Her Missing Piece

The rotten  fruit of ignorance tasted ever so sweet on her lips.

She was standing in the same dark room, feeling the same – not feeling anything actually.  Not noticing anything, not seeing anything, not hearing anything and knowing nothing. Just idly standing there.

That is, until a there was a click and on cue, a flash of light appeared in front of her eyes. “Smile!” a voice suddenly came in life, a face in the dimness flashed at the same time.

She cringes and covers her eyes. “So, bright..” she mutters and widens her eyes, trying to adjust them to the sudden return of the darkness.

“Aww, you had your eyes closed here. Why don’t we try another one?”

“Wait no, I – “ she stammers as another bright light flashes in her eyes, she swears she started   seeing stars then.  “Who are you? I want to see you.” She only knew how desperate her voice sounded when it came out.

“I’m sorry but I can’t do that.” His voice was awfully cheerful for someone turning down someone as desperate as Jieun.

“But why? I have so many questions. Why’d you call me IU? Why do I –“ only remember you.

“So you finally remember huh?” his voice suddenly made a turn for the gloomy side of things.

“Remember? No! I Barely remember anything.  Just tell me who you are. Please, plea-“

“Calm down.”

And Jieun immediately felt and the warm embrace of a total stranger in the dark, her eyes closing on reflex as she returned the gesture.

She felt his hot breath on her cheek, only making her fall deeper and harder “And now you need to –“ She swore she could almost feel him smile in her ear “wake up.”


She woke up on command, the morning of a cold autumn day. Her mind wandering back into the dream, only remembering the last moments of it. Out of all the nights of the same reverie, it was the same as ever.

His embrace, his breath and his smile was all she recalled

She smiles as she spares a glance at the stuffed bear, laying idly on her bed as she fondled with it. Though shortly gets in with her daily routine, with a smile that she never had.

A foolish smile that was only content with the smallest portion of the truth. As this amnesiac only remembers so little from her missing pieces.

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iamout #1
Chapter 3: It's the first time for me to read an amnesiac based on her point of view. I didn't know it was as painful as the others that helped her remember.
I like your writing style by the way! It's comfortable and a good read. :)
Chapter 3: keep calm and hwaiting author-min 9(>‿◕.)9
alikaweiner #3
Chapter 2: Continue please .... I want to know what happen to her