Chapter 2


Pulling into the dusty parking-lot was an old, beat up red Honda Civic.  White dust swirled behind the car as it parked closest to the building; the crunching of dry gravel beneath its tires could be heard.  There were many large rust patches along the doors and windows of the car, as if the owner didn’t bother to take care of it.  Sehun recognized this car, for it was the exact one that his best friend, Chanyeol, drove.  Chanyeol, with his tightly curled, sand colored hair, rose from the red metal beast and made his way into the small shop.

The boys nodded at each other as a plain statement of greeting. Sehun did not have to say much to his friend to know that he was busy, and was only in the shop to gather some fishing supplies and continue about his bright, yellow day. Leaning back on the rickety, old stool, Sehun flipped open another magazine to pass more gray time. Chanyeol was trusted enough by both Sehun and the shop owner that they did not need to keep a close watch on the tall figure; however, he was not alone.  What could have been said was an unfamiliar sight came bounding inside the tiny shop, as if he had been there before.  Much to Sehun’s surprise, or lack thereof, the smaller figure was not unrecognizable.  Entering the shop with his tall, elf-like best friend was the same young man from yesterday.

We came through the forest, making our way into a beautiful field.  There was nothing else here, with the exception of an old and beat up swing set.  You declared that it was a childhood memorial, and that you wanted to swing upon it one last time; for remembrance.  Reluctantly, I agreed.  You pulled on my hand over and over again until you finally brought me alongside its four, lean metal legs.  I let you go; you ran to a seat, and swung to your heart’s desire.  I smiled, and I was happy for you.  You smiled at me, too, through your honey colored hair.

It wasn’t the buzzing of the ceiling fan that woke Sehun, but the steady brrng of his cell phone.  The little red device was hectically ringing, as if the phone was impatient for him to answer.  Sehun shot up in bed and reached for the phone on his night stand; Chanyeol’s name flashing on the screen.   He mumbled his hello; Chanyeol laughed at the way Sehun’s voice cracked from sleep.

Chanyeol had proceeded to inform Sehun about his new friend, explaining that this young man would be around more often, and soon enough he would meet Sehun officially.  Chanyeol noted that the young man was called Xiumin, that he was from the northern part of the state, and that he was spending his summer vacation here, with his boyfriend.  Chanyeol also informed Sehun that he had met Xiumin at the beach earlier in the summer, and that he thought the guy was absolutely cool.  There was, in fact, a lot that Sehun did not know that his best friend had gotten into recently.  The continuous buzzing of the fan was all that could be heard save for the incoherent voice on the other end of the phone.  Sehun grumbled a reply, that yes, he would meet with Chanyeol and Xiumin at the shop – even though it was his day off – and that they could go fishing together.

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Chapter 1: aaaah haha ok ok that was kind of ... disturbing ?
omg KIM WHAT IS GOING OOOOON ??? haha i'm lost OTL it's frustrating XD I've tried to figure out the whole meaning of this chapter and I got a headache hehe my entire neuronal system is upside down now ^^

ok so let me give you my hypotheses (my brain is weird ok ? don't judge thank you ^^ ):

1. Sehun suffers from schizophrenia ...
2. His dreams are past life memories ?
3. Luhan is not human (like idk some kind of ghost or dark angel/demon omg im sorry told you my brain is weird :p )

I swear the part in the shop where the man was wandering around and ended up buying only ice cream idk why i kinda freaked out ok ? I almost expected Sehun to see something strange on the video.... but it was normal. This is creppier ew

ugh i can't wait to read the next chapter. This is sooo mysterious omg I need to know what's happening XD

You've got all my support gull!