Chapter four

Gangsters fall in love too

Nonna, do you really have to dress like this?” P.O looked at you as a pout formed his lips. You looked down at the slight dress that kissed your curves and hardly covered your knees. After adjusting the white belt around your waist you looked up at him.

What´s wrong with it?” You looked at your reflection in the mirror then back to your brother. “Do I look weird?” You bite your lower lip slightly and played with your fingers. “Not at all!”

You looked behind you to see Taeil and Jaehyn smiling at you. “You look really pretty today!” Yukwon turned around from the drama he was watching and put his thumbs up smiling widely.

P.O glared at his hyungs disapproving. “Don´t you think this dress is too short?” He tugged the end of your dress and poked your bare arms. “And what´s with this? Shouldn´t you put a jacket on?” The rest of the boys started to laugh as Minhyuk patted the young boy´s back. “It´s too hot for jackets!” You looked at the mirror once again satisfied with your reflection you smiled. “You actually look quite hot!”

Kyung looked over his shoulder and his lip as his eyes travelled along your body. “What do you think Zico?” Kyung nudged the boy who was sitting next to him on the couch. The leader looked back at you and mustered your dress. “Wow, fatty! You really managed to look fat and ugly at the same time.” You glared at him and bit your lip as a part of you felt hurt annoyed. “Nunna,” You heard P.O beside you and turned to him ignoring the laughing blond boy. “Why can´t you date Zico instead of Sehun?” Your eyes widened as you took your bag and headed for the door. “I´d rather stay alone my whole life than date that guy!” With a loud bang you closed the door behind you and left the house.

Zico looked at the closed door and couldn´t help but feel his heart shatter in million of pieces. What was that stupid feeling that bothered him all along? He didn´t know but he felt like he didn´t even want to find out about it.

You finally reached your destination and checked your watch. Sehun should be there in a few minutes. Excited and nervous you checked your dress and long wavy hair. It had taken you a while to make them this way and actually be happy with them. But right now you thought maybe straight hair would have been better. Sighing your regretted your decision of the morning.

Am I late?” You turned around as a hand gently squeezed your shoulder. In front of you was a smiling Sehun who waved his hand sweetly. You shook your head as you smiled back at him. “I am glad then. By the way, you look stunning!” You blushed at his sweet words and he took your hand in his swinging them as if he had held hundreds of girls hands before. Pushing that thought away you let him pull you inside the theatre.

What movie would you like to watch?” You bite your lip as you looked at the list with the movies and your halted at a picture of Yeo Jin goo.

You remembered Taeil saying that his new movie was a great and there were many action scenes. As much as you wanted to go in that movie you didn´t want Sehun to think you liked action. You wanted him to think of you as a gentle sweet girl so you turned to him and smiled slightly.

How about a comedy?” Sehun nodded and choose randomly before buying the tickets. Sighing to yourself you looked back at the action movie but followed Sehun as he told you the movie was about to start.

The movie ended and you couldn´t help but think it was waste of your time. You had not talked to Sehun ever since you sat to watch the movie. Sehun took you for a walk at the Han River and he kept holding on your hand.

Actually, Jihae”, Sehun suddenly stopped and turned to face you taking both of your hands in his. “I really like you a lot. You are so pretty and cute.” With each word he said he had pulled you closer to him and leaned closer until you could feel his breath on your lips. You blushed hard believing each and every single thing he said. As you saw him leaning closer you closed your eyes tightly. Was he going to kiss you? As soon as your eyes fell shut Sehun smirked. You had totally fallen for his plan. But to his disappointment he couldn´t kiss you.

Who do we have here? Two love birds?” Your and Sehun looked behind you to see three boys walking closer to you. Sehun let go of you and gulped. “What d-do you want?” He stuttered.

*What a manly guy I am going with?* You sighed looking at him. Your eyes went to the men who came closer to you. “What a pretty chicken we have here!” One said and yanked you closer to him. Disgusted you tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. You looked back at Sehun to see if he had moved to help you but he was just standing there afraid. Anger filled you as one of the guys ran his hands on your bottom. You had remembered the lessons with Minhyuk as he tried to teach you how to fight. You hit one in the chest and punched the other´s nose with your elbow so hard that it started to bleed.

