

I’ve never felt this way before, I can’t stop, it overflows.
As if someone locked it up, my lips won’t open in front of you.
When I called you and I saw your eyes as you turned around (I said) see you tomorrow.

"Oh! Aeri!" 

"Hey, Junhong!" Aeri replied as Junhong walked over to stand beside her at the bus stop. Aeri examines him and giggles. 

"That's totally not obvious." Aeri teased, pointing out Junhong's sunglasses, beanie and scarf. 

"I have to, Aeri, you know that." Junhong replied. 

"Don't you usually get a ride back to your dorm?" Aeri asked. Junhong nodded. 

"But not today, the van broke, so I have to take the bus back to the dorm." Aeri nodded and checked her phone for the time. 

"What bus do you take?" Aeri asked. 

"The 0157 bus." Junhong said. 

"Same here!"  Aeri exclaimed. 

"I live in the Evergreen Condominiums, so the 0157 stops right in front of there." Aeri added. 

"Oh! The company just got us our dorm there as well! We're in building three! I'm going there now to help out with the moving." Junhong said excitedly. 

"I'm in building one!" Aeri said. A loud screeching sound interrupted their conversation as the green transit bus pulled in front of them. 

"Here it is!" Aeri said as she entered the bus. They both clambered in and found a seat at the back of the bus. They seated themselves and silently looked out the windows. 

After about fifteen minutes, Aeri had pulled the bus stop request button and the bus slowly stopped at the stop. Aeri and Junhong both hopped off and Aeri lead the way to the condominium buildings. 

"I'll walk you to your place." Junhong offered. 

"Oh no, it's fine." Aeri objected. 

"C'mon, Aeri, at least let me show you that I'm a total gentleman." Junhong stood up straight and puffed his chest out. Aeri laughed. 

"I already know you're a total gentleman, but it's fine, seriously." 

"Fine." Junhong puffed his cheeks out and watched her as she headed towards building one. As he watched her walk off, he noticed that she had dropped something on the ground. He quickly walked to the pink object on the ground and picked it up. 

"Oh, her wallet." Junhong said and chased after Aeri into her building. He was about to call her when the elevator doors opened and a older woman stomped off and saw Aeri slowly walking towards the elevator. 

"Aeri." the woman said gently. Aeri looked up.

"Hi mom." she said quietly. 

"Make yourself some dinner tonight, okay? I'm going out with some friends." Aeri nodded. The second elevator dinged and the door opened to reveal a man who drunkenly staggered out. 

"Honey!" he called to Aeri's mother. Both Aeri and her mother grimaced. 

"Don't call me that!" Her mother yelled. She gave Aeri a quick hug and hurried off. The man attempted to stagger after her before collapsing to the ground and trying to regain his balance. 

"Aeri, listen to your father and get your mother back here, I need some money." he slurred. Aeri scoffed. 

"Money, is that the only reason why you're clinging onto mom?" Aeri said loudly. The man laughed and agreed with her. 

"Of course! Without her, I'd be nothing." 

"Pathetic!" Aeri yelled and stomped off to the elevators, leaving her father on the floor in the lobby.  

"A-Aeri!" Junhong called. Aeri stopped in her tracks. 

"Junhong? What are you doing here?" Aeri asked when she turned around. 

"You dropped this." Junhong said and walked up to her, giving her the pink wallet. 


"Your mother was so foolish, she totally thought she was marrying me because she actually thought I loved her." Aeri's father's drunken voice was heard. Aeri's expression hardened and there were tears forming in her eyes.

"This is all, your fault! If you didn't exist, mom would have lead a better life! But here you are! Trying to charm your way back into mom's heart, well guess what?! It's not working!" Aeri began to scream and covered to stop the sobs from coming out. Junhong stood there, in utter surprise. 

Why didn't she tell me this before? That her family were having problems, I could have helped! Junhong thought. 

"Aeri." Junhong said gently. Aeri shook her head. 

"It's fine, you can leave." Aeri insisted. 

"No, it's not fine, Aeri." Junhong retorted. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the building. 


"Why didn't you tell me about this? And, how long has this been going on for?" Junhong asked. He had took Aeri back to the very spot where they had their first conversation, just ten months ago. 

"I didn't want to worry you!" Aeri replied. She looked even more upset than before and her fists were balled up at her sides. 

"Aeri. How long has this been going on for?" Junhong repeated. Aeri couldn't respond, but she let little drops of tears spill from her eyes. 

"It's been over a year, okay? Sixteen months." 

"Sixteen months? You could've trusted me! I'm your friend! Who else knows about this?" 

"Minsu and Sukyung." Aeri replied bluntly. 

"Oh, so you told your other friends but not me?" 

"Look, I knew this would happen! You over reacted like you always do!  I did not want to you to worry about me!" 

"Why can't you trust me?!" Junhong yelled. Aeri stood in complete silence before marching back up to the path and held back the tears that were threatening to fall. 

