

♪ ♫

Luhan can tell it was love at first sight. He was inside his own car with his chauffeur, looking outside - staring at the students who are slowly leaving the school. A tall, slim boy with a brown hair, with his friends passed by on their car. Luhan gaped at the boy who checked his own reflection at the car. For the boy, he saw his reflection. But for Luhan, he saw his soulmate.

Maybe it was fate. Luhan told his own chauffeur to follow those group of boys. They are group of five, and one of them was the boy who caught Luhan's attention for seconds. Their car slowly followed the highschool boys and  stopped into a certain familiar house, and Luhan was surprised to see his bestfriend there, Baekhyun. When the boys left, Luhan get off from his car and went to Baekhyun.

"Hey, do you know those boys?" Luhan asked without staring at Baekhyun, his eyes are still on a certain person. 

Baekhyun smiled, "I knew them because Chanyeol is there. Remember, my boyfriend?" Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol.

Luhan dropped his jaw, playfully hitting Baekhyun in shoulders. "Why didn't you tell me you got yourself a boyfriend, huh?" the older boy pouted on purpose. Baekhyun draped his arms around Luhan, and asked. He knew that Baekhyun can be secretive sometimes but this one was all of a sudden. His best friend didn't even mention Chanyeol along him.

"You won't ask if you're not interested. Do you like Sehun?" 

Luhan forgot the reason why he is talking to Baekhyun, he looked at the group of boys and remembered the tall, slim with a brown hair boy. "Who is Sehun?"

"The second tallest boy, the tall and slim one with a brown hair." Baekhyun stared. "I'd totally hit him if I didn't meet Chanyeol,"

Luhan stared in disbelief, was about to smack Baekhyun. "Hey I was kidding, and I know his your type." Baekhyun dodged Luhan's smack. Luhan ignored everything and just decided to laugh it out with Baekhyun.

On that moment, a smile flashed onto Luhan's face.


Little did Luhan know, Sehun was already admiring Luhan before. Luhan was one of the players of soccer, and Sehun was one of the audience watching Luhan on the other boys with the soccer field, filled with dirth and mud. Sehun's eyes was only focused on that certain boy who kept on clapping whenever their team gets the goal. He can't keep but smile, because the other boy's cuteness was naturally coming out from him. Not like other girls who'd desperately try to act cute, and Sehun hates it a lot.

"Hey, what's that smile?" Kai, one of his friends tapped Sehun's back, sitting beside Sehun. "Do you know that boy?" Sehun asked, still staring at Luhan.

"Where?" Kai asked, sipping his drinks. "That boy beside the tall boy over there, the boy with bleached hair." 

Kai looked on where's Sehun's pointing and smiled at Sehun. "Oh, Luhan? He's a transfer. And it was shocking because one week after his transfer, his popularity clashed mine." Sehun nodded, without realizing that Kai was actually beside him.

"Oh, you're here?" Sehun was surprised, he didn't actually notice that he was talking to his best friend. 

Kai shook his heads fakely. "No, I'm actually there. Dancing," Kai laughed at his best friend late reaction. "You like him, don't you?" Sehun gulped, shaking his head quietly. "Of course, not." He lied, but failed.

"I've known you for fifteen years, Sehun." Kai gave Sehun a gentle pat on his shoulders, with an acknowledging smile. 


Sehun was the first one to confess. He could clearly remember every single detail. When, how and where. Sehun's stomach was full of butterflies that day like, the butterflies never left his stomach. And everytime he would think about his plan, his sweat would fall from the sides of his forehead. He would stand in front of the mirror and practice those exact words he would say to Luhan, but it was never perfect because his lisp would come out. Let's just say that, Sehun was so anxious the whole day.

It was 11:28pm. The exact time where Luhan received a text from his best friend, Baekhyun.


From: Baekhyun, the stupid boy.

I hereby apologize for waking you up, Xiao Lu. May you please go down stairs and check the kitchen table.


At first, Luhan decided to ignore Baekhyun's text but sooner he stood up lazily with his messy hair and half-opened eyes. He didn't even realized that he was still hugging his pillow. He was so curious at the moment than whenever he tries to sleep, the message Baekhyun sent would pop out inside his mind. He came downstairs and checked the kitchen table. There was a pink note sticked on the table. Luhan squinted and rubbed his eyes because he couldn't see the message written on the note. 


"Go to the bathroom. :)"


Luhan felt excited. A thought clicked into his mind, "It must be a surprise from Baekhyun." He thought. He loved surprises. He walked to the bathroom just to see a note written with a marker on the mirror.


"Go back to your room."


Luhan was left disappointed. He thought this was some surprise, but instead - this was just a sick prank played on him by his best friend. He went up stairs and tried opening his door, but the door was locked. A friend of his, Kai, appeared. Giving Luhan a small smile. "Yo," Kai greeted Luhan.

