Say I Love You

Ignoring Sehun's words, Nami continued her way back home. Always being use to having Hana around, Nami felt a bit lonely. Hana was her only friend, and well, without her, she was always back to her quiet, shy self. 

*Ting Ting* 
The sound of Nami's phone started to go off. Taking it out, she opened her phone only to find a text from Hana. 

I probably won't be home until later. 
Go get something to eat :) 

After reading the text, Nami placed her hand on her belly and started rubbing. Now that I think about it, I didn't have lunch.. 
Looking left and right, Nami found a nearby bakery. There she entered and her nose was filled with a sweet sensation. 
"Oh why hello there." Said one of the workers who was placing a fresh batch of bread in a basket. Nami sent the worker a smile and slowly bowed her head a good 90, making the worker smile in return. 
Nami walked past the worker and eyes the different types of bread that were in the shop. Everything looked delicious, she just couldn't decide which one she wanted. 
"I recommend this one." The worker said, handing Nami a pink frosted doughnut. "You look like you would like sweets." 
Nami looked at the worker with confused eyes and examined the doughnut in front of her. "I.. I don't have much money with me." But the worker just shook her head and opened Nami's  hand, placing the doughnut in her palms. 
"Don't worry about that." She winked. "I own the place." 
Unable to say anything else, Nami took another look at the doughnut and again at the worker. 
"Try it, at least." The worker insisted. And doing as told, Nami took a bite. One bite was more than enough to make Nami's tastebuds enter a heavenly feeling. This was the first time she's ever tasted something so delicious. 
"How is it?" The worker asked full of curiosity. 
"It's delicious." Nami confessed. "How do you make something this yummy?" 
The worker laughed and shook her head, placing her hand on Nami's shoulder. "If you want to know, how about you work here?" Hearing the sudden question, Nami's eyes widened and she gave the worker a shocked look. 
"Really?" Nami stuttered and watched as the worker happily nodded her head. "But .. I .. You won't get customers with me around.." Nami admitted with an upset tone, making the worker send her a worried look. 
"Now why is that dear?" And with that, Nami answered the worker, ashamed and afraid of what might happen next. 
After telling the worker her entire story, she waited as the worker took a moment to absorb everything she has heard. Moments later, the worker sent Nami another cheerful smile and placed her hand over Nami's head, patting it gently. "Dear, there is nothing to be ashamed of." The worker said, making Nami look up at her. "So what if you lived on the streets? What if the rich look down at you? It doesn't change who you are on the inside." 
Hearing those words made Nami's eyes start to water, This was the first person, other than Hana to actually see her as a human being and not anything different. "Now, how about you work here?" The worker insisted and watched as Nami happily nodded her head. "Good, then you start tomorrow. Just stop by after school and I'll give you instructions." 

As the sky started to fall into darkness, Nami was still out exploring. Since Hana wasn't going to be home until awhile, she thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of this and see what other places there are in town. Nami walked into grocery stores, cosmetic shops, clothing stores, and all of this seemed to fascinate her. Sure there were those people that remembered her face on the streets, but there were also those who were just as kind, and that surprised Nami. 
During her walk through the clothing store, Nami noticed something that caught her eye. A man, dressed in a suit and holding a briefcase, just standing outside as if .. he was watching her. 
Seeing as this was fishy and maybe her imagination, Nami walked her way to a different area of town, hoping that the man wasn't following her. As she started to walk, she could hear the footsteps following her path. When she stopped, so did the man. She watched in the corner of her eye as he pretended to talk on his phone or look at the time. That's when she knew, she was being followed. 

Not knowing what to do, Nami ran into a convenience store, past the cashier and towards the drink aisle. Looking outside the large window, Nami could still see the man outside, waiting for her. Scared to return home, Nami started to call Hana. 
Please .. Hana .. Pick up. 

But it was no good. Not knowing who else to call, Nami started to panic. That's when she remembered. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a crumbled piece of paper. When she opened the paper, she quickly started to dial the phone. 

"Nami?" The voice said on the other end. 
"Ah .. Ah ,.." Nami started to stutter. "Is this.. Sehun?" 
"Yeah, what's wrong? Are you alright?" Sehun questioned leaving the loud room. 
"Please, there's this guy that's been following me. Hana won't answer her phone and I don't know what else to d-" 
"I'll be right there." Sehun interrupted. "Just wait for me." 
As Sehun ended the phone call, Nami started to flicker her fingers, trying to get her mind off of what was happening. There were times where she would look if the man was still there, hoping he wasn't, but he still was. She watched as the man leaned himself towards the pole on the other side of the street, watching the store and again at his watch. 
Nami could feel her heart pounding faster and faster, until a bop on her head made her jump up. When she turned around, she was happy to see Sehun. 
"Shhh.." Sehun instructed as he placed his finger against his mouth. "What happened." 
Nami turned her way towards the window and pointed at the guy across the street, where Sehun directed his eyes. "That guy, he's been following me. Hana won't pick up her phone and and and." 
Sehun placed his hand over Nami's mouth and shushed her once more. "You need to calm down alright?" Sehun ordered. "Wait here." Nami watched as Sehun walked his way towards the drinks and picked up two cokes. He grabbed ahold of Nami's hand and led her towards the cashier. 
"Why are you buying drinks?" Nami questioned. 
"Shhh." Sehun shushed again and paid the man. "Come." Doing as told, Nami followed Sehun out of the store. She watched as the man started to walk across the street and towards the two. Feeling her heart start to pound from fear, Sehun took ahold of Nami's shoulders, making her look him in the eyes. 
"Nami.." Sehun called out as his eyes locked with hers. "I love you." He stated and pressed his lips onto hers. 
Shocked, Nami's eyes widened, and her heart started to pound even faster. When Sehun pulled away from the kiss, the man was gone. Sehun looked down at Nami who was now as bright as a tomato. "Nami, are you alright?" Sehun questioned, placing his hand on Nami's shoulder. "You know I only did that to scare the guy off right?" but Nami remained silent and avoided all eye contact. "WAIT, don't tell me!" Sehun gasped. "That was your first kiss?!" 

Here is another chapter for you guys :) 
If you like the story so far, feel free to subscribe to find out what happens next. 

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Chapter 3: OMG SEHUN YOU DERP! You don't just steal a girl's first kiss just like that! XDDD
Well you did anyway now take responsibility~ e u e
Chapter 3: love it ... can't wait 4 the next chapter ^^
OTL. My two ultimate bias in one fic-- I cannot really.
I'm looking forward to reading this <3
Leina1996 #4
Chapter 1: I like it :) please update soon
MieNiel #5
Chapter 2: Seems like interesting :) please update soon ~!! ;)