Hyung are you okay?” One of the boys run to the bleeding guy as he pulled him up from the floor. “What the hell are you?” The one holding your tummy asked you slightly scrared. “Does ´Block B´ ring a bell in your head?” You dusted your dress off as they gasped at the name that scared them most. You looked back to see Sehun looking at you with wide eyes.

I thought you were cute and pretty but actually you are....” He stepped back and yelled. “YOU ARE A MONSTER!” He ran away as fast as he could and the word kept ringing in your head.




You kept hearing your father´s words in your head. You ran and ran as fast as you could. Finally you reached a playground and because it was dark already there was no one. You sat down under the slide and pulled your knees closer to you as you couldn´t stop your tears. You were hiding because you thought he was after you. He- your father!


Where the heck is she?” Taeil hit his lower lip as he looked out of the window watching the rain pour down. Suddenly he heard a loud bang and watched Zico as he ran out in the rain. “I will kill her if I catch a cold!” He told himself even though he couldn´t help but be worried. It´s was three o’clock in the morning and you still weren´t home.

Zico searched all your favorite places but you where nowhere to find. When he was about to give up he came across a park and heard familiar sobs. *It can´t be-* He ran over and there he found you.

Drenched from head to toe, shaking in fear and with your hands on your head as if to hide. “Jihae- He kneeled down and reached out to you but you backed off. “Don´t hit me please. Appa I didn´t do anything. I didn´t hurt her! Stop, please stop!” With wide eyes he suddenly understood what you meant.

Jihae it´s me! I am Jiho. Your dad isn´t here. Please, come back to your sense, I beg you!” He shook your shoulders and you slowly opened your eyes to look at him through the tears. “J-Jiho..” He softened and pulled your head letting it rest on his chest. “H-he said I am a m-monster... A-am I really that bad?” Sobbing and stuttering you held onto him tightly as your body shook more from the cold and the fright.

No! You are great. You are not a monster.” He whispered softly as he your head. He bite his lip swearing to kill that Sehun if he got his hands on him. But now he couldn´t think about anything else than you. Zico slid his arms under your shaking body and in a swift move he had pulled you in his arms and carried you. He opened the door to the house and immediately all the boys rushed over. “Nonna!” P.O gasped as he saw you in Zico´s arms. The blonde boy told them he would explain everything later and walked to your room closing the door after him. He gently let you down on the bed and pulled the covers over your cold body. He brushed your hair out of your face and watched your sleeping figure. Without him noticing his body reacted fast and he leaned down kissing your red lips softly.

Zico pulled back after some sweet seconds and leaned his forehead on yours. “I think I have fallen for you fatty....” He whispered as he your cheeks with the back of his hands.


The next day Myungsoo rushed in the classroom. He somehow felt excited to see you again. The whole weekend he wasn´t able to get you out of his mind. But he was filled with disappointment as he saw your empty seat. Sighing he made his way out of the classroom again he was aimlessly walking thought the hallways till he heard something interesting.

Hey, Sehun how was your date with that Jihae?” Surprised Myungsoo looked up at the group of friends in front of him.

It was a disaster!” Sehun started to tell them how you fought the guys alone. “She is creepy man! But well anyways everything was just a joke. I can´t believe she really thought I liked her!” The boys started to laugh and Myungsoo´s anger grew. He grabbed Sehun´s collar and punched his head hard throwing the boy to the ground. Myungsoo hovered over him and glared down at him.

You better stay away from her. If you try doing anything again I´ll make sure to kill you and cut you in small pieces. Do you understand?” Myungsoo yelled and punched the boy once again. He then stood up, dusted his pants and glared at the bleeding boy on the ground. 

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Chapter 4: hai :D Im a new reader and i really hope you would update this story? please? ._. cuz the story seems nice :>
Chapter 3: New reader!!! AWWwwwww I LOVE YOUR STORY soooo muchhhhhh Author-nim UPDATE soon !!! >.< <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: Hey Sehun! Stop barging in. Go back to Luhan!!! ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 2: Nice update! :)
Awww Jiho likes Jihae~ ㅋㅋㅋ
He should realize his feelings for her before someone get her first. *coughs* Myungsoo *coughs*
But a jealous Jiho is waaaay too cute ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: Good start! ;)
Minah_woo #6
Seem interesting!