"Hey," Luhan rubbed his eyes with a smile. "It's so late. Why are you here, and how did you come in?" Luhan asked groggily, anticipating Kai's answer. A part of his was excited because he thought 'this must be really something' but a part of him was sad because, this wasn't Sehun. Sehun wasn't the person in front of him.

"Too many questions, just wear this blind fold." Kai helped Luhan to wear the blind fold gently, and on that exact moment — Luhan's door opened itself. 

Kai helped Luhan to sit on the chair some of his friends prepared, and slowly - Kai removed the blind fold Luhan was wearing. Luhan thanked Kai for helping him and was cut off when he see someone's certain face in front of the television. It was the face of the one he is admiring, it was Sehun's.

The video begins with a Sehun keeps on rubbing his nape and clear his throat. Luhan can't help but smile on the cuteness of the younger male. Sehun started to speak, which kinda was hard for Luhan to understand because it came to the point that Sehun was stuttering too much. But Luhan managed to get what Sehun was saying. 

"You must be mad at me now because I woke you up." Sehun flashed a smile on the camera, still rubbing his nape.

Luhan kept squealing on every minutes of the video. Without caring if he's with someone or what. 

"You're smart enough right? So I think you get why I'm doing this." Sehun started stuttering more. And at the end of the video, was a small note with a sentence written. "Look behind your back,"

Luhan turned around his head, and was shocked to see a smiling Sehun on his back. Sehun was there at back of Luhan the whole video which means, Sehun saw how Luhan squealed. Luhan blushed crimson red, still embarrassed on what he just did a while ago.

"Yo," Luhan spoke up.

"H-hey. S-so as y-you can s-see, wait h-how do I s-say this it's l-like.." Sehun was cut off when Luhan captured his lips. When he felt Luhan's lips onto his, in shorter terms - when Luhan kissed Sehun.

"You're so cute when you're nervous." Luhan flashed a grin and nodded. "Uhm, sure?"

Sehun, still strucked, was awake when Luhan said sure. "What was that sure for?" 

"Aren't you asking me to be your boyfriend?" Luhan asked, concern was printed all over his sleepy face.

"I wasn't," Sehun spoke up. And Luhan was about to tear back, mixed emotions. Embarrassed, Anger, Hurt and stuffs. At that moment, all Luhan wants to do it dig a grave and put himself into it. He wanted to disappear in front of Sehun as soon as possible. It was so embarrassing for Pete's sake. But at the same time he was hurt, because he expected the thing he shouldn't expect. This is what he got. At the end, he was the one who's hurt. 

"I wasn't expecting you would say yes." Sehun pulled Luhan into a firm embrace, which caused to Luhan to slowly think for a moment. Things we're too fast for him, and there he is - strucked, trying to get what's happening. Kai and Baekhyun came out from nowhere on spot. Taking pictures because they said they're going to upload it somewhere.

A realization clicks into Luhan's mind.

He is now Sehun's boyfriend.

And Sehun is now his boyfriend.

It has been three years. Three years full of memories, happiness and love they both shared. Their life seemed perfect already, or at least they thought it was.

They talk to each other. They would hug and kiss each other, but they can't feel the same. They both knew it, they both felt it. They were just scared to ask or admit because scared on each other's answer. Luhan does love Sehun. Sehun does love Luhan as well. But they can feel that something's wrong. Someone changed.

The text spams that used to be on their phones every morning, afternoon, evening or while they're away faded away. The serious talks they used to have did fade away too. The 'i love you's' we're lessen. They would talk but just to ask 'how are you' and 'bye, gotta eat' Something changed like, the sparkle has left their relationship.

They both started to doubt each other's feelings. There was a big wall between their relationship. Sehun knows how much he loves Luhan. Luhan knows how much he loves Sehun. But they don't know how could they express it to each other. Their bond sank like a titanic. 

"Man, I guess you need to give Luhan more attention." Kai smacked Sehun's shoulder, sighing. "He's been complaining a lot to me that you've been changing recently." 

It was so horrible for Sehun. He didn't know what to say. He didn't expect what he would answer. He thought Luhan was the one who changed, but without even realizing it, he was the one who changed. And he was the reason why Luhan changed. Changes are inevitable, but this changed affected their relationship.

"Don't tell this anyone, Luhan has been recently talking to his ex." 

Sehun's heart sank. He jumped to conclusions, thinking if what if Luhan's feelings came back for his ex, thinking if what if Luhan breaks up with him, thinking if Luhan is sick on him, and the worse, if Luhan doesn't love him anymore. He thought of the memories they had. The promises they shared. They tough times they successfully faced. A single tear escaped Sehun's eyes.

Sehun didn't know why he was crying. It wasn't jealousy. It was anger. But the anger wasn't for Luhan. He was angry of himself. He couldn't believe that this is just happening. He would often promise Luhan that he would never ever hurt him. He was slowly distancing himself away from Luhan without even noticing it. He's blaming his self all for this.

