trying to shake her thoughts clear, a gurgle was heard. It was her stomach. 

Placing her hand on her belly, Nami on her bottom lip, tasting the dirt that was once there. 
It's been awhile since I last ate something .. 

Heading back down the block, Nami slowly walked her way towards the back of a restaurant where she found a freshly dumped bag sitting outside the back door. on her bottom lip once more, Nami slowly opened the bag and searched inside where she found week old bread. Seeing the bread was enough for to water. 
Looking to her left and then to her right, Nami took out two loafs and started to take a bite. She could taste the sour of the bread, but that didn't bother her. Food was well, food.
Just as she was about to take a third loaf, the door to the restaurant opened making Nami run away in an instant, dropping the loaf in it's spot. 

Afraid of being caught, Nami ran as fast as she could, making her run into someone. As the two fell on their butts, Nami watched as the human in front of her lifted herself up on her feet and dusted the dirt off  her clothes. 
Lifting her head up to see who she had just bumped into, Nami's eyes widened as she placed them on a female looking down at her. Nami watched as the girl fixed her orange-brown hair and straightened out her pink cardigan. 
"Are you alright?" The girl asked, reaching her hand out to help, but Nami just looked away and slapped the hand out of her face. 

Embarrassed of being seen, Nami gets back on her feet and runs back to the park leaving the girl in shock. 

Finally reaching her bench, Nami let out a deep breath as she watched the sun start to set. The skies filled with colors from orange to blue made Nami let out a small smile. She watched as the kids had started to go home with their parents, and she could feel the pain in her heart. 
Lifting her legs on the bench to hug her knees, tears started to stream down Nami's face as she watched a happy family walk past her. She could hear the conversations of the little girl and her parents, making the memories of her dear parents return to her head. 

As the skies became dark, it was time for Nami to go to bed. After all, tomorrow is another day. Letting out a yawn, Nami stretched her hands up towards the sky and lied herself down on the bench. 
The wind blew, making her body shiver, but it wasn't anything Nami couldn't handle. Placing her hands in between her crouched legs, Nami slowly drifted off to sleep. 

As her mind started to wonder to her happy place, Nami was forcibly waken up by a pair of hands patting on her shoulder. Reacting with fear, Nami sprang up with a shout, but soon stopped when she placed her eyes on the figure in front of her. 
She looked as the orange-brown hair and pink cardigan was familiar to her. It was the same girl she bumped into earlier. 

"I was right after all." The girl whispered to herself as she placed her eyes on Nami's frightened self. "You're homeless?" She questioned. But Nami didn't answer. 
"How old are you?" The girl questioned as she sat herself down on the bench. "Do you talk at all?" But Nami stayed silent. 
Nami watched as the girl took out her phone and let out a deep breath.
"Well, my name is Hana." The girl said as she put her phone back in her pocket. "I'm 17 years old. Do you have anywhere to stay?" Hoping for an answer Hana waited patiently, but Nami remained silent. Letting out a sigh Hana lifted herself up off the bench and slowly walked away, giving up. 
Nami watched as Hana started to disappear into the darkness. She didn't know why she couldn't speak. Was it because she was embarrassed?

Come back.. 
The feeling of being left alone again was painful. This was the first time someone has ever talked to her in a long time. The tone of Hana's voice brought a smile to Nami's face as she started to think of her parents. 
"Come back.." Nami whispered. "Please.." 

Hearing Nami's fainted voice, Hana let out a smile and turned her head, looking at the girl who was looking back at her. 
Walking her way back to Nami, Hana reached out her hand once again sending her a sincere smile. 
"This time, don't smack it away." Hana stated, waiting for Nami to take hold, but Nami hesitated. She looked at Hana's hand and back into Hana's eyes. Seeing her smile made Nami smile as well. 
Slowly, she placed her hand into Hana's and lifted herself off up the bench.

Happy that Nami took hold of her hand, Hana sent her another cheerful smile. "How about we go some where warm. Like my place?" 
Not waiting for an answer, Hana tightened her hold onto Nami's hand and led her to her apartment just two blocks away from the park. 

As Nami stepped foot into Hana's apartment, she jaw dropped in awe. Not only was the room big, but it was nothing compared to the apartment she use to live in. The room itself had stairs that led to another floor. 

"Here." Hana said, breaking Nami's thoughts. "You wash up, and then we can talk okay?" 
Nami nodded her head and followed Hana up the stairs and into the bathroom. She watched as Hana started the water and the fan. "I'll be downstairs. I also left some clothes for you if you want to change into something else." 
Hana closed the bathroom door leaving Nami alone. Slowly taking off her dirt infested clothes, Nami set them on the floor and turned her body where she was surprised to find a mirror. Staring at her reflection, tears started to slowly roll down her face. Not only was her clothes filled with dirt, but so was her body. Trying to dust off the dirt from her body, Nami let out a deep sigh as her hands started to dirty up even more. She picked up her clothes off the ground and placed her eyes on the pile of dirt that fell of her clothes. 
Biting on her bottom lip, Nami set her dirty clothes in a bag she found in one of the cabinets and led herself into the steamy shower. Being a while since she showered in hot water, Nami couldn't remember herself feeling clean in such a long time. 

