Chapter two

Gangsters fall in love too

Oh no! I will be late again!” You were running as fast as you could down the street as you glanced at your watch.

Once again you had to wake your brother, Yukwon and Kyung to make them go to their school because they didn´t want to go there. They had been at the club the whole night and were too tired to wake up and go to their school. But stubborn as you were you didn´t let them sleep and forced them to go to school. But that´s how you ended up being late.

Oh no! That can´t be possible!” You sighed as the gates were closed in front of you. You mentally cursed Jiho for taking so long to stand up and move to school. After looking around for a while, you walked to the back of the school and came to the spot where the wall was not high. You looked left and then right and after being sure there weren´t any teachers you tried to climb up. As you were ready to jump you felt a presence behind you.


Need some help?” Startled you turned around and saw one of your classmates. It was Kim Myungsoo or also known as L, the cold city boy. He barely talked to anyone other then Infinite. Which was a gang at your school, not only feared by students but also by the teachers. Block B didn´t get along with Infinite and that´s why Taeil had warned you not to go anywhere near them.


No thanks. I am fine!” You jumped and easily reached the top of the wall and swung yourself to the other side. You smiled to yourself and ran to school without looking back at the stunned boy behind you. Never had L talked to anyone before and got rejected. The normal reaction of girls who saw him was either squeal in Happiness or stutter shyly.


What the heck is that girl? Is she new here?” He wondered and easily jumped over the wall and walked slowly to his classroom. When he entered he heard the usual amazed sighs of the girls around him and was welcomed by his friends. His smirk disappeared when his eyes landed on you. You were looking out of the window from your seat at the back of the class.

How come he never noticed your presence in class?


The day passed by and Myungsoo had kept his eyes on you for the whole time but you didn´t notice. He wanted to find more about you and why you weren´t attracted to him like other girls.


It was already 6 pm when you walked out of the school but it was very dark as it was winter. You took a deep breath and looked ahead of you. Being with Block B taught you not to be afraid of bullies and fight for yourself but it didn´t show you how to fight your fear of darkness. You walked to your house, which was in the scariest area of Seoul.


Hey baby. Are you free right now?” Your eyes widened as a middle-aged man walked out of the shadows and his lip with his eyes filled with lust. You could fight back bullies but this guy was not a teenage girl you could easily escape from.


Come here, let´s have some fun together!” He grabbed your wrist tightly and squeezed it.

Let go of me!” You yelped in pain and tried to push his hand away but it wasn´t possible for you. Your eyes became teary as you struggled in the man´s arms.

You better do as she said or else you´ll hurt yourself!” You felt relieve wash over you as the man let go of your hand and ran off. You looked behind you and saw Myungsoo. He was glaring at the running figure and his cold gaze made you shiver.

Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” His eyes wandered over your body and the cold gaze immediately disappeared.

Thanks to you I am fine.” You answered softly as your racing heart started to calm down.

What´s your name?” He asked you as he mentioned for you to walk ahead.

My name is Jihae.” You answered slightly surprised at this interest. *So her name is Jihae. Cute, it suits her!* L smiled secretly to himself.

I´ll walk you home, Jihae.” Gratefully you nodded and forgot about Taeil´s words and walked next to him in the dark alleys to your house. It was a comfortable silence that surrounded you two and you were grateful to have him by your side in this dark night. But then you noticed a dark figure in front of you. Was it possible that the guy came back?

Myungsoo pulled you behind him and his cold glare was back on his face.


What the hell are you doing here, L? Don´t you know this is Block B´s territory?” You immediately recognised the voice and sighed relieved but felt Myungsoo stiffen in front of you. The figure walked closer and you saw him. Zico. But it wasn´t the silly, lazy, erted Jiho you usually met. It was Zico, Block B´s feared leader and strongest fighter. You gulped.


I don´t want to start a fight with you, Zico.” Myungsoo said in a low firm tone.

Good for you, or else you´d lose.” Zico smirked at the other boy but frowned when his eyes landed on you. “You have something that is mine!” He scoffed and pulled you away from Myungsoo.


Thank you for walking me home, Myungsoo-shi.” You bowed politely and turned to Jiho. “Let´s go!” You pulled him away before the two could fight.


The rest of the way to the house, Jiho didn´t say a word. He was silent and you knew he was seriously pissed off. He kicked the door open and stormed to his room.


What´s with him?” Yukwon blinked and looked at you. You sighed. If there was something Jiho hated more than school, then it was Infinite.


If I ever see you again with that guy, I´ll lock you in the house forever!” Jiho yelled and closed his door with a loud bang.


*Why am I like this? Why does it bother me that much? Myungsoo was trying to protect her.... but he touched her! He touched MY Jihae...* Jiho hit the wall and was mad at himself. Why was he feeling such a strong pain in his chest? He didn´t understand. He always thought you belonged to him, to Block B. He didn´t want to see HIS girl with anyone else.

*I just want to protect her, that´s all! Right. She trust me and I only want to protect her, like a brother. R-Right?* He sighed as he looked at the photo on his desk of you holding onto his arm and smiling brightly, while the rest of Block B surrounded you. 




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Chapter 4: hai :D Im a new reader and i really hope you would update this story? please? ._. cuz the story seems nice :>
Chapter 3: New reader!!! AWWwwwww I LOVE YOUR STORY soooo muchhhhhh Author-nim UPDATE soon !!! >.< <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: Hey Sehun! Stop barging in. Go back to Luhan!!! ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 2: Nice update! :)
Awww Jiho likes Jihae~ ㅋㅋㅋ
He should realize his feelings for her before someone get her first. *coughs* Myungsoo *coughs*
But a jealous Jiho is waaaay too cute ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: Good start! ;)
Minah_woo #6
Seem interesting!