"Aeri!" Junhong called. Aeri began to walk faster. She could hear his footsteps and soon she broke out into a run. 

"Wait! Let's talk! Please?" Junhong yelled before running after her. Their chase through the park garnered attention from many other people who watched as a small teenaged girl run crying from a tall teenaged boy who wore a black beanie, sunglasses and a scarf, begging for the girl to talk. 

Aeri cursed as she felt Junhong's hand wrap around her wrist and pulling her back into his arms. She felt his heartbeat on her back and his breath was heavy as he buried his face into her messy, black hair. She struggled and gave up when she soon realized that he was not going to let go. 

"Go, your members must be waiting for you." Aeri said calmly. 

"But what about you?" Junhong replied, his hot breath tickling the back of Aeri's neck. Junhong's grip loosened and Aeri slid away from him. 

"Like I said, don't worry about me. I can handle it myself." Aeri insisted. Junhong shook his head. 

"It's not okay." Junhong said. Aeri sighed. She reached up and placed a hand on Junhong's shoulder. 

"Go. Please." Aeri was practically begging. Junhong looked unsure as he mumbled a quick 'see you at school tomorrow' and he turned to walk away. 


"Junhong! It's too early for this!" Aeri complained as she got dragged by Junhong to the small fountain in front of the apartment complexes. 

"Let's skip school." 


"Just once. Just for today?" Junhong pouted and puffed his cheeks out. Aeri crossed her arms. 

"No way." Aeri replied firmly. 

"Keener." Junhong teased. 

"No I'm not!" 

"You totally are!" 


"Then prove it, keener." Junhong emphasized the word and raised an eyebrow at Aeri. 

"Fine, I will. What are we going to do?" Aeri declared. Junhong cheered and took her hand in his as they rushed to the bus stop. Hand in hand, they both stepped onto the bus when it stopped in front of them. 

"Where are we going?" Aeri asked. Junhong squeezed her hand. 

"A place where you'll be happy and calm." Junhong replied simply. Aeri nodded at his vague answer and began to watch the scenery as the bus drove off. 

After half an hour, the pair got off the bus. 

"Oh! We're just outside of Seoul." Aeri remarked. Junhong nodded and pulled her down the sidewalk before entering a gateway to a grand park. There was a lush canopy of trees towering over them and the air seemed fresher. 

"Come on." Junhong tugged her along. 

"You know how to ride a bike right?" 

"Of course I do!" Aeri exclaimed. 

"Good." Junhong pulled her into a bike rental area and walked up to the rental woman. 

"What are students like you doing here?" The rental woman asked. She glanced at their still intertwined hands and smiled. 

"We just need some time away from the big city, that's all." Junhong replied. The woman nodded her head in understanding.

"Two bikes or a double seated bike?"  

"Two bikes please." 

"Alright, just go ahead and take two, you can pay me when you're done. Have a good time!" 

"Thank you." The two replied as soon as they chose their bikes. Junhong mounted his bike. 

"Race you!" He called as he pushed off. 

"Hey!" Aeri yelled and pushed off after him, whizzing under the canopy of green and calling after Junhong. 

"Hey! Choi Junhong!" 

"Meet you at the gazebo over there!" Junhong laughed and pedaled harder. 

"Hey! You jerk!" Aeri yelled and pushed herself up to stand on the pedals of the bike and glide down the path where the traditional styled gazebo was surrounded by a bunch of cherry blossom trees. By the time she arrived, Junhong had laid down on the floor of the gazebo and had his eyes shut. Aeri got off her bike and put the kickstand down and marched up the little flight of stairs. She got down beside Junhong and laid down beside him, panting from the work that she put in when pedaling. 

"Tired?" Junhong asked. Aeri turned her head to the right and pouted. 

"Very tired." She replied. Junhong chuckled and sat up, fanning himself with his hand and gazing at the cherry blossoms that floated down to the ground. He watched as one petal floated down and landed on Aeri's forehead. Her eyes opened and her hand went to touch the delicate petal that rested on her forehead. She smiled as she picked it off and held it in her palm and then gently blew on it, making it flutter in the air for a few seconds and then getting it caught in the breeze. The two watched as the petal was carried away by the breeze. 

"The air is so much fresher here, don't you agree?" Aeri asked. 

"Yeah." Junhong's voice replied from farther away. Aeri turned to look at Junhong,who was picking a cherry blossom flower from one of the trees. She watched as he walked up to her with a smile plastered on his face. Very carefully, he slipped the flower into her hair, with the stem resting on her ear. Aeri felt herself grow hot and couldn't control her lips as they were pulled into a smile. 

"It looks even prettier when you're wearing it!" Junhong said. 

"So the flower looks better, but not me?" Aeri teased and stood up and pouted. 

"Maybe." Junhong said cutely. 