"You have to know this, but Luhan doubts your feelings for him." Kai gave Sehun a pat on the back, letting the younger cry it out. Kai witnessed how much Sehun loved Luhan. When Luhan and Sehun had their first fight, Sehun cried the whole day with Kai — even if the reason was all about jokes. Jokes that got overboard. Sehun easily jumps to conclusions. Whenever Luhan is mad at him, he would already think "is he going to break up with me," Alright, Sehun is possesive. But he couldn't take it. He loved the older one too much. This situation isn't a fight, because this is worst.

"Let it out," Kai spoke up. "I'm always here, man!" the tanned boy skin gave Sehun an assuring smile. 

Without their knowledge, Luhan saw the scene. And somehow, it felt like someone stabbed Luhan's chest.


After all the things Kai said to Sehun, Sehun was determined. He was determined to get Luhan back. To gain his trust and love back. No, they didn't break up — but almost. The thought of Luhan breaking up with Sehun hurts Sehun's too much. A tear would escape his eyes whenever he thinks about it.

Let's just say, Sehun started courting Luhan. Giving Luhan notes on his lockers, spamming Luhan's phones with sweet texts like what he just does back then, hugging Luhan all the time. But Luhan was cold to him, something really changed. Whenever Sehun would try to bring out a topic, Luhan would reply - but minimal. Cold, and minimal reply. It hurts Sehun. But he can't complain, because this is his fault. He blames himself for all this.


"Sehunnie," the older boy, snuggled to Sehun asking for more attention. "What is it, bambi?" Sehun would ruffle Luhan's hair in this kind of situations and peck the older boy's forehead. Luhan would smile, with some butterflies in his stomach. He felt like some teenager, squealing because his crush did something. But this one is different, because his crush - is his boyfriend.

"Sehun-ah," Luhan looked up at Sehun's eyes and stared. "Will you leave me one day?" 

Sehun was surprised at Luhan's question. Thinking of him, leaving Luhan hurts him. He couldn't imagine him making Luhan cry. "Why ask, baby?" 

"Nothing, I'm just scared." Luhan ignored the thought and just snuggled closer to his boyfriend. Luhan was still anticipating for Sehun's answer, preferably, exagerrated but sweet answer.

"Leaving Luhan is not my style," 

Luhan smiled, contented on his boyfriend's answer even if it wasn't exagerrated. All he cares about is Sehun, and Sehun's feelings for him. He wouldn't ask for anything else, Sehun is his everything. Thinking of hurting Sehun, he couldn't imagine too. They we're just so in separable at the moment, over attached, and both in love.

"Thinking of leaving you hurts my ." Sehun let out a small chuckle, ruffling the latter's hair. 

"Why ?" Luhan tilted his head, still curioused on why '' 

"My heart is too small. My is bigger. Like, I love you with all my ." 

Luhan teasingly smacked Sehun's shoulder while blushing deeply. His boyfriend could be cheesy, sweet and corny at the same time. That is what he loved about Sehun. How Sehun would say sweet things, how Sehun would ruffle his hair, how Sehun would make him laugh like no one could do it.

"But seriously," Sehun spoke up. "I can't imagine myself leaving you. I'd just leave you if a mute guy tells a deaf guy that a blind man saw a pig flying on the water."

Alright, that was cheesy. But that's Sehun's mindset. He can't leave Luhan. He can't, and he won't.

"But i'll just leave you if you fell in love with another person." Sehun said firmly, waiting for the other boy's reply.

"Like that will ever happen." Luhan just hugged Sehun. Thinking of those thoughs makes their heart ache. They call themselves overly attached but who cares, as long as they're overly attached to each other.


Sehun smiled at the thought, at the same time tearing up. He missed those days. The days they would exchange promises to each other, those day how would Luhan snuggle closer to him. Right now, all he wants and what he is thinking is how to get Luhan back. The image of Luhan with another person hurts him. 

But the way how Luhan is being cold to him. And the way how his replies are few.

Sehun cried on the other room, can't help himself but send Kai text messages.


To: Kai

I don't think I can't do this anymore.


To: Kai

I don't want to give up. But the way how he acts when he's with me. It's frustrating. I'm not mad at him. I'm mad at myself for making him like that.


To: Kai

I think of breaking up with him.


To: Kai

But I just can't. I can't. I want to be determined, to get him back. I'm trying to think that this is just a horrible challenge for us, but still.


To: Kai

Sorry if you're receiving consecutive nonsense messages from me, Kai.


Sehun turned of his phone and just let himself cry.

On the other part of the room, there was Luhan. Listening, and sobbing with Sehun.


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Chapter 1: Dis is so daebak!! Is there a next chap? i hope luhan and sehun make up soon :''))