Starting up the stove, Hana started to cook dinner. Making twice as much food as she normally does, she placed the many dishes out on the table. Looking at the sides and the main dishes, she let out a sigh of relief and nodded her head proudly. 
"That should do it." Hana cheered.
Just as she was walking to utensils, she heard the steps of the stairs creek. When Hana turned her head, she was happy to see Nami walk down the stairs wearing her clothes. 
"You look so cute." Hana smiled, making Nami redden. "I haven't worn those clothes in awhile, they look good on you." 
"You.. you can have them back when my clothes are cleaned.." Nami stuttered holding the bag filled with her clothes. Hana let out another smile and shook her head. "You can have them! They don't fit me at all anymore." 
"Well let's eat!" Hana said as she handed Nami a spoon. 

Looking at the spoon in front of her, Nami shifted her eyes towards the table where she was surprised to see it filled with sides and sides of dishes. The smell of the food made her drool. 
Wiping , Nami looked up at Hana who was just smiling down at her. 
"Well, are we just going to stand here or dig in?" Hana laughed and led Nami to the table, sitting her in one of the seats. 

Hana watched as Nami ate her dinner with a satisfying face. The feeling of seeing someone love your cooking was something she loved to see. 
"Is it good?" Hana asked with a smile. She watched as Nami nodded her head shyly and let out a little giggle. 
The two finished their dinner after 30 minutes. Hana sat herself up and started to collect the dishes putting them in the sink. "I'll clean them later." She laughed, sticking out her tongue.
"No, let me help." Nami insisted, heading herself over to the sink. "It's the least I can do, please." 
Hana knew Nami was going to take no for an answer, so she walked herself to the other side of the sink and sent Nami another sweet smile. "I'll soap and you rinse okay?"
After the dishes were cleaned, Hana led Nami to the living room where she sat her on one of the couches. Sitting close to Nami, Hana placed her hand atop of Nami's and handed her the remote. "Is there anything you want to watch?" But Nami just shook her head. "How about we just talk instead alright?"
Hearing Hana's soft tone, Nami nodded her head. 

"For starters, What's your name? And how old are you?" 
"K..Kim Nami.. and I'm 17" 
"Oh me too!" Hana cheerfully smiled. "Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer if it's too personal though." Hana waited as Nami nodded her head, already knowing the question that was going to be asked. 
"You're still so young, so why are you homeless?"
 Already knowing Hana was going to ask that, Nami took a deep breath and told her everything. Nami told Hana how her parents died of a fire when she was only 15. She Told Hana about how she went from foster home to foster home, and how she ran away because of how her foster father ually abused her so called sister. 
Listening to all of Nami's words, Hana was left speechless. All of this from such a quiet girl, she couldn't even wrap her mind around it. 
"Can I ask you something?" Nami whispered as she watched Hana nod her head. "Why do you live alone?" 
Shocked by the question, Hana rubbed the back of her head nervously. "How did you know I lived alone?" She laughed, trying to think of something to say. 
"If you had someone waiting for you at home, you wouldn't be out looking for someone like me." Nami replied quickly. 
Hana let out a sigh and shifted her eyes down to the ground, showing Nami her emotions. "I've lived alone since I was 15." Hana started. "My parents .. They never understood me. They never understood my feelings, my likes, my dislikes. I just couldn't take it anymore, so I live here." 
"But that's how parents are." Nami stated. "Parents will never fully understand their kids, it just takes time to everything to sink in." 
"It's different with me though." Hana confessed. "Ever since I moved away from my parents, they now understand me more. Sure they want me to come back home, but I just can't. There are times where I feel lonely, but over there, I could hear the cries of my mother, and she could hear my cries. I was just never happy there." 
Hearing Hana's story made Nami want to know more, but she knew it was not the time nor her permission. Nami bit her bottom lip and tried to hold in her emotions. 
As time passed, Nami lifted herself up off the couch and headed towards the stairs where she picked up the bag with her clothes. 
"Where are you going?" Hana questioned as she followed Nami's movements. 
"I'm going back to the park." Nami replied and slowly walked past Hana's presence. Hana watched as Nami opened the door and without any hesitation ran up to her, holding onto her arm. 
"WAIT!" Hana yelled, gripping herself onto Nami. "I don't want you to go back to the park. I don't want you to sleep on that bench!" 
Surprised by Hana's words, Nami's eyes widened. "Come live with me." Hana suggested, sending Nami a smile. Letting go of her grip, Hana was now eye to eye with Nami. "We were both alone." Hana stated and slowly reached out her hand towards Nami. "But we don't have to be anymore." 
Looking down at Hana's hand, Nami looked back at Hana who was smiling just as much as ever. Slowly, she placed her hand on Hana's and sent her a smile back. "Alright."

This is my first Fanfiction.
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Chapter 3: OMG SEHUN YOU DERP! You don't just steal a girl's first kiss just like that! XDDD
Well you did anyway now take responsibility~ e u e
Chapter 3: love it ... can't wait 4 the next chapter ^^
OTL. My two ultimate bias in one fic-- I cannot really.
I'm looking forward to reading this <3
Leina1996 #4
Chapter 1: I like it :) please update soon
MieNiel #5
Chapter 2: Seems like interesting :) please update soon ~!! ;)