"Hey!" Aeri cried and began to run to Junhong. Junhong looked startled and began to run as well. He hopped down the stairs and onto his bike. 

"Catch me if you can!" He yelled. 

"Choi Junhong! You little jerk!" 


"Thanks for today, it was really fun." 

"I'm glad." The pair had returned to Seoul an hour ago and now were seated on a stone bench by the Han River as the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the water. 

"Aeri?" Junhong asked cautiously. 


"Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure." Aeri replied. Junhong took a deep breath and mustered up all his courage. 

"Will you..." He paused, losing all his courage at once and ruffled his hair before gathering it up again. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" There was a moment of silence. 

"What?" Aeri couldn't believe her ears. 

"I like you, I like you a lot!" Junhong declared. 

"I've liked you ever since we first became friends. I mean, you're sweet, gentle, smart, kind and strong willed! Who wouldn't like you?" Junhong looked at Aeri. Her face was flushed and she stared at him in disbelief. 

"I want to help you too, you've put up with too much these past sixteen months and I'm worried, I don't want you to go home and be unhappy." 

"Junhong, I'm.." Aeri began and she covered her cheeks with her hands. 

"I'm glad to have a boyfriend like you." 



"What the–?!" Aeri cried as she dodged a red box that fell from her locker. She stared at the box laying in the hallway and picked it up. There was a light pink ribbon wrapped around it. 

"Open it!" a voice chimed. Aeri moved and closed the locker door slightly, revealing Junhong standing there, smiling brightly. Aeri curiously tugged at the ribbon and opened the box revealing a light blue dress.

"Oh, you shouldn't have!" Aeri exclaimed. 

"Oh, but I did!" Junhong replied. The pair broke into a fit of giggles and Junhong pulled a rose out from behind his back. 

"For you, my dear." 

"What's this for?" Aeri asked. 

"You're so forgetful, it's White Day, silly!" Junhong cried. Aeri's mouth formed an 'O' shape and took the rose from Junhong. 

"Did you think I would give you a pretty gift for no reason?" 

"Maybe!" Aeri teased. She pulled the dress from the box and held it up to herself. 

"Does it look good?" Aeri asked. Junhong planted a kiss on her forehead. 

"It'll look even better when you wear it!" Aeri blushed madly as she watched Junhong skip off down the hall. He stopped abruptly and turned around. 

"What time is the dinner tonight?" Junhong asked. 

"Six! Don't be late!" Aeri replied. Junhong gave her a thumbs up and continued his way down the hall. 


"He's late." Aeri grumbled. Her mother sat beside her and chuckled. She brushed a few strands from Aeri's face and sat back in her chair. 

"Don't be so bitter, dear, he's probably thinking up of a way to impress me, that's all." Aeri giggled and examined the dress that Junhong bought . It fell down to her knees and flowed out as well. 

"Oh! Is that him?" Aeri's mother asked. She gestured to a tall boy who stood in the middle of the restaurant looking completely lost. Aeri stood up. 

"I'll get him, just wait here." Aeri stood up and walked towards Junhong who had his back turned and was scanning the crowd. 

"Junhonggie!" Aeri called and Junhong spun around. He smiled and took his hand in hers as Aeri led the way to where her mother was seated. 

"Mom, this is Junhong, Choi Junhong and he's my boyfriend." Aeri said. Junhong bowed to Aeri's mother. 

"Pleasure to meet you, miss..." 

"Just call me Miss Shin." 

"Ah, it's good to finally meet you, Miss Shin." Junhong said. 

"Take a seat, Junhong." Aeri's mother said and Junhong took the seat across from Aeri. 

"So, Junhong, tell me about yourself." 

"Mom, you really don't know?" Aeri asked. 

"Why? Should I?" 

"He's from BAP, Mom." Aeri's mother looked at Junhong with curiosity and she clapped her hands together. 

"Oh, Zelo, right? The youngest one!" She exclaimed. Junhong rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and nodded. 

"Aeri, you didn't say anything about your boyfriend being an idol!" 

"Mom. It's just going to stay between the three of us, promise?" Aeri asked. She held her pinky finger up to her mother. Her mother smiled and wrapped her own pinky around Aeri's. 

"Now we should stamp it to make it official." Aeri declared as the two stamped their thumbs together. Junhong chuckled at the sight. 

"Like mother, like daughter." he said quietly to himself. 

"What was that, Junhong?" Aeri's mother asked. 

"Oh, I was just saying that I now see where Aeri gets her cute charm from, Miss Shin!" Junhong replied. 

"Why thank you! Aeri, you picked the right one, we should go plan the wedding right now!" 

It must be L-O-V-E, 200% sure of that. I want you really I mean really, really.  I like you and my reddening face proves that.


Whoo~ that was long! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! 

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This is probably going to be a two shot story ^^


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Great job! I love your writing.
Chapter 1: Hello! Really enjoying your fanfic this far